The Tom Cruise Scientology Indoctrination Video surfaces online

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I left this Board last night and this thread was at 8 pages, now its at 20.

Nothing like a cult/religion debate to get the people chatting:lol

I have some catching up to do
In the end we aren't as smart as we think we are, and we are far less important than we think we are.
That is putting it mildly, but quite true nonetheless. Jackasses like Cruise who believe they have all the answers and are therefore somehow superior are even more deluded than the rest of us grunts.

Humility and moral decency should be what we aspire to. But there's Tom Cruise Special Scientologist Agent who can cure psychosis with push ups and administer life saving aid at a car crash because he's great.

He's been playing make-believe so long and being paid such ridiculous sums of money for it, the poor dumb bastard actually believes he's a "chosen one". He still has such a long long way to go, but it seems he's just too full of himself to see it now... Maybe he'll realize that before time runs out.
Being an athiest just means you don't know what the hell is going on.That you don't know what's going to happen when you die.Or in other words,you dont know and don't claim to know,as all religions including Tom's does.

I don't think so. The definition of an athiest is someone who does not believe in a "higher power". A person who is unsure about whether or not there is one is an agnostic. They are VERY different. An athiest belives there is 0% chance of a God, while an agnostic can't deny the possibility that there is someone, a God.

The paradox of religion to me, is that some people think that if you aren't religious, that you're amoral and have no ethics; but that isn't the case. I don't need religion to have morals and ethics to which I adhere; I don't need religion to be a good person and decent person. THAT is what Cruise doesn't understand.
Tom Cruise would make a great used cars seller.he's intense..lolll
I like Cruise and Travolta as actors, I even like Jenna Elfman. The one that really surprised me on the wiki list is Paul Haggis. I can see actors falling for this stuff, but Haggis is a writer and director - it would seem he'd be smarter than that.

And I really respect Chris Reeve (even more) for what he said about it - he went in with an open mind but used reasoning to determine that it was BS.
I like Cruise and Travolta as actors, I even like Jenna Elfman. The one that really surprised me on the wiki list is Paul Haggis. I can see actors falling for this stuff, but Haggis is a writer and director - it would seem he'd be smarter than that.

And I really respect Chris Reeve (even more) for what he said about it - he went in with an open mind but used reasoning to determine that it was BS.

Yeah, I have even more respect for Reeve than I did before. That was kick ass what he did.
I wonder if any of these guys have ever been questioned about the origin stories. It would be fun to see them explain away Hubbard's statements about getting rich. I would also like to ask one of them that if the alien race was so advanced to have interstellar travel, why was their most sophisticated weapon the hydrogen bomb?

Anyway, we had better watch ourselves before Tom thrusts his ethics into us.
Here's a scary story about a scientology ritual that went wrong. Read the whole thing:


Crazy, crazy stuff.

"In the original report the state’s medical examiner Joan Wood stated that the autopsy showed McPherson had deteriorated slowly, going without fluids for five to 10 days, was underweight, had several bruises and bedsores. They also showed she had been unconscious for up to 48 hours before her death and had dark brown lesions consistent with "insect/animal bites" in the right lower arm just above the wrist. [22][23] Wood said that McPherson had probably been bitten by cockroaches."

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Here's a scary story about a scientology ritual that went wrong. Read the whole thing:


Crazy, crazy stuff.

There also was a case where a woman was killed by her own son because scientologist said to treat her ill child with herbs and not drugs and he ended up killing her. That's just sad.
My mom heard it on the radio and said it sounded like something from one of his movies. :rotfl

Every actor my mom 'loved' has been turning crazy. At least Harrison Ford is still sane.
My mom heard it on the radio and said it sounded like something from one of his movies. :rotfl

Every actor my mom 'loved' has been turning crazy. At least Harrison Ford is still sane.

Harry's too mellow from the weed to go crazy...
I may just go join the raincoat cult from Dead Rising...:rock

Actually, according to the 2001 Census...I'm a Jedi...

That was until I discovered the Dark Side of the Force...

What? You think I have have my sig because it looks pretty? (It does, but that's not the only reason)...

I don't think so. The definition of an athiest is someone who does not believe in a "higher power". A person who is unsure about whether or not there is one is an agnostic. They are VERY different. An athiest belives there is 0% chance of a God, while an agnostic can't deny the possibility that there is someone, a God.

The paradox of religion to me, is that some people think that if you aren't religious, that you're amoral and have no ethics; but that isn't the case. I don't need religion to have morals and ethics to which I adhere; I don't need religion to be a good person and decent person. THAT is what Cruise doesn't understand.

A lot of religious people think that they have a higher sense of self or some ***** like that.They think they've found a truth and that it makes them some how better than everyone else.Also if you are not a believer like them than you are enferior.Bill Maher asked a religious senator if she thought he was some how inferior to her because he did'nt beleive in God.She responded "No, I just think your lost" and that she was once like him.I mean give me a break!

The possibilities of why we are here,where we came from,what is really going on,and what happens when we die are endless.Can't we just assume that and not make up some ridiculous story so that leaders of organizations can fool people and profit from it.
I think there are just as many arrogant and intolerant atheists out there as there are theists with the same flaws. It's just human nature sometimes and I think all kinds of people can be guilty of it. I see both sides being prejudiced and judgmental at times, but I would not want to let a few bad apples speak for the rest of the bunch.

A rude, intolerant or condescending person is going to get on my nerves no matter what their religious beliefs may or may not be. I have to do my best not to judge people, or groups of people, based on the actions and attitude of any one person. It's also important for us all to hold to whatever beliefs we value without being lulled into a sense of elitism or superiority. That goes for religious people and non-religious people alike.

I think there are just as many arrogant and intolerant atheists out there as there are theists with the same flaws. It's just human nature sometimes and I think all kinds of people can be guilty of it. I see both sides being prejudiced and judgmental at times, but I would not want to let a few bad apples speak for the rest of the bunch.

A rude, intolerant or condescending person is going to get on my nerves no matter what their religious beliefs may or may not be. I have to do my best not to judge people, or groups of people, based on the actions and attitude of any one person. It's also important for us all to hold to whatever beliefs we value without being lulled into a sense of elitism or superiority. That goes for religious people and non-religious people alike.


Quoted for truth.