Action Figure The Steel Brigade

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After what seems like an eternity, I'm finally done with my Steel Brigade figure. HUGE thanks to Mando for making this happen. I wanted my SB to seamlessly blend in with the other Sideshow Joes so I stuck really close to the Sideshow "Style". Without any further ado....


IC, that looks amazing! :clap
Shirt is absolutely badass (color me jealous) and your SB looks awesome! Welcome to the Brigade! :rock:rock:rock

Awesome Incurable, love his gear. :clap

Wow. I think yours is my new favorite.

Very well done!

IC, that looks amazing! :clap

Great job, IC!!! Probably in the top two if the SBs that have been done. Absolutely bad @ss!

Thanks for all the kind words guys. And thanks to EVERYONE who posted in this thread with contributions, suggestions, and advice - I honestly couldn't have done it without you guys. Damn PROUD to be part of the Brigade! :duff
Owning another man's SB is like wearing his underwear. :lecture:lecture:lecture:exactly:

Guess I am buying another mans underwear since Deak Starkiller is thinning out his joe collection. I will still be super happy with a "second hand SB" since I missed out on them. Gonna switch up the gear a bit though ;)
Guess I am buying another mans underwear since Deak Starkiller is thinning out his joe collection. I will still be super happy with a "second hand SB" since I missed out on them. Gonna switch up the gear a bit though ;)

I was just giving 1k ****. :lol Not the least bit surprised about Deakflipper. :lol
Guess I am buying another mans underwear since Deak Starkiller is thinning out his joe collection. I will still be super happy with a "second hand SB" since I missed out on them. Gonna switch up the gear a bit though ;)

Saw that and thought about asking him if he'd part with the head, glad its going to a good home though. :duff
Saw that and thought about asking him if he'd part with the head, glad its going to a good home though. :duff

He will keep beachead company :rotfl

More cobra characters than I can count but when it comes to joes the ones I want are not being made so hopefully Mando decides to make some more SB so beachhead and them can have their own shelf instead of sharing it with firefly ;)
Really love the SB sculpt and here are 2 versions I have put together. I know they are using woodland gear but I just wanted to give the DAM BDU a try and really like them.




I like the shotgun mode. :yess:

Always had a soft spot for the mossberg 870 and wanted to use it. Probably the best looking 1/6 shotgun and shells I have ever seen for the price. Still need another SB head sculpt for one of the figures using my EX CG head for it to fill the spot.
And reworked my SB for the umpteenth time.

All new web gear. Put a R&R green shirt then ripped off the sleeves, which you can barely see :lol

And since he has a grenade launcher I made a grenade belt using the new SE grenades.


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