Completed Day Two...
Toasted Egg sandwich
Mid-Morning Snack:
Unfortunately i was so short on time i didn't make this
8 min walk on Treadmill + 2 min run
1 set of standard crunches (50 reps)
2 sets of crunches on Swiss ball (25 reps)
2 sets of Oblique crunches (25 reps)
1 set of Jacknives on swiss ball (50 reps)
2 sets of Planks
1 set of Bicep Curls (machine)
2 sets of shoulder presses (machine)
2 sets tricep pullies (machine)
As long as i could hanging from pullup bar
2 sets of bench presses (barbell)
2 sets of bicep lifts (barbell)
2 sets of Military presses (barbell)
1 set of tricep curls (10 reps each arm)
Post-workout meal:
Protein Flapjack Bar
Protein Shake - 80g Strawberries, 80g Raspberries, 3 Eggs, 1 Dextrose Tablet, 2 tsps of Flaxseed Oil, Ice, 100ml Milk, 100g Rolled Oats