The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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LOL....sorry about that.Got confused. Alright I'm working out shoulders tonight and I'll try to jump on triceps also.
These are the exercises I usually do, can you give me some others so I can either add them or mix them up??
Lateral Raises
Farmer Walk

~~Where is a good site/magazine resource that has an encyclopedia of different exercises with videos and pictures of properly executing exercises???
LOL....sorry about that.Got confused. Alright I'm working out shoulders tonight and I'll try to jump on triceps also.
These are the exercises I usually do, can you give me some others so I can either add them or mix them up??
Lateral Raises
Farmer Walk

~~Where is a good site/magazine resource that has an encyclopedia of different exercises with videos and pictures of properly executing exercises???

Awesome man, I'm doing the same tonight.

Not sure is presses were military press but that's a good started for shoulders. (Hammer Strength Presses as well)

Also (Shoulders):
Front Lateral
Reverse Butterfly
Lying Reverse Lateral
Close Grip Upright Rows
Dumbbell/Barbell Shrugs
Reverse Cable Crossovers

Close Grip Barbell
Overhead Extensions
Lying Tricep Extensions
Weight Dips (belt)
Close Grip Pushups
Push Downs (Rope/Nautilus Machien/Hammer Strength)

Great site for routine/workouts/regimes
^^^Great!!! thanks man. My current goal is to lose about 30 pounds before the first of the year while lifting and building some muscle. Then in Jan. I want to start Jiu Jitsu again and continue working out while cutting some weight so I can compete in the 165 lb class in a tournament in April.
^^^Great!!! thanks man. My current goal is to lose about 30 pounds before the first of the year while lifting and building some muscle. Then in Jan. I want to start Jiu Jitsu again and continue working out while cutting some weight so I can compete in the 165 lb class in a tournament in April.

Plenty of time to accomplish great progress :rock
Some more shots, I'm a lil trimming in my abs section since these were finishing a bulk phase... Still tryn to taper though.







I like how he balances a healthy muscle showing with overall body mass, that's what I'm aiming for.

Christian Bale, at times, is another example of the look I'm aiming for.

Here's my routine

Monday: Legs/Calves/Abs
Tuesday: Back/Biceps
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: Chest/Shoulders
Friday: Triceps/Abs
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: Chest/Shoulders

Had one of the best workouts ever tonight, chest and bi's along with some HIIT! While others are drinking Skiman is growing :rock :rock :rock :rock :rock