The Scarlet Witch Comiquette - TO ORDER REGULAR - Link in 1st Post

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Re: The Scarlet Witch Comiquette

thought i would post some pics of the mini Vision




and some more of Scarlet just cause she is hot


and i thinks its awesome that her cape flows down enough to see her butt


goodness gracious, she's beautiful!!! the EX worth it!?
Re: The Scarlet Witch Comiquette

Can anyone tell me why I shouldn't like this as much as I do? It really comes off like a breath of fresh air and full of personality when I compare it to other sideshow pieces.
Re: The Scarlet Witch Comiquette

Ohh...little more expensive than I would like at $205 for the regular.

I wonder how much more the Ex. will be?
Re: The Scarlet Witch Comiquette

Every time I look at her over at SS, the more I want to get an EX even though I truly feel a regular version would suffice. Just seeing Wanda amusing herself with Toy-Vision in a reflective, peaceful environment just brings tears to my eyes. BEST COMIQUETTE RENDITION IMHO!:rock.......
Re: The Scarlet Witch Comiquette

So the reg. edition is up now and the excl. is being PPO'ed in two weeks? I don't ever recall that being done before. :confused:
Re: The Scarlet Witch Comiquette

ORDERED!!! at over $200 i can live without the EX. (plus the bonus of not having to deal with sideshow servers on Aug 7th :lol )

Mystique orederd as well, I am one happy man :D
Re: The Scarlet Witch Comiquette

Its the best print yet. Blows the AH ones out of the water.
Re: The Scarlet Witch Comiquette

This is the only one where I want the print to hang. I'm okay with passing on the print for Mystique but with this one I'll brave the servers.
Re: The Scarlet Witch Comiquette

Yep since I already have the PF of Mystique I'm passing but SW is one of the heavy weights of the MU (Women side). This is a must have.
Re: The Scarlet Witch Comiquette

i have seen the print in person that will be released with the SS Excl. It is big. I wanted to buy the original artwork but someone beat me to it.