The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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When I need a little boost in motivation, I like to think of Rocky IV when Duke's yelling at Rocky going into the 15th round of the fight, "You gotta punch, punch until you can't punch no more, this is your whole life."

It's not everything, but what keeps me going is I essentially put the weight of achieving everything I want to achieve in life on the shoulders of this task, that if I don't finish this out and get what I want from it, I won't get what I want from everything else, and there are things so important to me, feeling I need to get this done to get them is so empowering.

I think I connect with Rocky so much for this because I see it as a fight, it's new me against old me and no matter how many times old me might try to knock new me down and out for the count, I have to stay on my feet, I can't get down, and if I fall I have to get right back up. Keep moving forward.
When I need a little boost in motivation, I like to think of Rocky IV when Duke's yelling at Rocky going into the 15th round of the fight, "You gotta punch, punch until you can't punch no more, this is your whole life."

It's not everything, but what keeps me going is I essentially put the weight of achieving everything I want to achieve in life on the shoulders of this task, that if I don't finish this out and get what I want from it, I won't get what I want from everything else, and there are things so important to me, feeling I need to get this done to get them is so empowering.

I think I connect with Rocky so much for this because I see it as a fight, it's new me against old me and no matter how many times old me might try to knock knew me down and out for the count, I have to stay on my feet, I can't get down, and if I fall I have to get right back up. Keep moving forward.

Thats motivation right there. :rock
Nicely said Sean. I do that same thing. I just imagine how fat and unhappy I was with myself and fight to keep as far away from that as I can. It's that little motivating thought that keeps me at my steady speed on the treadmill, despite the pain in my legs or the sweat pouring into my eyes. I think of my old reflection and keep running. Any little motivation helps.

My legs hurt every day, some muscle on my body is sore every single day... but I love feeling it, it let's me know that I am doing something about how I look. I'm not letting it control me anymore.
The extra extra weight comes off easily. It's the last 10-15 you really have to worry about because those bastards stay on no matter what. :lol Your body has a way of holding onto things due to survival reasons.
The extra extra weight comes off easily. It's the last 10-15 you really have to worry about because those bastards stay on no matter what. :lol Your body has a way of holding onto things due to survival reasons.

My goal is to weigh zero pounds Rory, just to prove you wrong.:lol:lol:lol I refuse to allow my body to survive.
Nicely said Sean. I do that same thing. I just imagine how fat and unhappy I was with myself and fight to keep as far away from that as I can. It's that little motivating thought that keeps me at my steady speed on the treadmill, despite the pain in my legs or the sweat pouring into my eyes. I think of my old reflection and keep running. Any little motivation helps.

My legs hurt every day, some muscle on my body is sore every single day... but I love feeling it, it let's me know that I am doing something about how I look. I'm not letting it control me anymore.

I need to start doing photoshoots more often, you wouldn't believe the leg workout and overall workout those can be. Photography's fun, but when you're 6'4" and most of your subjects are like 5'7", you have to crouch a lot :lol
And good luck to you, Ill! I hope you are able to do everything you aim at bro. If you need motivation, we will all be here to keep you going. This place can be a driving force for us all, we should keep posting here and sharing our results.
Thanks brother, good luck to you too!

Was gonna walk today, but the sun came out. ^^^^ that.

Maybe tomorrow. Or next week.
Keep it up man, before you know it you'll walk a whole block again! :rock
Good luck Ill.

I just got back from *huff* run and *huff*, wow has it been *huff* 9 years since I last *huf^^^^^huff* did that just to run. I know it will *huff* get better.

It gets better right?
It gets better right?

The best way to get into running is to set a plan that weens you into it. I started 2 minutes run, 2 minutes walk for 20 minutes my first week. That turned to 3 minutes run, 2 minutes walk, the next week, and so on until I'm running 15 minutes with no walking.

Your mileage may vary. Good luck! :peace
The best way to get into running is to set a plan that weens you into it. I started 2 minutes run, 2 minutes walk for 20 minutes my first week. That turned to 3 minutes run, 2 minutes walk, the next week, and so on until I'm running 15 minutes with no walking.

Your mileage may vary. Good luck! :peace

That is how I am doing it and besides as a hockey player I am used to shifts which are quick bursts and then rest.
Pain I tell yea, pain, just put a youngster through it at the gym today. Young trainer that wanted to hit legs with me today once I walked in...
The best way to get into running is to set a plan that weens you into it. I started 2 minutes run, 2 minutes walk for 20 minutes my first week. That turned to 3 minutes run, 2 minutes walk, the next week, and so on until I'm running 15 minutes with no walking.
Not exactly what you are talking about, but last year I tried this method of exercise I read about in the New York Times, where you all-out sprint for 30-40 seconds, then walk for 4 minutes, then sprint for another 30-40 seconds, then walk for another 4, etc., for about 30 minutes. I felt like complete crap the whole time, but I felt that it helped my jogging endurance a lot. Anyone do this kind of exercise, or have any feelings/feedback on it?

Personally, I stopped because, as I said, I felt like crap, but also because I felt it put too much stress on the heart, but this was just a gut feeling--no scientific reason I know of why this would be worse than regular jogging.

. . .gonna go do some push-ups now :rock
If you guys want to try running try the Nike Ipod thing. It is pretty damn cool! It tracks your progress, allows you to hit up power songs while your running, and includes you into a forum with other runners and friends. You can even create challenges for each other.