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I think there are just as many arrogant and intolerant atheists out there as there are theists with the same flaws. It's just human nature sometimes and I think all kinds of people can be guilty of it. I see both sides being prejudiced and judgmental at times, but I would not want to let a few bad apples speak for the rest of the bunch.

A rude, intolerant or condescending person is going to get on my nerves no matter what their religious beliefs may or may not be. I have to do my best not to judge people, or groups of people, based on the actions and attitude of any one person. It's also important for us all to hold to whatever beliefs we value without being lulled into a sense of elitism or superiority. That goes for religious people and non-religious people alike.


Exactly so and well said! I think a lot of atheists (and Jews and Unitarians and secularists) feel threatened by the seemingly unfettered encroaching attitude of the Evangelicals -- Christians, Scientologists, Mormons... -- as well as the recent proliferation of true believers in politics who let their fundamentalist views dictate policy. So it's easy to view all Christians, Scientologists, Mormons... as sharing the views of the more outspoken members of their churches. (Just because Jerry Falwell blamed feminists, the gays and the lesbians, and all secularists for 911 [or that Pat Robertson blamed Katrina on Ellen Degeneres hosting the Emmys!?!?], it doesn't follow that all viewers of the 700 Show feel that way, but it is inflammatory and it does seem to go unchecked.) So if atheists or other secularists push back and seem a bit gruff while doing so, please understand that there's no need to feel threatened. I doubt you'll ever see a pair of nicely dressed atheists interrupt your dinner with vague or quite descriptive language threatening you to change what you're doing or else you'll really regret it. :D

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If he had proper arguments and proof it would be over rover. This is all done to cause controversy and introduce their idealism to the widest possible audience. I would think that christianity is on the wane, but people still look for something to believe in, to use as a fixed point to gauge the merits of their lives. I guess he is looking to fill the void some people feel. The whole deal reminds me of pyramid selling somewhat.
Why does this not surprise me, these guys are gonna try to clean the whole web of this? lol, these guys must be really ashamed of what hes said or they must have something to hide

Nobody would want to see it if it was widely available. It's a cheap way to get people to want to check it out.
I dont know how this can serve to their cause though, seeing their biggest public representative being a total Douche bag lol
Most of the great religions of the world have great effects on their adherents. It's when the power hungry try and use it to gain power that the problems come in. The agendas they are used for is the cause of conflict, but Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism all inspire their believers to aspire to a higher ideal. The failings are when the beliefs are twisted for an unethical cause and the attention isn't brought to light that this isn't the message.
Unfortunately its not newsworthy for mainstream Christians that denounce abortion center bombings, its not newsworthy when mainstream Islam denounces extremist Islam, its not newsworthy when Mormons distance themselves from Warren Jeffs, etc. The positives are lost because only the negatives draw ratings.
Scientology though is quite different apparently.
Truth of Scientology

Since it seems Scientology evokes some perspectives on the board, I figured I'd provide this link to a famous court case about it and corresponding documents from the case. It's a long read, but explains a great deal about the origins, truth, and in workings of this cult upheld in court.

Scientology has sued websites and people on multiple occasions to have these records and documents removed from public view.
Re: Truth of Scientology

some paranoid mf's:

10. A "safehouse" or "safehouse area" should be chosen
in an out of the way place, like a ski resort - Dude ranch -
farm - Canada - Mexico - etc., This "place" should be
investigated to ensure it can be used anytime of the
year by people just "showing up". This "safe
house" is for Sabbaticals to go till it is shown
one way or another that they must stay away or
come back. SEUS SEC US B1

11. A cover story as to why "they" all went there; without
the Church knowing it, must be worked out - as this
breaks Sabbatical rules. SEUS SEC US B1

12. Seven safe different places (or as many as needed)
must be worked out, where the Sabbaticals will go if
they must extend their leave. One for each person.
Re: Truth of Scientology

quote from (Hubbard's?) OTVIII:

"For those of you whose Christian toes I may have stepped on, let me take the opportunity to disabuse you of some lovely myths. For instance, the historic Jesus was not nearly the sainted figure has been made out to be. In addition to being a lover of young boys and men, he was given to uncontrollable bursts of temper and hatred that belied the general message of love, understanding and other typical Marcab PR. You have only to look at the history his teachings inspired to see where it all inevitably leads. It is historic fact and yet man still clings to the ideal, so deep and insidious is the biologic implanting.

It is a good joke that the Galactic Confederacy is associated with the Serpent in the Garden, the beast and other emissaries of the "Prince of Darkness". Yet in certain passages and esoteric interpretations of the Bible (much of which has been taken out and effectively suppressed for centuries) as well as the Cabbalah, the truth reveals itself quite nicely for the clever and the ungullible."
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What I love about Scientology is it allows for threads like this one. Religions like to confuse religious tolerance with, I don't know, validation or something. And thay've been good at confusing people. But Scientology makes it real easy for us to make fun of them.

We're tolerant of Scientologists because we don't outlaw their Church. We also don't tax it. We don't stone believers for their beliefs, we don't bar them from voting.

But that doesn't mean we shouldn't criticize it. We're still allowed to judge people for believing in it and question their sanity and their intelligence for doing so. Religion, after all, isn't genetic like race. It doesn't happen to a person. It's not a mental or physical handicap. People choose what they believe in -- and what people choose to believe in is very telling. (Someone says they believe that Elivs is still alive, I look at him funny.)

But the Church of Scientology likes to cry "political correctness." They claim that any criticism leveled at what they believe or at their members for believing it is being intolerant. What they're really asking for is to trample on our critical thinking and our freedom of speech. And this goes for any religion that tries to censor their critics by calling them intolerant.

And the thing that really gets to me is that they themselves are evangelical. All the while they accuse their critics of being intolerant, they go around practicing their freedom of speech to be critical of all other religions. On street corners and knocking on doors and leaving leaflets -- hell, I'm not so sure their level of organization and tactics don't cross the boarder from freedom of speech to actual religious intolerance.
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What I love about Scientology is it allows for threads like this one. Religions like to confuse religious tolerance with, I don't know, validation or something.

Most factions and sects have a real persecution complex, that is somehow supposed to justify their outlandish beliefs.