Bench is good, it's just not god-like, like some would have you believe. But it's still an important compound exercise.
(both are musts for a good rounded chest IMO)
Well, my current chest routine for the past couple weeks has been:
Flys - 3 sets of 10
Raises - 3 sets of 10
Bench Press - 3 sets of 10
I've still got plenty of fat on my body to burn off, but I can actually feel my pecs starting to take shape beneath it, and even though the fat is still what shows on my chest, it's only about 50% of the mass now, so more muscle growth and fat burn and that last 50% should be gone, I dont' expect it overnight, but it's nice to feel on track.
And tonight, I ate pizza. Not sure I have to will power to stick to a decent diet, when it is so easy to justify bad habits--"it's Friday night, ^^^^ it!"
It's all about what works for you. I had pizza tonight too, and I'll have the left overs for lunch both days of the weekend, but I'll eat it with a salad too.
I'm a person who really enjoys some foods, pizza, pasta, some of the biggest carb stuff you could possibly eat, but I'm not going to cut them out of my life, I enjoy them too much, and fortunately, I'm finding a balance where I can still take them in and keep my excercise moving forward so I don't have to give them up. Maybe I could be making faster progress towards my goals with a radical diet change, but I'm finding a way to have my cake and eat it too, and I'll take that. I'm eating how I like, just smarter, and I'm improving my body. As far as my health is concerned, I'm the happiest I could be, happier than I've been in a long time, so much so I think I might come off cocky or as too much when I talk to some people, I'm just so blown away at this stage by every little change and so surprised that I've done it, I act with my friends like I won a marathon or something. Thankfully at least, the one person that matters most to me in this world is happily enjoying my success with me and giving me smiles and encouragement equal to my enthusiasm.
I still have a long road ahead, but I'm on my way to drastically being something I've never been before and for the first 30lbs, I didn't really feel like I'd ever get there, I was determined, but like other things in my life, i felt like I was chasing a dream and no matter how fast I ran, I'd never catch up.
Using my typical Rocky analogies

, I feel like Rocky racing Apollo in Rocky 3. Apollo's my dream, and at first it was blowing past me, but every day I'm gaining on it and gaining on it, and one day I will overtake it and I'll feel as victorious as Rocky did.
"I'm not gonna stop, just a man and his will to survive."