The Tomy Mini Helmet Trade Thread

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Yeah Viv! Search your inner conflict. How dare you try to offer some unsolicited advice. It would be one thing if you had a consistant record of trying to help people out any way possible, but you just come on here to scalp your helmets-not cool. Why are you hating on the Dremel master?:angelsmil


I wasnt hating on him, I was just dreading dremmeling this thing myself and hoping to pass along some of my worries.:D
This is what Ive got to sell off, PM me if you need any of these.

2 AT-AT driver

1 Death star gunner

Ill edit this as they run out

I would have gotten to people that wanted them sooner but I had to
sort out getting small shipping boxes so I could ship them cheap, and
at this point I don't know who's already gotten what they need.
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Actually the thought of dremmeling mine was making me nervous, so its still sitting untouched.:eek:

I wasn't try to deter you from doing it.
Here is the pictures for size reference.

This is the GI joe I decided to use because of his slightly smaller head because he has no hair.


hers the scout that seems to need very little work to get a head to fit in. The camo version is identical as far as fit.
Just needs a little dremmel work particularly for the ears, as you can see back bart of helm bulging out a bit.


Heres Jango and Boba with bottom piece removed, they wouldnt fit on the GI Joe (nose to big) but they fit on the
21st century head (its porn stashe guy), I showed both because Bobas helm is a tighter fit because it seems to be
thicker, probably because of the dent they sculpted in it. the piece laying next to them is from the bottom of
helmet, its nice to have if you don't plan to put a real head under the helmet. Also there not much thickness to
dremmel away.



The At-At driver will fit most of the way on and mabee all the way if I really forced it, but the inside walls of this helm
are very thick so you can make plenty of room with a dremmel.


Boussh is pretty much the same as AT_AT driver helm except it already has plenty of nose room it just needs quite a bit
off the sides and a Little in back.


Lando helm is an easy one as the walls of this thing are really thick, dremmeling away the ridge in the helm will make it
fit pretty easy.


This one you cant put a head in with out taking it partially apart, but theres room for this guys head in there, the part that
goes from the neck to the visor is a seperate piece and would need to be removed, or the back part of helmet, its seems to
be 3 pieces like boussh.

This is what Ive got left, PM me if you need any of these.

3 AT-AT driver

2 Death star gunners

2 Boussh
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Well heck. I just saw something about it yesterday online but couldnt find it again today. Thanks
I was thinking about picking up a box of 12, because I'm looking for a Biker Scout and Lando Skiff. So is it that you don't know what will come with 12? I mean are all 12 totally random? Could I get 5 AT-AT's and 3 Gunners and 1 Biker, etc? :duh What have you, who have bought the box sets, found?
I was thinking about picking up a box of 12, because I'm looking for a Biker Scout and Lando Skiff. So is it that you don't know what will come with 12? I mean are all 12 totally random? Could I get 5 AT-AT's and 3 Gunners and 1 Biker, etc? :duh What have you, who have bought the box sets, found?

Yep, its totally random, you could technically get 12 of the same helmet.

Out of the 2 boxes (24 helms) I got:

4 biker scouts
1 camo scout
4 AT-AT drivers
4 Death star gunners
4 boussh
2 skiff guard
4 boba fetts
1 jango fetts

And I think out of the chakaman's 12 he got 1 lando skiff helm. so it seems they might be a bit more uncommon. though with a box of 12 your likely to get at least one, and a scout should not be hard to get out of 12, I got 3 out of one box if you count the camo version and 2 out of the other. I got one skiff guard Lando helm out of each box also.
Thanks Vivisect! This was exactly what I was looking for. Knowing my luck, I'll get a box with no Biker Scouts or Lando Skiff helms. :duh
I got 2 cases (12 helmets) and got:

2 Biker Scouts
2 ATAT Drivers
2 Boba Fetts
2 Imperial Gunners
2 Leia Boushh
1 Camo Scout
1 Skiff guard

I didnt get Jango. It looks like the Skiff Guard, Jango and Camo are the only ones that are shortpacked.