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Finally caught up on the last 3 issues. I think it's been interesting considering the slow section towards the end of the first part of AOW. I can't see Rick being infected, at the moment he's the only one that doesn't have the fever. And it's about time that Rick got something for his stump, I guess he'll get a "little Rick."

Did you guys see the cover to #127? Is this going to be a brand new group were following? Can't say I'm thrilled about it.


I assume Rick's story might come to a close after the war is over, and then were getting a new girl main protagonist.
Yeah I get that, it's felt a little stale lately. Although the last few issues got my interest back. I just think it would be a tough pill to swallow if this doesn't end with Rick and his group.

Maybe the story will follow these newbies and it will circle back to Rick years after the War. I've always wanted to see Carl older, and this might be the ticket there.
Yeah I get that, it's felt a little stale lately. Although the last few issues got my interest back. I just think it would be a tough pill to swallow if this doesn't end with Rick and his group.

Maybe the story will follow these newbies and it will circle back to Rick years after the War. I've always wanted to see Carl older, and this might be the ticket there.

That would be pretty fantastic actually. I think I would be OK if Rick died after the War, we go to this new group for a while and then they meet up with Carl who is now running what is left over from the current group.
That would be pretty fantastic actually. I think I would be OK if Rick died after the War, we go to this new group for a while and then they meet up with Carl who is now running what is left over from the current group.

I was thinking the same thing, Rick can only live for so long. And Carl has been getting more responsibility then most other characters so it's only natural he's replacing Rick at some point.

I think I will be okay with Rick's death, if done right. He can't truly become a legend unless he's dead. I wouldn't doubt in Walker World he'll be written into history.
Comic book covers mean nothing anymore. I can't tell you how many AOW issues have had someone on the cover but they weren't even in that issue :lol
Yeah, I don't even think he was in that issue. Or the one with Maggie on the cover. I know Dary... I mean Dwight... wasn't in the issue he was on the cover of. So who knows who that new girl is. Heck, Kirkman is the kind of guy I could see having fake covers made just to screw with us :lol

It does look like Eugene might be behind her though.
The first series is about the only one that I'd even suggest reading for anyone interested, if I'm going to go that far. Underneath all the graphic horror there's a workable story, though entirely too typical and uninspired, about survival and hope. Nothing new there. The series that come after are nothing but pushing the limits of what the reader can take. No sense in them at all, I quit shortly into Family Values and just wanted to forget it all. What I've heard of the rest, things just keep getting worse.
Not to be off topic in The Dead Thread. I was going to give up on The Crossed. Seemed like the writers were just interested in how vulgar they could make it. The first 2comics of the new story line though is starting off really strong. I'm going to hang with it a bit longer.
Just read the latest issue, I was suspecting that Negan was going to turn around and laugh at Rick's proposition but he actually wanted to do it... then Rick slashes his throat :lol

Negan needs to die, he's done so much and killed too many people to be left alive. Rick needed to do it for Glenn. For everyone.
Just read the latest issue, I was suspecting that Negan was going to turn around and laugh at Rick's proposition but he actually wanted to do it... then Rick slashes his throat :lol

Negan needs to die, he's done so much and killed too many people to be left alive. Rick needed to do it for Glenn. For everyone.

Just his throat? I thought he would have tortured him to death.
the whole time I thought neagan was going to do that to rick. like how he killed andreas ex boyfriend from the safezone.

from the slash it doesnt look like he acutally got him good, kinda looks like it was shallow or didnt do the job.

im guessing rick is going to get his in the next issue since he was standing in front of all the saviors when that happened.
the whole time I thought neagan was going to do that to rick. like how he killed andreas ex boyfriend from the safezone.

from the slash it doesnt look like he acutally got him good, kinda looks like it was shallow or didnt do the job.

im guessing rick is going to get his in the next issue since he was standing in front of all the saviors when that happened.

That's what I thought too. Negan had that false "I finally get it now" look on his face, but Rick beat him to the punch. They drew that last panel purposely vague. It could be a shallow cut, or his entire throat could be slashed. Just not enough detail to know for sure yet. It would actually be more interesting if Negan lived and was genuine about Rick's ideas. I really wanted the Prison group to let the Governor in on the TV show this season just to see how they'd live together uneasily. Maybe there is still a chance of that happening with Negan. Its hard to imagine an Alpha like him would submit to Rick, but that could be part of it - you never can fully trust Negan, even if he is on your side.

My guess is something entirely unexpected will happen next issue though. Either that or they've over hyped themselves to expected disappointment. Its going to be a long two weeks.

We’re definitely going to go into some unexpected directions… “All Out War” has been a pretty fast-paced monumental storyline that’s changing a lot of things about “The Walking Dead” universe. People are going to see how things are going to be wrapped up in the next issue, and I don’t think they’re going to be wrapped up in any kind of expected way.

They’re going to lead into issue #127, which is going to be a really big deal. Everything about “All Out War” for me that’s exciting has been how it’s going to affect the stories going forward, and seeing this world evolve as people continue to live in it long term is really the main appeal to “The Walking Dead.” This world is evolving in a big way, because of the things Rick and Negan are doing. We’re going to see that all take affect in #127. We’re following up our twice a month run on “All Out War” with a double sized issue. Issue #127 is 44 pages of story for $2.99.

So it’s going to be a very dense issue, which is certainly going to set the stage for what’s going to come through the book for many, many years.

It would be very strange to pull an element from the show and shoehorn it into the comic because of his immense popularity. The comic book is on its own path, and I've certainly got far reaching plans for that.

I like that Daryl is the element of the show that is an agent of change, that really affects every story as we try to adapt them. Losing that by putting him in the comic would do a disservice to the show, and the comics.

As much as I love Norman Reedus, and everybody loves Norman Reedus, you'll never see Daryl Dixon in the comic. There, I said it.

I wonder what he means when he says that the world is going to change based on what Rick & Negan are doing. I can't necessarily think it's a good thing completely.
I've been on the fence about what's going to happen. It seems like there's a lot of build up to this moment. I think Rick might die. I think the cut on negan is a superficial cut that won't kill him. I think ricks hesitation may cost him his life. I'm thinking this is why Maggie is starting to show leadership quality. They aren't doing that for nothing and the writers have advised that following this arc the storyline is going in a completely other direction.
I was thinking the knife was one of the tainted weapons and will cause Negan to turn. I'd hate for Rick to die if he's going to be the badass that took out Negan--as long as he doesn't get distracted by things and stuff he can be a great character.
I have to admit I was a bit disappointed with how AOW ended. They hyped the finale up to be a big change for the comics, and I guess in a way it will be, but it didn't have that jaw dropping reaction.

So Rick wants to be Miss America and create world peace? That's not really a huge shift IMO. He's always wanted a good life for Carl, only now he's in a leadership position of a group large enough he might be able to do something about it. It might be different to see them stay in one spot now for good. Not sure what conflicts would come up other than AOW/Prison Attack rip off at that point though. I mean they can only get surrounded by so many zombies too.

I for one am glad Negan made it out alive. I REALLY wanted to the Governor to make it out alive on the TV show too. I think there is a lot more too these bad guys and most of the time we don't get to find that out because they get killed off. It will be interesting to see if Negan will ever redeem himself to the group and ever be in a place of trust or if he'll always be someone they have to keep an eye on. This angle is more interesting to me than Rick's Miss America goals. Will Negan change (or did we just misunderstand him all along) or will he always be the head smashing lunatic we know him as?