Oh god, I just realized this now. I figured it was to make her blood taste better but then I remembered what people use pineapple for in a certain regard and oh he's a dirty little bastard.
Oh god, I just realized this now. I figured it was to make her blood taste better but then I remembered what people use pineapple for in a certain regard and oh he's a dirty little bastard.
This show is so up and down. Last week's episode was fantastic. Tense, gripping edge of your seat viewing.
This week we get the emotional angst of relationships episode. Dutch and Fet, Dutch and Nicky, Eph and Nora. Zack and his grandparents. Bleagh! Total snoozefest. While it was nice to see Sean Astin back, those flashbacks with Eph, Nora and him were completley unnecessary.
The interesting parts were with Gus and the mexican wrestler. Him blowing that convict away with the shotgun made him one of my favorites. No bull***** about him. Loved it. This episode was mostly filler to the season finale next week. All the book readers know what is about to go down. Wonder if they will follow through on the show?
Good riddance to both.
Wow, I didn't think I could hate that kid anymore, but he's gone and did it. Little Momma's boy cost Nora her life, and no poops were given.
Very good episode with some significant deviations from the books. Good riddance to Nora. The woman who plays her just cannot act. A major character died in the second book, but it wasn't Nora. I actually like the tv version better than the books. The tv show has introduced many new characters, Dutch being the most prominent, that have added many new twists and possibilities.
In the end, the tv show gets to pretty much where book 2 ends, which means one more wild and crazy season.
Do you think the deviations may lead to more seasons?
I personally think we'll be looking at 2 more seasons. If they follow the main plot points and events of the books, the night eternal will be broken up into two seasons.
Liked the finale, this is a good show, that you don't have to take to seriously
In August 2015, del Toro and Cuse announced a five-season plan for the series after the third season renewal, Cuse said, "From the very beginning, we had really talked about the first book being the first season, the second book being the next two seasons and the third book the last two seasons". He also said that beyond the second season, which are 13 episodes each, the remaining seasons will each consist of 10, bringing the series to a total of 56 episodes.
I hope not.
Possible, but it would just be dragging it out.
My thoughts exactly.
Can we put this to bed now?
Unless the show gets cancelled, it's 5 seasons, directly from the creators.
But......they didn't follow that path, did they? Aren't they already at the end of book 2?