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Not a fan of the long run, I feel Kirkman pulled a Whedon with the death choice. Sure, its all shocking and whatnot for the issue and a few follow ups, but down the road people are just gonna say, 'it aint the same without

It was definitely Whedon-esque. . . finally give a character some happiness then give them a brutal death.
I thought I'd be feeling kinda meh after the war at the prison but it brought me back in. I feel this will be he first time Rick actually has to accept defeat for a while. It may be getting interesting. 100 was a shocker though. Very upsetting.
The part where
he yelled, 'Maggie,' just killed me

Seriously, I read issue #100 at comic con; ruined my day. I moped around the convention floor.

I hope Rick, massacres Negan's loved ones in the same fashion as Glenn was killed, mutilates and tortures Negan, and destroys the rest of the saviors. :pfft:

:lol That's a tall order to ask from a small group and a guy with one hand. :(
Just finally got around to reading issue #100. Is it me or did this just seem very gorey and violent compared to the rest of the book? Don't get me wrong I have no problem with that, because I do love some gore in my comics. Especially realistic gore. I just can't figure out if it was really that violent and bloody or if it just seemed like that because of who it happened to. Sucks because
was my favorite.
btw...compendium 2 is pre orderable on amazon


Can't wait. I don't buy issues but every now and then I'll pick one up and read it which is why I love these huge walking dead bibles.

Anyhow, anyone see the cover for TWD 101?

It features a mysterious man with a crossbow which gets the mind to speculate that figure be Daryl Dixon (despite Kirkman having no plans to add him to the comic book which when asked again, I believe, in the SDCC TV show panel, he refused to comment).
The cover to TWD #101 :panic:


thought I read recently that Kirkman ISN'T writing Darryl into the comic...

Hopefully they do though.
Here's an article from March 4, 2012 where Kirkman talks about bringing Daryl into the comic.

Daryl Dixon may bring his crossbow to the Walking Dead comics

"I've definitely considered writing Daryl in to the comics," said Kirkman. "Norman is always pestering me about it. All I can say right now is that if you have been paying attention to the Internet we did just release a series of teasers called 'Something to Fear' for a new story arc that's coming up and it's a series of very threatening looking people with very specific weapons and one of them has a crossbow."

Click link above to read the whole article. :D
Thinking back on issue 100, I don't think they did enough variant covers? Why stop with a mere 12 or so.........

And of all the gimmick variants, I love the double cover one by Rathburn
I just read issue 100. Damn. Just... damn.

I've been reading the entire series on my iPad. I got 1-99 for 99 cents each during two sales this year. The last sale was during Comic Con. I bought 36-99 one day. :lol

Starting with 101, I'll be downloading these on release day.