I think the processes are just so different, CGI could play out the same as practical if you wanted it too, it's a matter of how you use it. Regardless of the overall film quality, if you look at Godzilla 2014 and Shin Godzilla, the CGI animators worked very hard at making Godzilla move and feel like a guy in a suit the way it had always been done before, and in my opinion had a great deal of success.
I feel like some look down upon practical and think, I can do so much better with CGI, which is sad. I'm sure someone out there watches JAWS and thinks, imagine all the shots I could put the shark in with CGI because it always works unlike the robot.
Even though Winston ran the company and didn't necessarily himself design all the treasures the studio produced, he oversaw it all and held his staff to standards and hired people with a shared aesthetic and passion and he was part of the magic. It's like Apple losing Steve Jobs, these guys were very old school and hands on can very involved with the product being turned out.
I don't even know who runs Legacy Effects, I do know they do a lot of work still and the last thing I really knew of them being involved with was designing Iron Man armor for the first Iron Man movie.
Winston's dinosaurs in Jurassic Park are the last film creatures I can think of that leave that unforgettable, long lasting impression. I have like 6 different figures of the T-Rex alone because I just love the design. I've liked the modern Godzillas but that's a long standing character and just the latest version of something I love, though there have been plenty of designs of him I haven't care much for, but Godzilla left his mark on me ages ago. I see neat dragons and stuff on Game of Thrones and the like, but nothing has caught my attention the same as those dinosaurs did, or the Jaws shark, or Jabba the Hutt, or the Stay Puft Marshmellow Man, the original and P2 Predators, Aliens, the Terminator.
Winston didn't just produce cool monsters, he made memorable ones, the stuff being turned out today looks cool but doesn't stand apart from everything before it.