Just keep at it. Analyze your form, look at what some of the top raw powerlifters are doing to improve their squats to get some ideas.
For me the limiting factor on squats is back strength. So I often do some goodmornings with the same stance as my squat in order to strengthen that portion.
I do a lot of core work and avoid my belt as much as possible.
Find a training partner. Having partners who push you and in turn you push them will help you gain much faster. I train squats and deadlifts on tuesdays with two friends and saturdays I do strongman events with a group of 10-12
Yeah I have a ****ty back too apparently. Feels like I'm doing goodmornings when I'm grinding out the last one.

Will definitely have to work on doing more corework. These days I'm usually too worn out by the main compounds to even focus on the isolations lol. Hell, I was so worn out after todays squats I couldn't even complete my deadlifts for a deloaded weight..
Training partner. Yeah that doesn't fly over here in my area. I'm practically the only one who even goes near the squat rack. My friends are all curl monkeys and the really big dudes in my gym think I'm 'strong as hell' with my newb weights.

So yeah, no chance. I often train with my friends but they're off doing isolations.