Super Freak
Re: Predator Reboot...
Was going to order that, not the metal print, the other day. £50 on the Bay.
Was going to order that, not the metal print, the other day. £50 on the Bay.
Was going to order that, not the metal print, the other day. £50 on the Bay.
Is there a Mondo thread? I'm hooked!
Thanks for the heads up BugStomper. I love it...
I don't think P2 really bastardized the predator, nor the rest of the movies... I just think they weren't as good as the 1st one, P2 doesn't hold a candle to P1 but it's very watchable, the AVP movies are borderline insulting and Predators was very by the book and uninspired.
But I don't think they bastardized the Predator.
But P2 at least advanced and expanded the lore a bit, without uncovering it's mysteries.
I was thinking of P2 with that statement. Though I agree P2 took the lore in a positive direction. I also feel it began what has become a reoccurring problem with the franchise.
What problem?
The only movie that comes to mind with the word bastardize is Predators, bastardazing the lore by adding the superpredators, other than that, even though I hate the AVP movies, I don't see how they bastardized the franchise, they were bad, no denying that, just think the word choice is a bit excessive.
They really didn't do anything the comics hadn't already done (in a much better way though).
The sequels turned the predator in to just another movie monster IMO. The more I watch them the more I feel like they transformed the character from an indestructible t-800 to an expendable star wars battle droid. I gladly exempt Predator 2 from this line of criticism because it did do more right than it did wrong, but all I'm saying is I hope that this time around they give us a predator film that can at least be debatable as matching the first film.
I'm sure most predator fans will consider bastardized to be to harsh, but I think we need to accept that we have not even come close to giving predator a proper sequel. Just my opinion.
Oh and woohoo 1000th post
given my username it seems appropriate that it be about predator.