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Mexican sounds like lard butt ass crack... I'm eating my 20 egg whites!!!! U rock Bannister eat that damn omelet!!! GROW SON, GROW!!!!
I took a week off last week too, didn't really want to... but I had to. My online class took all my time away. I spent 5 hours in the library 3 days that week. Only made it to the gym on Monday. But I am back to the grind today, and am down to 191 lbs. :rock

Only like 6 more pounds to my goal. :D
I took a week off last week too, didn't really want to... but I had to. My online class took all my time away. I spent 5 hours in the library 3 days that week. Only made it to the gym on Monday. But I am back to the grind today, and am down to 191 lbs. :rock

Only like 6 more pounds to my goal. :D

DA it's really not a big deal as a matter of fact it only benefits you to go back either eating clean or getting back in the rhythm of the gym because what most don't realize is that the body gets used to everything in time and by throwing it a curve ball now and then only gets u further. Just always get back on the horse though. Kind of like 1 step back to get 2 steps forward of more progress...
what most don't realize is that the body gets used to everything in time and by throwing it a curve ball now and then only gets u further.

Interesting you say that, I've been slacking a bit the past few weeks because of weddings and other things I've had going on, but last week I started back on track to a regular schedule again and I feel like certain areas have taken a step further than they had been, particularly my pecs, I feel like they're forming in the last few weeks better than they have in some time.
Interesting you say that, I've been slacking a bit the past few weeks because of weddings and other things I've had going on, but last week I started back on track to a regular schedule again and I feel like certain areas have taken a step further than they had been, particularly my pecs, I feel like they're forming in the last few weeks better than they have in some time.

Yep and fat gets put on over a longer period of time than just a week or even a few weeks, it would have to months or so. Mainly whenever we don't feel as tight or muscular is because of the water retention that the bad foods have on our bodies with the high sodium intake. Usually if you've been eating badly for a week if you work hard at it you can get back to the weight in 3 days and loose the water.
Well, I kept to my eating habbits fine during the time away, I just didn't have opportunities or energy to work out.

I did have a bit of a rough morning a couple weeks ago though, drank a bit too much the night before and was so dehydrated the next day, I had almost 2 gallons worth of water, didn't sweat and didn't have to piss for a long time either.

I'm looking forward to next week, now that I'm getting back on track, once I complete a solid week this week of my current weights, I'm stepping up again, I think I'm ready, chest and back are certainly ready, I think triceps too, biceps may be a challenge but I feel ready to push them again, the first 2 sets on my curls are starting to feel almost easy, 3rd one's a slight struggle.

If you're not switching up exercises right away, how long should you take between sets.

For example, back when I was lifting in college, I would do a set on bis, then tris, then bis, etc., but here at home, the way my all in one machine is setup, I kinda have to do one exercise at a time, so I do 3 sets of each exercise in a row then move onto the next.

Yesterday when I was doing my bicep curls, I struggled and couldn't even start the 3rd set, I stopped, had a drink, was about to start my next exercise but I said screw it, I'm doing 3 sets on biceps, I went back and I did the 3rd set no problem.

I would guess I'm taking maybe 30 seconds in between sets, is that too little?
Well, I kept to my eating habbits fine during the time away, I just didn't have opportunities or energy to work out.

I did have a bit of a rough morning a couple weeks ago though, drank a bit too much the night before and was so dehydrated the next day, I had almost 2 gallons worth of water, didn't sweat and didn't have to piss for a long time either.

I'm looking forward to next week, now that I'm getting back on track, once I complete a solid week this week of my current weights, I'm stepping up again, I think I'm ready, chest and back are certainly ready, I think triceps too, biceps may be a challenge but I feel ready to push them again, the first 2 sets on my curls are starting to feel almost easy, 3rd one's a slight struggle.

If you're not switching up exercises right away, how long should you take between sets.

For example, back when I was lifting in college, I would do a set on bis, then tris, then bis, etc., but here at home, the way my all in one machine is setup, I kinda have to do one exercise at a time, so I do 3 sets of each exercise in a row then move onto the next.

Yesterday when I was doing my bicep curls, I struggled and couldn't even start the 3rd set, I stopped, had a drink, was about to start my next exercise but I said screw it, I'm doing 3 sets on biceps, I went back and I did the 3rd set no problem.

I would guess I'm taking maybe 30 seconds in between sets, is that too little?

30 seconds is just right, just enough to regain some more stamina and a breath. You're the right track Maul, don't rest too long because you don't want the heart rate to slow down. Kind of think like ur doin cardio with weights and you should have no problem.

There's a lot of ppl that train incorrectly and take way too long of breaks between sets and then on top of that improper form. They spend countless hours and sometimes years in the gym before they realize a lot of their efforts are for none. Always get ur heart rate up, keep great form and pick a moderate heavy weight that is not too easy that it makes you wanna quit and you should b in good shape of tearing the muscle and then recover with the good foods in the kitchen.
At least twice Ive been very sick from eating raw eggs, never doing it again. Boiled or in an omelette is the only way to go now
My alcohol limit is once a month, It's hard but i do it now. Anymore than that and i fall into a rut and keep drinking. But boy that once a month i let it all out and DRINK!

(i figure 12 times a year to let the stress out be hammered and enjoy life is plenty)
My alcohol limit is once a month, It's hard but i do it now. Anymore than that and i fall into a rut and keep drinking. But boy that once a month i let it all out and DRINK!

(i figure 12 times a year to let the stress out be hammered and enjoy life is plenty)

At least there is method to the madness :lol
I figure it should not blunt the testosterone that much once a month.


(just picked up another bottle of SP250. Like it more than WF, WF has too much caff)
I am taking a few weeks off of it, since I finished my second container. I will get another one in a few weeks though, I miss it already. :lol

And check this pic out...just for kicks.. I think my traps are overdeveloped. :rotfl

It's always good to take a break from stuff so your don't adapt too much.

(but it's hard when you really like something :))