The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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SO I tried the pyramid, started with chest fly's to warm up, then did dumbbell press started at 70, 75, 80, 85 each hand, wasnt that exhausted, think I could have done more, maybe all teh way to 95. Then did incline dumbbell press again could have went heavier and finished with cables fly's.

My bi's are pumped from it though, thanks for the tips.
Went for another run/walk tonight and I can already feel it getting a little bit easier. What I am really happy about is I weighed myself and I am 5 lbs lighter! :rock
Jeez, I'm glad to hear all you guys losing weight left and right, but damn! I jogged three miles today as usual, and did some light arm work. Probably gained 2 pounds. Please tell me I don't have to change my diet! :(
Good job man! :rock
Thanks brother, I'm hoping to be a good 20-25 lbs lighter by SDCC! I had too much of a layoff over the long weekend, so I'm gonna punish myself and go every day the rest of the week. No weights for me just yet, I want to lose the flab before I start chiseling away. :D
Big Bad Stag was Benchpressing 300 pound Linemen all day yesterday on the Football Field, had a scrimmage and I am really feeling it today but I be ready for more.:rock:rock
Thanks brother, I'm hoping to be a good 20-25 lbs lighter by SDCC! I had too much of a layoff over the long weekend, so I'm gonna punish myself and go every day the rest of the week. No weights for me just yet, I want to lose the flab before I start chiseling away. :D

Keep going my friend! I am sure you were fine before. But if it makes you happy then go for it! If you are excited than so am I! :rock
Keep going my friend! I am sure you were fine before. But if it makes you happy then go for it! If you are excited than so am I! :rock
Nah man, I was 180 in high school and one week ago today was 270. That made me unhappy and I have made a commitment to change that. My goal is to get down to about the 210-215 range, I know I am going to look way different and I can't wait! :rock
I am already 40 pounds lighter than I was at last years con. You guys need to step it up.:monkey5:monkey5:monkey5
Nah man, I was 180 in high school and one week ago today was 270. That made me unhappy and I have made a commitment to change that. My goal is to get down to about the 210-215 range, I know I am going to look way different and I can't wait! :rock

You can do it bro, just keep at it. And after another week I would also hit the weights, but light weights with fast reps so you don't build but help tone the muscle and burn fat. It will help a LOT. :rock

And Karamazov, diet is MAJOR. I used to work out without diet change, and it's almost like running in place. Very difficult to get anywhere significant. I say just take it slow, cut a few things here, replace a few things there... and it will feel more gradual and natural. The mistake a lot of people make is just doing it all at the same time and they can't handle it psychologically. The food they love is gone, the free time they had is gone, and there seems to be no joy in anything. Baby steps, and you will get there bro!

Things with me have definitely improved. I've leveled out this week at 204, but my muscle tone is improving and my belly is going away. So I must be adding muscle as I am burning fat. I'm gaining size in the right places and losing it in the right ones too, so I am happy with that. I don't feel as disgusting without my shirt, which is nice.

I still want to get more defined though, so I will keep up the intensity. I'll lighten my weights a bit and try more reps. I'm taking Protein now, and will test out a few different supplements to see if I can get a little boost for the fat loss. :duff
Good luck with reaching your goal, Ill :rock
Thanks, Much appreciated!

So what does that mean Is, rum and diet cokes?! :huh :dunno :huh

I'm giving it a go for SDCC too .....
That's what I was having last year, only my diet was terrible back then, that has all changed. :cool: Good luck to you as well Matt! :rock

I am already 40 pounds lighter than I was at last years con. You guys need to step it up.:monkey5
I'll still be sexier than you. :naughty :D
I say just take it slow, cut a few things here, replace a few things there... and it will feel more gradual and natural. The mistake a lot of people make is just doing it all at the same time and they can't handle it psychologically. The food they love is gone, the free time they had is gone, and there seems to be no joy in anything. Baby steps, and you will get there bro!
Thanks for the response, DA. I've been trying to eat less fast food and more veggies, but I've been a poor, busy student for over 10 years now, and I fell into bad eating habits early on that I haven't been able to get away from. I wish I could get away from Cokes (I probably drink 4 a day), but I get major caffeine withdrawals when I try. I think that I know deep down my problem has never been motivation to exercise, but my inability or unwillingness to diet correctly.
Thanks, Much appreciated!

That's what I was having last year, only my diet was terrible back then, that has all changed. :cool: Good luck to you as well Matt! :rock

I'll still be sexier than you. :naughty :D

A used tampon is sexier than John. I kid John! You're dang sexah! That's what DannieDarko says when you play nude Twister.
I try and run as often as i can, but last time i did i ended up running 5 miles...and my legs and hips were extremely sore and it was really painful from doing so, then i worked for 4 days straight (which i never sit down) which just added to the pain sooo i prolly shouldn't do that much again, normally i do about 2.5 miles
Thanks, Much appreciated!

That's what I was having last year, only my diet was terrible back then, that has all changed. :cool: Good luck to you as well Matt! :rock

I'll still be sexier than you. :naughty :D

we'll still see vids drunk Ill inhaling pizza slices @ sdcc :D
Thanks for the response, DA. I've been trying to eat less fast food and more veggies, but I've been a poor, busy student for over 10 years now, and I fell into bad eating habits early on that I haven't been able to get away from. I wish I could get away from Cokes (I probably drink 4 a day), but I get major caffeine withdrawals when I try. I think that I know deep down my problem has never been motivation to exercise, but my inability or unwillingness to diet correctly.

Yeah, a hectic schedule can mess you up royally. As for the cokes, I would maybe get a supplement that has caffeine in it and wean yourself away from the sugar. It's like fighting fire with more fire, but at least you won't get all of that crazy sugar. You would probably lose all kinds of weight just from doing that alone, not the mention the boost you would get from the supplement for working out.

Just hit it one thing at a time. If you are addicted to sandwiches, try wheat wraps instead. Eat some chicken breast or fish instead of meat loaf or anything really heavy. There are a million options, and a lot of them are tastier than you would think. I used to have a problem with healthy food because I didn't like the taste (and I was a lazy bastard :lol), but it just takes some searching and you will find some great replacement foods that are great for you AND taste pretty damn good.

And at least now, this thread exists. We Freaks have always stuck together, and if we are all supporting one another and helping....there isn't a damn thing that can stop us. So just get the ball rolling and we will be right behind you, helping you keep it going. :rock