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Started reading this a couple weeks ago and I couldn't stop, I'm already all caught up and now I can't wait til the next issue, really awesome stuff and great writing.
105 was pretty good as well. Negan is a bad man.

I think Carl is gonna be the one to kill him.
finally got around to reading the last 3 issues. Man I love Carl and Negan.
I just caught up. Thank god I subscribe to this thread. Man, each issue is making me nervous and nervous. I'm thinking about taking a break and reading them all at once. Like how I do with the compendiums.
I like the last issue a lot. Major cliffhanger at the end.

I like the book more than the show, honestly.
I like the last issue a lot. Major cliffhanger at the end.

I like the book more than the show, honestly.

I think anyone who honestly has read the books will agree that the show just doesn't live up to the comics. No way will they ever make Carl a complete and total badass in the show like he is in the books.
Did anyone look at the cover for issue 108? I know 107 didn't even come out yet but looks like we're getting a new character. And I have no idea what his background is or where the this arc is going past 107.
The way Kirkman writes bad guys makes me think he has issues. . .

And I'm only half kidding.

What Negan does and all the rumors surrounding the way Kirkman runs the TV show, my mind can't help buy draw conclusions that Kirkman is a madman behind the scenes.
I think anyone who honestly has read the books will agree that the show just doesn't live up to the comics. No way will they ever make Carl a complete and total badass in the show like he is in the books.

I couldnt agree more! There are so many scenarios that made that book so bad a$$! Some fine examples would be Michonne Vs Governor, Death of Dale, Death of Tyrese, Death of Lori and Judith. There is no way they would ever get that gory and uncensored on TV. I enjoy the show, but the books are sooooooo much better. I have collected comics almost my entire life of almost 30 years, and once I started reading The Walking Dead back in I think 03, I REALLLLYY got into comics. I would so more so to find a series that I enjoyed as much as Walking Dead because I couldnt wait until the next issue so I wanted something similar to read. The closest story I could find that got me as attached to the characters as in The Walking Dead I would have to say is Sweet Tooth... another amazing story. I actually felt sad when I read the last page, both because it was over and because of the way it ended.
The comic is great, but I really enjoy both equally, they both do a good job at what they do with both mediums, the comic is great at pushing the envelope but the show really is pretty well done as far as cast, acting, story, the score, the attention to detail of all the sets and not to mention the tension. I am current on both comic and show so I know where the story should be going but I really like how the show gets my emotions going high, I was seriously balling after episode 4, i even got teary eyed just watching the making of that episode something I don't ever feel reading the book. I also really like the way the tension between Rick and Shane was played out on the show rather than in the comic also I enjoy Hershal alot more on the show. I think they are both superior in their own ways and sometimes the changes they make work better in the translation to film. Watchmen and Kick-A$$ IMO are the best examples of some changes from the comic working better on screen.
The only thing that makes me really sad about the show is knowing how ****ty Negan will be portrayed. The best part about him is just his attitude and the way he talks. I mean how on earth will they be able to say Here I am friendly as a ****less **** on a free **** day :lol Easily one of my favorite villians of any book. You are supposed to hate him, but I actually don't want him to die.
I think the show has a great possibility to to a good job on Negan, I think the show has done a decent job with the Governor so far with the changes they have made from comic to show and I am confident they can do the same with Negan. What I think would be great is if they could actually get Henry Rollins to play him since he was somewhat Kirkmans inspiration for the character, which could totally happen being his prior role on Sons of Anarchy.
I think the show has a great possibility to to a good job on Negan, I think the show has done a decent job with the Governor so far with the changes they have made from comic to show and I am confident they can do the same with Negan. What I think would be great is if they could actually get Henry Rollins to play him since he was somewhat Kirkmans inspiration for the character, which could totally happen being his prior role on Sons of Anarchy.

Negan is huge on having such a filthy mouth and that is what makes his character. They can't really get around that on cable tv. Now the violence they can get around that by doing it off screen or just toning it down. I guess we will see. I don't see them getting to Negan for a couple of seasons.
I have subscribed to this thread since Xmas but waited till I read all the issues up to date before I posted.
I just finished 108 and I love these comics. I do prefer the comics now but I don't think it's a fair comparison as the characters are more evolved in the comics.

Bring on issue 109 :panic::panic: