The Sideshow Freaks Fitness Thread

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You don't have any arms? J/k. I have some shoulder issues and really can't BP anymore. I have been able to do pushups at a 5% incline and that takes the pressure off the joints. Hey and good work on the weight loss. I went from 226/24% to 200 back to 210/about 15%. Not bad but I want -10% weather I sit at 185 or 200.

Yeah your right about the arms. :lol My arms are small when compared to the rest of my body but like I said I can't do any exercises that require me to pull or push with my arms. And yeah the weight loss is a big relief. I was digging through some old pictures and found some of me when I was 24, I was sooo thin, I didn't even realize I was that thin until I saw those pics.
I go to the GYM for 3-4hrs every week. Do about 2hrs Sport aswell. Lost a stone + since I started rethinking my diet and exercise plan.
NICE! Good progression bro! I've had to slack these last two weeks a bit, my knees were staying too sore and I was afraid I was going to injure them. I took two extra days off last week and one the week prior. My knees feel a lot better now, but I might have to wrap them for Squats from now on just to be cautious. I think that my intense cardio was hurting them too, but I have to do it.

I'm looking forward to another good week though, a FULL week.
I tossed in some super sets for every muscle in the past week, its seems to be giving me that EXTRA soreness I needed

Do you guys recommend that SP250 stuff?
Well, I just started hitting the gym again..... I hate the SLOW process of gaining back all your strength!

I'm super sore everywhere! And the toughest part of getting back into training, is EATING all the time now!!! :lol

Everyone thinks I have a parasite because I'm CONSTANTLY eating! :eek: It gets really expensive too....
I tossed in some super sets for every muscle in the past week, its seems to be giving me that EXTRA soreness I needed

Do you guys recommend that SP250 stuff?

I love it. (helps you workout when you don't feel like it) Pumps are nice.
Well, I'm hitting a pretty frustrating point in my excercising. On the plus side, I'm really starting to feel my pecs building up, and my other muscles, the frustrating part is that I still have a good ammount of fat to burn off before they realy shine through. I was fine when I had little muscle and was just burning the weight because I felt like I was really improving the look of my body with everything I took away, but now it's like a good body is laying beneath the surface and I'm fighting to crack the shell and find what lies within.

I continue to push forward though, I'm not letting it stop me, I just find myself a little annoyed every once in awhile.
Well guys I've hit a major realization on my barbell bench press...I was pressing as much as 200 on my press, 2 sets of 5 to 6 reps, but I didn't want to admit to myself that my form was for crap...

I would only be able to lower the bar half way down and not right down to my chest, I was so happy that I was lifting that much weight that I was neglecting my form...So I changed all that and told myself that it's more important to have proper form than to lift major weight..

So now I dropped the weight down to about 180 to 185 and man what a difference, I'm able to control the weight alot better and lower the bar down to almost to touching my chest, I can still feel the burn in my chest and feel the challenge, So I learned my lesson, being stubborn in doing so, but I've learned not to neglect my form anymore..
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Well, I'm hitting a pretty frustrating point in my excercising. On the plus side, I'm really starting to feel my pecs building up, and my other muscles, the frustrating part is that I still have a good ammount of fat to burn off before they realy shine through. I was fine when I had little muscle and was just burning the weight because I felt like I was really improving the look of my body with everything I took away, but now it's like a good body is laying beneath the surface and I'm fighting to crack the shell and find what lies within.

I continue to push forward though, I'm not letting it stop me, I just find myself a little annoyed every once in awhile.

MF, have you tried DA's 666 or circuit training? That may help you burn off some more fat and continue to build muscle.
I've had various issues forcing me to leave town over the past few weeks, and a few injuries (first injured knee, then injured back, currently injured neck) that have provided hurdles to my staying on task. Hard to exercise when I'm in a hospital room with my grandma and visiting relatives, and with no free time during those visits to work out, I can justify that. But then I get back, I work out a couple times then "wham!" another injury of some kind. I know my injuries are probably being caused by my over-doing things, but it's tough to reach the balance between doing too little and too much. If I'm not pushing myself and staying sore, then I'm just treading water. This is all a very tricky learning process for me.
MF, have you tried DA's 666 or circuit training? That may help you burn off some more fat and continue to build muscle.


It may be time for a switch up routine wise, Sean. And if you change up to a faster paced kind of routine like the 666 one I am on... you will see more fat burn. Your body just might be getting used to it and subsequently slowing down.

Maybe change up the schedule as well, move the days around and do it at a faster pace. The 666 routine is pretty intense, but in a good way. You do 6 sets of 6 with under 30 secs rest between sets. You will notice that you stay in mega sweaty mode, which will keep you burning.

Definitely give it a try, it could work wonders for you.
Thanks guys, I think I'm progressing fine, part of the problem is I'm really coming find just how fat I'd let myself get.

I'm 19lbs away from the goal I set when I started, puts me at 260lbs, 60lbs burnt off. I'm certain now that I still will be somewhat fat even when I hit that, and I'm thinking my next goal will be 230lbs from there, which means basically, I was 90lbs overweight when I started all this, it actually really disgusts me how bad I let myself get and it's eye opening just how much I was kidding myself, I used to think I was like 30-50lbs overweight for my size, reality was twice that.

Basically, by my new plan, I still have 50lbs to burn off, but because I started lifting when by my new plan, I had 70lbs to go, I think my muscle growth is coming ahead of the fat burn, but it's helping so I'll just keep doing what I'm doing, it's paying off.

I'm just at a big middle pointin all of this, half the fat burn is done, the muscle is coming in, but it'll be probably another month or so of working out before I push past the transition and really enter the muscle side of things. This transition period is innevitable and all, but a little frustrating at times too.

On the plus note, I started doing serious ab work last week, feels great doing it, really burns, doing my obliques too, I get fired up doing that stuff, makes me think about having a nice stomach one day. Sure muscle arms will be nice, but being fat, nothing looks worse than the giant blob of a stomach you have, to go the other way and have something tight and firm will be exciting.
I recommend going with resistance bands. The constant resistance on the muscles does wonders and you also get a cardio workout as well.

I used to lift weights exclusively but once I started incorporating resistance training, I found that I was gettig stronger and leaner at the same time.

Now my work outs consist of 50% Resistance, 40% cardio and 10% weights.

One thing to also remember is to keep a healthy balanced diet. Don't go extreme on calorie counting and just eat smart. Instead of the donut or bagel, try an apple and peanut butter.

Here is a great site to track your progress and get ideas for exercises.

All the best to each of you working on your goals.