The Walking Dead - comic

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Yeah I never liked Tony Moore's art, it was too cartoony. I think the art now with Charlie Adlard is much better, and has continued to get improved on. I just wish it was even more realistic.

By the way, I don't know how true it is but the Wikia of TWD said that the story will go to issue #300 on telling Rick's life. Which seems ridiculious since it's taken 10 years just to get to issue #115. I don't feel like waiting 20 years to see the end of this thing.
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I feel like I'm the only one reading this :lol

Not much happened in #117, but it's clear that Negan has weird morals. He wants to take the supplies from other communities but kills his own man for trying to rape Holly?
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im reading just on major catch up. only on #56 right now haha. soon my friend

So you're slightly past the Prison arc, things start to pick up soon for you. There is a slight dry spell of nothing going on for a good 20-30 issues after the Prison if I remember right.
I'm two issues behind. I have finished 115. I'm waiting for my brother-in-law to email me 116 and 117. I just bought the Rise of the Governor and will be reading that soon.
Kirkman definitely tried to right some of the wrongs with the "new villain" after he mishandled the governor. I have no idea how that character will be done properly on TV. HBO yes, AMC on cable=:dunno

I was wondering the same thing. He's constant use of the f-bomb is part of his character - much like how it was for Deb on Dexter. I have no idea how they'll handle him on AMC where they supposedly only get one bleeped out f-word a season. I don't think I could take him seriously saying "freaking" or "f'ing" instead :lol

They might revamp him a lot like they did with the Governor. The Governor kept most of his character traits but looks a LOT different. Maybe Negan will look like he is right out of the comic, but have a few different traits (like the lack of f-bombs)?

I did think he have his best F-attack in this issue (117) :lol
Kirkman "We need to bash Glenn's skull in."

AMC "ok"

Kirkman "it's going to be the most violent thing ever on television, even made Nicotero throw up when he saw his own effect."

AMC "sounds great, can't wait"

Kirkman "Oh and we need an extra "****" for Negan this week"

AMC "What are you crazy?! We can't have kids mimick this stuff!"
I was wondering the same thing. He's constant use of the f-bomb is part of his character - much like how it was for Deb on Dexter. I have no idea how they'll handle him on AMC where they supposedly only get one bleeped out f-word a season. I don't think I could take him seriously saying "freaking" or "f'ing" instead :lol

They might revamp him a lot like they did with the Governor. The Governor kept most of his character traits but looks a LOT different. Maybe Negan will look like he is right out of the comic, but have a few different traits (like the lack of f-bombs)?

I did think he have his best F-attack in this issue (117) :lol

I know the one you speak of :lol

Kirkman "We need to bash Glenn's skull in."

AMC "ok"

Kirkman "it's going to be the most violent thing ever on television, even made Nicotero throw up when he saw his own effect."

AMC "sounds great, can't wait"

Kirkman "Oh and we need an extra "****" for Negan this week"

AMC "What are you crazy?! We can't have kids mimick this stuff!"

Negan will kill Glenn, but I can't see it being like that. Although I was shocked to see them show Hershel's head laying there. In some ways I think Hershel's death was harder to deal with for me than the comic since Hershel had a lot more screen time as a character than he did in the comic.
Thanks for that spoiler there us guys in the Uk don't get the latest episode of WD till Friday. So I guess now I have to stay out of the comic section aswell :gah:
Currently everyone in the show is dead in the comic with the exception of Rick, Carl and Andrea. Andrea is of course dead in the show (but I thought everything was the same) so I would expect you to show some respect for others and post spoiler tags.

It may not say spoilers in the title but it does say The Walking Dead - comic so if you want to talk about the tv show please go to that thread.