The Walking Dead - comic

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Yeah I saw that. Makes me want to try to buy up the comic line, but I know the first few series are expensive now aren't they? The show figures look crappy, but I think the comic versions are pretty spot on. Negan looks great.

No, there is only 2 series of comic figures released so far. Series 2 is still widely available - many of them on Amazon for $10 or so.

Series 1 is the only one no longer available and last I checked, its prices were nowhere near what TV series 1 is going for. You only have Rick, Michonne, and 2 walkers to catch up on there. And Rick and Michonne had a few variants (SDCC Michonne with hood and blood, NYCC Rick with blood) which makes finding one cheaper a bit easier.

The SDCC Gov rocks BTW. Can't wait for Negan to arrive - this week hopefully.

And as a Mod executive decision - keep TV Show spoilers out for at least a week (until it becomes common knowledge). And by TV show spoilers I mean anything that happens differently on the show than in the comic. Since Tyreese didn't lose his head to the Governor this week who did should be used in spoiler tags or not mentioned at all.
And as a Mod executive decision - keep TV Show spoilers out for at least a week (until it becomes common knowledge). And by TV show spoilers I mean anything that happens differently on the show than in the comic. Since Tyreese didn't lose his head to the Governor this week who did should be used in spoiler tags or not mentioned at all.

Thanks for making a fair decision guys :clap
No, there is only 2 series of comic figures released so far. Series 2 is still widely available - many of them on Amazon for $10 or so.

Series 1 is the only one no longer available and last I checked, its prices were nowhere near what TV series 1 is going for. You only have Rick, Michonne, and 2 walkers to catch up on there. And Rick and Michonne had a few variants (SDCC Michonne with hood and blood, NYCC Rick with blood) which makes finding one cheaper a bit easier.

The SDCC Gov rocks BTW. Can't wait for Negan to arrive - this week hopefully.

Which do you own, TV or Comic or both? Would you recommend one over the other? The Comic line seems like a better quality line, but the TV line has more characters.
Which do you own, TV or Comic or both? Would you recommend one over the other? The Comic line seems like a better quality line, but the TV line has more characters.

I own both. I don't care for the Black and White figures so I've skipped those, but I've got all of the color ones from both series. I initially passed on comic series 1 and TV series 1 because TV series 1 was really crappy. But when series 2 hit, I was impressed. I was lucky and able to pick up most of series 1 at retail prices. I managed to get a loose set of Daryl's squirrels on ebay so my 2 pack version is no different from the single carded one now :yess:

If you like both the show and the comic, get both lines. Otherwise, get what you want. There are some great figures in both lines and some crappy figures in both lines.

And as of right now, there is no news on a new comic series. But the fact they just made Negan makes me think they aren't done with it yet despite it coming out much slower than the TV figures. Now that we've had the midseason finale I'm hoping to see final sculpt pics of series 5 TV figures soon with the line up for 6 revealed. Probably have to wait until Toy Fair for pics of the new figures though - probably series 3 of the comic line revealed there too.
Yeah I know what you mean about series 1, of both lines. I saw them in a comic shop and I was like yuck. I really like SDCC Michonne with her cloak. I really hope they pursue more of the comic figures like Tyreese and Abraham. If I can get both the Comic and TV lines without getting raped, I'll do it.
And as a Mod executive decision - keep TV Show spoilers out for at least a week (until it becomes common knowledge). And by TV show spoilers I mean anything that happens differently on the show than in the comic. Since Tyreese didn't lose his head to the Governor this week who did should be used in spoiler tags or not mentioned at all.

Good idea, BM, and I agree 100%.
Oh for sure. I wouldn't be surprised if Ezekiel is in the next batch of comic figures. I would think they'd want to capitalize on All out War as much as possible right now. Doing the Governor wave last year made sense because the Governor was the big bad on the show currently. But now that the show is going in a new direction, I would think they'd want to cross promote their big comic event. McFarlane owns Image afterall, so not only was getting TWD figure license a given, using them to promote the comic and vise versa should be a priority for them.
How the hell he's going to drag this story for 180 more issues is beyond me. And Negan's dialogue is outright ridiculous :lol Kirkman is trying to top every one liner after another.
I'm only up to #114. Waiting until March for Vol.20 to come out. So you're saying I'm not missing much?