PREDATORS was a huge fail and can be confirmed because there was follow up sequel with a few years of its release! That movie was crap!
Freaky psycho-that 70'show-loser-killer bought the film down a few pegs, it was a completely unnecessary plot twist and one that made me cringe. The characters in Predators were less than memorable, especially Lawrence Fishbourne as that bloated scatty weirdo. Only Brody came out on top
Predators wasn't bad.
I liked predators
The ending was wrong imo
I wanted to see Brody get In that ship with the Classic Predator and be the new Han and Chewy of the Galaxy .
Fox, pls hire this man.Well, that sounds good and all, but I'm gonna wait for more info. I've learned not to trust tweets and directors running their mouths while promoting their flicks, especially this early...
BTW, Fox is on a winning streak, that's true, so hear me out: Reboot the F4 but start with a Doctor Doom solo film that's more like a historical drama mixed with a psychological horror flick, instead of a super-hero movie. It's got the potential to be something great, and since Fox is in an experimental mood, why not?
Fox, pls hire this man.
FF Villeneuve film?
wtf i love ff now.
Fox is definitely the studio to beat. FF, Deadpool, X-Men: Apoc and three unreleased films definitely outshine existing movies that actually got good reviews and warm audience receptions.