None of your charges of corruption address the science of oncology. For that you would need, um, knowledge of both medicine and the biochemistry of cancer. Your entire argument is based on allegations of immorality against your chosen demons, which is what you have accused me of doing to teemu.
The only reason this discussion is happening is because i posted Johns Hopkins' refutation of claims made by crazies like yourself using the name of Johns Hopkins. They attributed their non-science to the people who they are trying to smear because they know they have zero scientific credibility.
You're invoking a moral code from the Dark Ages to legitimize medicine from the Dark Ages. Do you have any idea how insanely evil you sound?
I think we're done here (again).
As far as "the science of oncology", the AMA hasn't cured cancer yet, so where is the science? They DON'T HAVE any science to cure cancer, so there is no science as far as being effective. The whole problem with oncology is they don't look at what causes cancer. They don't admit what causes cancer. If you don't address the cause and stop the cause, you can't cure it. They don't really address how how normal cells mutate into cancer cells and how to revert those mutated cells back into healthy ones. That is what they need to be doing.
To do that they would need to admit that pesticides cause cancer, and a lot of junk food does too.
IGF-1, a synthetic growth hormone in dairy, causes cancer cells to grow.
Do they talk about stopping using milk from cows administered IGF-1 in order to get them to produce more milk in oncology? Nope.
AMA oncology is not successful method of curing cancer, so it isn't a legitimate way to cure it. It doesn't work!
It is only legitimate in the sense that it is legal, and is the only legal means, and was made so in order to sell drugs.
A cell becomes cancerous when it is deprived of 60% of it's oxygen requirements.
An acidic chemistry reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of the blood.
High fat in the blood also reduces the oxygen carrying capacity.
Pesticides cause cancer and are fat soluble. ( That is for a reason, because if they were water soluble, they would wash off after every watering cycle, and thus you would need to use so much, it would kill the plants.
That is one of the reasons why they genetically engineered soybeans. They genetically engineered them to withstand more pesticides without dying. Of course, now the soybeans CONTAIN more pesticides, which they pass on to YOU, OR the animals that eat them as feed.
After the animals eat those pesticides, they become more concentrated in the animal's tissues, to be passed on to people who eat their flesh or their dairy. That means more cancer for people.)
I know quite a bit about what causes cancer.
It is EASY to kill cancel cells, by the way. The challenge is being able to kill them without killing the person with the cancer.
That is the thing that oncologists cannot do, because they don't acknowledge nutrition in health. Nutrition allows the body to be strong enough so it can heal itself, whether it be to try to heal people of cancer without chemotherapy, or to use nutrition to help the people to be strong in spite of chemotherapy to help people to recover better from it.
How many oncologists assist patients with a comprehensive nutritional program involving organic foods with nutritional supplementation and excluding things like pork, beef, chicken, and dairy? Not many. Any? Do they support juicing? Do they provide juicers and juice recipes? Will insurance pay for juicers and nutritional supplements? Nope.
Medicine from the Dark Ages? You mean like bleeding people and not washing their hands, like the allopathic doctors did?
Nutrition has been around forever, and there have always been some people who knew which plants to eat which helped fight disease. That started long before the Dark Ages. Something doesn't need to be modern in order for it to help to heal the body, which is not modern.
Modern fixes are only required for modern things.
The causes and cures of disease have been around for tens of thousands of years The only thing that has ever been lacking as far as natural remedies are concerned is the knowledge to use them right. Some people have known for centuries. Some are so blinded by technology and greed that they only trust the modern poindexter with his super profitable new drug, as if somehow he knows better than nature, or there was something wrong with the human body in the first place.
People get disease because they don't treat the body properly. Sickness comes from a sick lifestyle, and a sick lifestyle comes from a sick mind. A sick mind comes from a confused, inexperienced mind believing in things that don't work because someone else who wanted to exploit them for power or money told them to believe in that.