Boba Ben
Super Freak
Uh? How could this be a PF?
Dino jammies.
Uh? How could this be a PF?
Ah, yes. Let the Sideshow buttkissing commence. No one ever said the Marvel line is doomed nor did I say that the pieces we have been clamoring for are never going to be made, I just said that Sideshow can be out of touch with their fan base. This has nothing to do with "this one comiquette."
- Manthing
- Emma Frost cartoon PF
- Psylocke vs. Spiral
- Lady Deathstrike vs. X-23
- Namor vs. Iron-Man
- the MASSIVE amount of requested characters that have not been released
Look at the Marvel items (comiquettes, PFs, dioramas) that made Sideshow's Marvel line popular and then look at some of the examples.
I may be one of those people interested in this...Im 50-50, i really need to see the rest of it to pass judgement.
Now if Sideshow announced in the coming months an Old man logan and Blind Hawkeye Comiquettes or even a Banner to go with this..Everybody will want this piece...Fools.
I'm glad they tried different things from times to times.They have done a lot of classic Marvel characters over the years..(Spider-Man,Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Captain America,Namor,The Thing)....Theres a lot of good stuff in modern comics today....
Every character will get done eventually.The Marvel License will stay with Sideshow Forever.Pretty sure it was a blast for them to make this piece.
Not sayin I'm buying it, but I give them A+ for originality and keeping up with todays comic media.
I'm sure this will look bad ass, but it depends on the size and price if I will get it. I love venom anything, but this might be a little out there for me, I would have much preferred the anti-venom. SS did say this year was gonna be focused on everything Spiderman related, so this doesnt completely shock me.
Is this a late April Fools joke?![]()
Lets also add that making every A-lister before obscure characters would be pointless and would kill off interest in the SideShow Marvel line.
You're being a complete Philistine about this. You've consistently equated "being in touch with their fan base" with consistently creating character maquettes and PFs that are most requested/most popular, etc. I'm not going to kiss anyone's butt over this, but I don't understand any line of thinking that doesn't applaud Sideshow's choice to do characters that are popular with a choice few fans in addition to doing things for the mob.
It's one thing to be disappointed that the most recent announcement didn't include something you want on your shelves. Happens to me all of the time. But it's quite another thing to publicly lambast Sideshow for doing something outside of the box. Sideshow is absolutely not out of touch with their fan base. They just happen to also be in touch with a fan base that doesn't include you. That's right. There's another group of Marvel fans out there that want to be represented as well. Have the gracious nature to give them their day and to let it go.
I can say with total confidence that the people at Sideshow are earnest, dedicated to their fans to a baffling measure, and fanatical about the licenses they represent.
This is a public forum and, like it or not, the bulk of people are luke-warm for this at best; this has nothing to do with "my" shelves, but the bulk of fans shelves. My opinion is that Sideshow has been out of touch with the bulk of their fans with some of their Marvel releases and Venomsaurus, while neat, is out of touch with fans. You further proved my point about your buttkissing.