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Skiman what do you have for a Biceps routine??? Recommendations appreciated.

Negatives man, try the spider curl and preach curl negatives, kind of like the chest exercise below, grab a dumbbell that you can only rep 4 times max and let it drop slowly around the 4 second range and then only raise it with the other arm and repeat. You should be only able to do this for about 4 reps if you have the correct heaviness on weight.

Key to this exercise is to allow the arm to fully fly flat when doing the negative on the way down. DO NOT do the positive negative and raise the dumbbell with the other arm.

Also recommendations for pecs?:D

Actually the chest blog that I have, is exactly one of the exercises that gives me great results.

Try this:
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Protein Consumption

(Blog 10)

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Skiman what do you have for a Biceps routine??? Recommendations appreciated.

Another vid for Wookie, just to explain things easier! :rock

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Question, should I be doing anything on top of weight lifting and fat burning to deal with stretch marks?

I don't want to get toned up and then have my skin look like ^^^^ either, and I'm just not sure if there's treatment I should be doing in conjunction with the excercise or if when I reach the full fat burn and toning point, they'll have faded entirely on their own.
Question, should I be doing anything on top of weight lifting and fat burning to deal with stretch marks?

I don't want to get toned up and then have my skin look like ^^^^ either, and I'm just not sure if there's treatment I should be doing in conjunction with the excercise or if when I reach the full fat burn and toning point, they'll have faded entirely on their own.

This is the worst problem with the losing a lot of weight, most ppl have considered coco butter and some vitamin E broken capsules and smearing them along the stretch marks but I'm not sure how well this works or if it's more myth than actually really working.

The best solution I've come across is to continue to lift weights and not just lose the fat so you will be replacing the fat with muscle and therefore keeps the elasticity of the skin. Given it takes a while to build muscle they suggest anyone that has had a high body fat to take their time with the fat loss in order for the skin to not have to rebound once all the fat is loss.

So in general it's almost like a balancing act, to lose the fat and build muscle and take the time to not just lose the weight just because you have extra weight but build quality tissue in order to keep the skin tight. Most people that do this normally don't have issues with arms, legs, etc... just mainly stomach but I have seen some that have no issues at all. Keep up the good fight Maul, I hope that helps on what you need to do.
Well I think have a healthy balance of fat burn and muscle growth, I'm not concerned there, just wasn't sure if that could be enough or if it'd never be enough without also doing some sort of skin treatment.

Like I said, just would be pointless to some degree to tone up if my skin looks nasty when I'm done.

Given that I've still got like 40lbs to lose, I'm not surprised to still have stretch marks, just making sure that it's not because I'm failing to do something else.
Well I think have a healthy balance of fat burn and muscle growth, I'm not concerned there, just wasn't sure if that could be enough or if it'd never be enough without also doing some sort of skin treatment.

Like I said, just would be pointless to some degree to tone up if my skin looks nasty when I'm done.

Given that I've still got like 40lbs to lose, I'm not surprised to still have stretch marks, just making sure that it's not because I'm failing to do something else.

If you are confident there is no lacking there then that is what I would continue doing.

and of course muscle growth with the diet is key with a high protein diet plus not to rush the fat loss, around 1-2lbs per week is normal (besides the beginning stages which you are all ready past).
Yeah, I'm building muscle and my weight drops 1-2lbs a week so that's why I think I'm safe in the balance of the two.
Yeah, I'm building muscle and my weight drops 1-2lbs a week so that's why I think I'm safe in the balance of the two.

:rock :rock :rock keep it rocking then I say!!!
Guess I'll try oil/Viatmin E too if they still show when I get closer to my final look.

Yea I remember when working at a GNC during my college days that all of them are located around each other as well if you go to a health/supp store, you'll see all the options oil/vitamin E lotion, coco lotion and it's all pretty cheap as well :maul
For all the work I'm putting in, price is moot, I want to look good in every way, small size, healthy muscle definition, and smooth, inviting skin, not nasty, decayed looking crap where i still ahve to keep a shirt on but instead of hiding man boobs it's hiding ugly skin :lol
For all the work I'm putting in, price is moot, I want to look good in every way, small size, healthy muscle definition, and smooth, inviting skin, not nasty, decayed looking crap where i still ahve to keep a shirt on but instead of hiding man boobs it's hiding ugly skin :lol

I hear yah man, no joke it's a lot of work it's almost the same way I feel about my food and some of supps that I take daily, price is no option for your health.

Here's another lotion that you might see there but there's tons of this stuff on as well.

They all have the same ingredients though, basic cocoa butter and vit E
Thankfully, mine are as bad looking as some of those photos, yikes.

It's freaky how the body works. You probably remember how around when I started, i was worried about looking weird because of how big my rib cage felt, but the sucke has shrunk and changed shape, it's much flatter now then when I had those worries.
Thankfully, mine are as bad looking as some of those photos, yikes.

It's freaky how the body works. You probably remember how around when I started, i was worried about looking weird because of how big my rib cage felt, but the sucke has shrunk and changed shape, it's much flatter now then when I had those worries.

Yeah some ppl have some really harsh marks that turn red, etc... I've got some around the armpit area that are clear :horror and on the pectoral area whenever I started growing in those areas. I lot of people get them in the shoulder area as well. It's all part of the growing process with the muscles as well, of course it doesn't look as bad with muscle rather than fat but still, growing that rapidly is what causes the marks.

It's a good thing I have dark complected skin and that they are clear :lol

As for the body changing I think of it as a scale ratio in Photoshop, the cursor controls the range on that end but it's same way with food being the cursor :lol It's all gonna grow or shrink together unless there's some unnatural usage. The body will loss or gain all as a whole whether it be arms, legs, back, stomach and chest.