Yes, you do. If it were common sense, anyone could be a doctor. It wouldn't take a decade of education to become one, and any jerk with an internet connection could put the entire alleged racket out of business. You are truly scraping the bottom of the IQ barrel if you think that your understanding of the human body is even remotely comparable to the best doctors in the world.
Then again, to know you're an idiot, you'd have to be smarter than one, wouldn't you?
You are correct in that it takes a long time to become an M.D. There are many things one must learn in order to do it. A major part of the reason is that they aren't trained in prevention. They are only taught to manage symptoms and to use drugs in doing so. That is a NEVER-ENDING battle, because with that way, the problem never gets fixed.
There is a saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. You don't need to know all the things a doctors needs to know in order to prevent disease. You only need to know what they need to know in order to best manage the symptoms of that disease once it's there. There are some diseases that they NEVER are able to fix, because those diseases are caused by genetic factors which are caused by nutritional factors that they don't ever study.
They operate under the premise that genetic conditions are set in stone and nutrition never affects disease. They are wrong. The AMA conducts medical care under a flawed premise. The premise is flawed for a REASON. That reason is to not prevent disease, so that doctors can manage disease instead and the drug companies will make huge profits. The AMA is not a non profit organization.
Drug companies aren't either.
The lawmakers are told what to do by the AMA, the FDA (The heads of which were formerly heads of the pharmaceutical companies,and then they go back to the pharmaceutical companies, and back) and the drug companies.
The drug companies make more money than anyone. It is their intent to keep it that way, even at the cost of human life. Healthy food equals less disease, and less disease equals less drug profits.
The AMA and the FDA are conspiring with the drug companies. For that matter, the mass media probably is, also.
By the way, how about the brazen drug ads on tv for drugs that can only be obtained by doctor's prescription?
The only people who should be suggesting those to the public are the doctors of people to their patients, where they think that the use of those drugs is indicated.
I guess the drug companies are so greedy that they want people to go to find a doctor to prescribe them a drug so they can buy it.
Are you a ****ing doctor?
No, I am not an M.D. You don't need to be an M.D. to know about health or disease, or even to know everything an M.D. does. You only need an M.D. in order to practice medicine. I have never wanted to be a doctor and I am not interested in practicing medicine.
I only want to know what I need to to keep myself healthy and free of disease and be able to keep any family I have healthy and disease fee.
To do that, I had to read a lot and learn a lot, and I had to learn about how the system works.
Not ONE of Dr. Johnathan Wright's patients complained about him. They ALL supported him. Only the FDA and AMA complained about him because he was cutting into drug profits for the pharmaceutical companies.
The whole medical system is rigged to serve those who have financial interest in the drug companies, because THAT is what the AMA was designed to do when it was invented.
It was invented to drive out the competition to the allopathic doctors because the competition (Empirical physicians, another type of real M.D.s at the time, JUST as legitimate as allopathic physicians) supported PREVENTION of disease as an active strategy, and utilized nutrition and herbs.
Thomas Edison said that the doctor of the future would use nutrition as medicine.
When I last researched nutrition in the AMA, out of 130 medical schools only about 30 of them even had classes in nutrition, and the total education in nutrition for those 30 schools was about 8 hours. How is anyone, doctor or not, going to learn everything they need to know about nutrition to prevent and reverse disease in 8 hours? They aren't. It's just plain impossible. The fact that the AMA medical schools give so little instruction on nutrition proves their agenda.
The fact that most doctors have had no training in nutrition and that those who have have only received 8 hours is why I know more about nutrition than most doctors. I have spent hundreds or thousands of hours researching nutrition and health.
There are some doctors who know a lot more than me about nutrition, who have actually learned it outside of medical school. John McDougall, M.D., William Harris, M.D. and Dean Ornish, M.D. might be 3 examples. Most doctors don't know what they know.
Most doctors just stick to the accepted AMA way, spending their time paying back their loans.