Unleash the hate EndoSickness...
Stick to your guns, speak with your wallet, shout from the mountain-tops...do what you need to do.
I'm not to sure that Hollywood is listening however, they will continue to deliver what they have always delivered: good and bad movies. Not all Blockbuster movies are quality and some box office failures are great.
Now as to your supposition that this is not a 'damn Predator movie'...well it is...it has Predator characters, it pays homage to the original (albeit in a light-hearted comical way! "Get to the choppers........." was particularly funny) it has Predators killing humans, Predators killing another Predator, it has action and gore. Yup...just like the other Predator movies before it.
When the essence is lost, it isn´t to me anymore. Same with Terminator: Only because it got Schwarzenegger in it, doesn´t mean it´s a terminator. There are MILLIONS of T-800s, not looking like Schwarzenegger, waiting to extinguish, yet we have only seen him.
Terminator can be so much more, as can Predator.
A whole culture to be explored, yet those idiots fail to give franchises like these the LOTR treatment, with a fleshed out world and just go bigger, badder.
P1, 2 and s (to shorten it like that) did it all right: They established clans, they established a long history and "s" brought a clan war to the screen. I loved the 3 Predators, bigger Preds weren´t overdone and taking trophies was still there...they enhanced themselved, but only to get a better hunt.
Here?! "Oh, it´s not trophies, they take it to enhance themselves...so they´re not Predators." They change the source, the fabric of what "Predator" means and therefor...it´s not a Predator movie anymore
Predators set up a chance for an interesting sequel, I don't know why it was abandoned. While that movie had some out of place characters, I felt like the overall film did a good job blending what was good about P1 and P2 with a new twist in that we're on a world of theirs.
You could almost duplicate the same P1/P2 formula on earth and just keep going through time, have old west Predators with cowboys trying to survive, P2 established that the hunts had been going on for a long time.

Cowboys V Aliens showed that Sci-Fi and Western could work, so why not here. I´d buy that any day over this BS.
They could do an entire movie about the Predators coming to earth in the past and the backstory of the elder Predator getting Raphael Adolini's pistol on the pirate ship.
There is all the material in the world from the comics and video games etc so why aren't they using them? How about a film with Scarface, Serpent Hunter or Machiko?
Some things should be kept a secret, but essentially...yeah, I´m with you and AvP was taken by the whole Machiko/Broken Tust encounter. Not faithfully to the source, but still...overall AvP worked.
I would have rather had that
You know it.