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You gotta ask yourself, why didn't Rick kill Negan earlier. The guy stands outside of your gate spouting crap and tossing grenades, why didn't anyone think of putting a bullet through his head? Not once or twice but on multiple occasions. The comic book plot line is getting a little contrived.
You gotta ask yourself, why didn't Rick kill Negan earlier. The guy stands outside of your gate spouting crap and tossing grenades, why didn't anyone think of putting a bullet through his head? Not once or twice but on multiple occasions. The comic book plot line is getting a little contrived.

rick made a point that negan had the chance to kill him and carl but he didnt. I think it had went both ways, rick had alot of chances to kill him.
She thinks Glenn would have liked that. :slap:cuckoo:


I just read the new issue and started laughing when I got to that part because it's just ridiculous. What happened to Glenn was IMO the most disturbing/truly shocking thing that's happened in the comic--just unbelievably brutal. For Maggie to just let it go and not want any retribution is just insane. After all that I was hoping Carl would shoot him in front of Rick--if anything it would have made anyone else think twice about going against them.

Who knows what they are planning for the future though. They could be planning on Negan making a jailbreak later and Maggie's just biding her time to get vengeance because shooting him would be too quick. Glenn sure as hell suffered so Negan should too.
I think enough time has passed from Glenn's death that Maggie isn't dead set on getting revenge on Negan. I think she is right that Glenn would try to be the better man. Had this only been a few days after his death, I wouldn't buy that, but I think enough time has passed to allow her to grieve and calm down. I don't think she'll ever trust Negan or hesitate to put him down should the situation call for it, but I don't think her agreeing with Rick's plan is all that far fetched. I mean its not like Rick is letting him go. He's talking about giving him the equivalent of life in prison rather than the death penalty, which is very common sentence for murderers today.
Negan brutally killed the father of her baby for no other reason than he wanted to make an example out of him. I think a character-defining moment like that deserved a little more a couple panels and an immediate agreement on her part.

Plus, a prison sentence for Negan? Does anyone think he will be rehabilitated? He was written as an irredeemable character IMO. Also, life in prison is common in the society in which we live but Rick and the others are living in a completely different world. Why would they waste food and supplies on a person that wants them dead and will always be trying to kill them? The people in the story are surrounded by death outside the walls they build. Why would they take the chance that he'll get out or sway others to his side and then have to worry about death coming at them from inside those walls? There have to be other plans for Negan in the comic or they would have just killed him. I just think with what he's done and what everyone else has been through in the comic because of him and just the state if the world they live in that Negan should have died.
Negan isn't the Governor. He has a sense of right and wrong and justice. He has a set of rules he's put in place and has his group live by, not all that dissimilar to Joe recently on the TV show. That doesn't mean he is a boy scout, but he isn't a psycho where anything goes like the Governor. Negan has stopped rapes, the Governor raped. I don't think Negan is 100% bad. I think his introduction was meant to build him up as a force to be reckoned with, but he could have just as easily taken out all of them instead of just Glenn if he wanted to. He could have easily killed Carl several times just to punish Rick. He actually wants a functioning society. He just wants to be in charge of it. You live by his laws and you do OK. You don't, you get an iron or maybe something worse. He didn't kill Glenn just for the heck of it, he had his reasons for doing it. And for a time Rick and his group briefly followed Negan's demands because of that event because they really didn't have any other options at the time.

And Rick wanting to keep Negan alive even though he is a murderer like we do in our current society is exactly the point. Rick wants to bring things back to the way they are now for us, the way they were for them. Yes, they live in a screwed up world where you need to kill constantly to survive. Rick wants to bring that to a stop as much as possible. If keeping murderers alive to live out prison sentences helps bring that back around in people's minds, then that is why he wants to do that. Negan's own set of laws would have put him to death had he and Rick been in opposite positions. Rick is trying to prove he (and his group) are better than that and that they don't need to be so vicious anymore. The zombies have become a background threat. Its the people that have been the main problem for the last little while. Once they get the colonies united and get a system of trade up and running, things could turn out for the better for them. Or at least that is Rick's hope. He believes that people as a whole are still good deep down. Everyone left a live has been hardened in order to survive, but they still are capable of returning to the way they were.

I can see what you mean though. I think the nature of comics doesn't exactly lend itself to long speeches and arguments and the kind of decision making you might have been hoping for in Maggie. If this was a novel there would have been time for that, but in a comic you have to keep things moving otherwise we still might be at Herschel's farm right now. Its a different kind of storytelling and sometimes things have to happen quicker than they might in reality to keep the story moving on. Its not like she immediately said yes though. She was against it at first and then came around to the idea Glenn might have been good enough to spare Negan's life. I'm sure Kirkman will get plenty of questions about this in the Letter Hacks in a month or two.

And for the record, if I were Rick, I would have taken Negan out. He's far to dangerous and unpredictable to keep alive. But as a reader I'm glad they didn't kill Negan off just yet. I think there are a lot of possibilities to play with with him still around. Its possible he might become a contributing member of society, but in the back of your mind you'll always be waiting and wondering when he'll make his move. I don't see this as Negan getting away with murder, but more as a stay of execution. He'll get what he deserves eventually, but not just yet. Who knows, maybe something more horrible than bleeding out or being shot in the head awaits for him in the future? Keeping him around may be a good thing for the group in the long run or it might be a very terrible one, but it will probably be far more interesting than if he had just died here. I'm still a little disappointed the Governor was taken out so early on. The great things about comic books in general are the returning bad guys. And due to the nature of the Walking Dead, that's not something they really get a chance to have. So it might be kind of cool to have a villain out there that could return at any time.
I noticed Adlard just started drawing Carl as a young man now. Just a few issues ago when he was in Negan's camp he still looked like he was 12-ish. . . now he looks more like 16 or 17. The eye wound is a bad idea cuz now he has scene hair.

Also, I don't know a lot about medicine but a compound fracture like that seems like it would be a devastating injury in the type of world they live in. Like, Rick will have to walk on a cane for the rest of his life.
I forgot all about the new issue until I went to my local Hastings; one issue left and nice surprise being a double issue. Glad the inker stayed on. Adlard's art alone was looking sloppy
So, I finally started reading the comics. As many others the TV show brought me into TWD and as a comic nerd I just had to start reading it. I am going with the hardcovers. The first one consists of the first 5 issues and ends with Shane being shot. I must say that I am not very impressed with the first story. Shanes death feels a little bit rushed and does not make very much sense. I was really hoping for a much longer Shane-Rick relation in the comics. Anyway, I am looking forward to hardcover No. 2... :rock
So, I finally started reading the comics. As many others the TV show brought me into TWD and as a comic nerd I just had to start reading it. I am going with the hardcovers. The first one consists of the first 5 issues and ends with Shane being shot. I must say that I am not very impressed with the first story. Shanes death feels a little bit rushed and does not make very much sense. I was really hoping for a much longer Shane-Rick relation in the comics. Anyway, I am looking forward to hardcover No. 2... :rock

There are lots of differences at times. From what I recall, Shane was killed off early on in the comic, as the writer wasn't sure the WD would last past the first year. If only he knew it would become a tv show, a spin off, and a ten plus year comic....!!!

I didn't start picking up the single issues until 85 - re-reading issues 53 - first appearance of Abraham. Totally forgot some stuff. I may have to go back and re-read from issue 1. If only I had issue!!!!
Just went through hardcover No 2 today after I have watched the new episode of the TV show. I did like the 2nd hardcover alot more. The group has already left the farm and found the prison. Ordered No 3 and 4 for the weekend. These are a nice read for the autumn evenings. :)