Very few comics nowadays...
...leave me speechless and saddened. TWD #100 did that to me.
Not a fan of the long run, I feel Kirkman pulled a Whedon with the death choice. Sure, its all shocking and whatnot for the issue and a few follow ups, but down the road people are just gonna say, 'it aint the same withoutglen
The part wherehe yelled, 'Maggie,' just killed me
btw...compendium 2 is pre orderable on amazon
"I've definitely considered writing Daryl in to the comics," said Kirkman. "Norman is always pestering me about it. All I can say right now is that if you have been paying attention to the Internet we did just release a series of teasers called 'Something to Fear' for a new story arc that's coming up and it's a series of very threatening looking people with very specific weapons and one of them has a crossbow."
Very cool - too old school with my comics. Need them for when I am on my 'man throne' as it were
Very cool - too old school with my comics. Need them for when I am on my 'man throne' as it were