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I would say Scooby's right, ever since I've added flys to my chest work, the mass seems to be building up more so than just doing bench.
Bench press is valuable, but i think there's a lot of ego involved. (great compound exercise, but probably overrated as far as chest mass is concerned).

Might look into dips as well
I know what u mean, scary part is I don't know what it means to not be sore :lol

I wouldn't say I'm sore a lot, but I find now that I'm bettering my muscles that simple motions will make me feel like a tightness, like I actually can feel everytime my muscles are working now, but when I wasn't working out and just fat, I moved and never sensed the tension when doing things, almost like before I had no muscle in my body and now I do so when I move it sets them off. I was just laying around the other day and sort of rolling over and I felt my back muscles tighten and losen.

I'm sure for most of you guys this stuff is so common place you don't even notice it, but having been so outta shape and making the changes I am, these little differences are fascinating and enjoyable for me.
Here's a question you guys might be able to answer.

One thing I'm noticing with the growth of my pecs, the bulk of the mass I'm noticing is on the outside near my arms. It seems like it's creaping its way towards the sternum where they meet, but does it make sense to build up from the outside and working inwards toward the meeting point?

I've never had pecs so I don't know what normal is :lol
I feel flys a lot on the outside of chest the next day. (only soreness i get is from flys never from bench.) Think it's from the stretching. Everyone is different so i dunno whats normal for you. But squeeze the pecs at the top for overall hitting the pecs. (just remember to not let the weight go below your body....shoulder problems. And also as you lean out the chest fat is the last to go! (along with gut)

I am doing flys with 45's now, 4 sets. (last set of 30's to burn out)
Maul one thing I find that works the inner chest is to use bumbells. Don't go as wide as you would with fly's-just at shoulder width. When you extend your arms turn the lower/bottom-part facing your feet in and squeeze your chest. I make the bumbells touch and tend to hold them closed/chest sqeezed a little longer than with normal d-presses. Also some of us have the genetics for the close tight inner chst and othes have a natural gap that widens at the bottom of the pecs.
Was wondering what kinda whey or protein you guys use.

For whey i currently use Now Foods isolate, or ON natural whey.
When not using Post Workout i use Vitol Egg protein.
Was wondering what kinda whey or protein you guys use.

For whey i currently use Now Foods isolate, or ON natural whey.
When not using Post Workout i use Vitol Egg protein.

Well I'm using GNC's Pro Performance Whey Protein Complex, It has a mixture of whey, soy, casein and egg proteins...I'm sure the pure whey is what most guys use, but I've always loved taking in the combination of proteins.
Big night tonight. Added 10lbs more to all my exercises except for bis, couldn't handle that just yet but that's ok, got through the rest and it felt great.

Also, a more satisfying achievement, for the first time in 4 years I was able to put my high shool class ring entirely on my finger without struggle, which means I'm just about back to the best shape I've ever been in my life, and everything moving forward is even better.

It's alarming to think how far I've come to reach this point, and how much less it took me the last time. It took burning 45lbs to get here at this stage in my life, 4 years ago it was only like 20, to think I not only put back the 20 I lost but added 25 on top of that really disgusts me with myself, but it doesn't matter now, that's behind me and I'm never going back.
Congrats Maul. I'm sitting at 202 now-down from 212. I eating really lean and putting away 180+ g/protein day. I ran for the first time yesterday-2.5 mi. I'm still doing JJ for my cardio, which has been good. I do sets of 50 fast JJ between each set of weights-which I usually do for 30-45 min. It's hard to believe that Jumping jacks can be cardio but my heart rate goes from 130 bpm during the weight set to about 160-170 during the JJ. SO far I have dropped about 4% fat.
Does anyone here take superpump 250? I took one scoop and got a great pump during my workout but when doing cardio afterwards, i almost felt like my heart was beating a bit too fast for my liking. I know the product has caffeine in it but sheesh!
It only has around 100mg of caffeine in it so it's not THAT much. If it was your first time i'm sure it was just your body adapting. I take it every time i hit the weights and i love it.

(but i don't do cardio with it)
Went crazy yesterday and ran about 15 miles, BOY are my legs killing me right now. My niece wanted me to run after the ball she threw and I almost collapsed :lol:lol:lol
Man, I never realized how weak my butt and abs are (looks like my six-pack is all useless vanity muscle -_-).

I tried to do ab/butt conditioning with my gymnastics group the other day, and I was dying. I could barely keep up with everyone, and was crapping out before the sets were done. Looks like I have something to strive for now.
I don't want to see the scale yet. I was on vacation for 9 days and was not very good with my diet. On the plus side I did a lot of running and working as we had to move a couple tons of sand which I did most of. I will be back at the gym tonight and will probably hurt tomorrow.