"The Predator" by Shane Black (2018)

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Can't decide which is more horrible looking, the crappy practical one or the crappy CGI one...
Hands down the worst looking Predators of the entire franchise they look like they belong at a Brian Singer pool party.

Keep those Predators away from Kevin Spacey!

They fit perfectly with the lamest team of mercenaries to ever grace the silver screen.

Poor Jane made such a great Punisher too oh well.
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Looks more like a “in a” suit.
For example Batman “ in a Armored Suit” or "Rapheal In a Trenchcoat”.

This one looks like Predator “in a Armored Plasma” suit.

Get it!!
I'm down. Really digging on the new armor. Uber-Predator isn't bad either. I remember when those set photos from Predators leaked a few weeks before the movie came out and I absolutely loathed the unmasked Berserker design. It looked like a random mish-mash of exotic shapes, like the spider at the end of the 1991 It movie. I eventually came around to like how insane it looked. It suited the character. This new baddie is honestly much more palatable at first glance. Still looks like a Predator, just roided out and with some cool red striping/warpaint.



Official poster looks like a comic book cover! So glad we're getting into bolder, pulpier territory with these. At least this won't be a carbon copy of what came before.

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The poster is cool, seems to be a spoiler mind. Bottleneck shared it on their FB page also so we might get an official print.... Not that I really like the bio mask featured in it.
Re: "The Predator" by Shane Black (2018)

The joke on the coach was cringey as an attempted throwback. A jokes fair enough but did it really have to be one of a similar context lol. The cgi predator looks terrible. Other than that the movie looks a bit better in the trailer.

I actually liked the lead guy in Narcos and noticed him later again in Logan where I thought he did alright. I'd rather him than the pianist.

Has that poster possibly given away a huge spoiler? Looks that way.

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I think it's just a stylized thing to show the conflict. Could be wrong of course, but there will be far more to the film than the Uber Predator either way.
I could possibly have looked past the cgi predator had it been done right. It looks cheap and cartoonish. Look at the face and mandiles when it's looking over the other predator. I hope that isn't the finished piece but this late on it probably is right?

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Official poster looks like a comic book cover!
Indeed it does. Yet another thing that is wrong with this franchise. :monkey4

Has that poster possibly given away a huge spoiler? Looks that way.
You mean the fact that the masked Predator will be killed by the CGI one in the middle of the film?
I would consider it a spoiler only if the trailer didn't reveal the "Ultimate Predator" like that.
I hope they'll show those Predator hybrids attacking Area 51 in the next trailer.
Imagine the shock on people's faces... and then the apologetic behavior... Oh my... :lol
Indeed it does. Yet another thing that is wrong with this franchise. :monkey4

Would you prefer a traditional edgy poster and a movie about muscle-bound dudes being hunted in a jungle? The franchise has been around for 30 years, I'm personally sick of remakes and "homages." Nothing will ever be as good as the first one, especially not if it's an imitation.
The Neca figure looks super nice, they nailed the design, too bad the design is trash.

I'm not sure when teaser trailers for new trailers became acceptable. But here's one anyway. The second trailer drops tomorrow....

I was waiting for a Nike or Adidas logo to show up at the end or something.

BvS was a terrible film with a terrible script. Had nothing to do with the Batfleck pump-up scene.

I meant the prep montage, soyboys hate it. About the movie... Well you're wrong about that too.

Redband trailer 2!

Jeeeez, there's really nothing about this that isn't complete **** is there?

Official poster looks like a comic book cover! So glad we're getting into bolder, pulpier territory with these. At least this won't be a carbon copy of what came before.


I honestly thought this poster was fanmade.

[QUOTE="RIDDICK, post: 9821976, member: 6380"]Indeed it does. Yet another thing that is wrong with this franchise. :monkey4[/QUOTE]
About the movie... Well you're wrong about that too.

You're right, BVS is a masterpiece. If only The Predator were chock-full of melodramatic musings written by an edgy creative writing major with only a single philosophy course to their name, then it too would be worthy of attention. All hail based Snyder, his easily avoidable and over-dramatized conflicts, and his laser battles choreographed by eight year-olds smashing Superman and Batman action figures into each other.

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