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I really like the emblem for Rick's "Survivors" group.

:lol well the emblems aren't going to be used within the comic itself, I don't think. It's just a little gimmick about the War.
:lol well the emblems aren't going to be used within the comic itself, I don't think. It's just a little gimmick about the War.

Ya I agree. I do love the survivors one. That would make a sweet patch.

Well 115 is out today, hopefully it's up on Youtube by the time I go on Lunch.

I am heading to my LCS at lunch.
Damn flash player on my work PC doesn't let me watch most Youtube videos so I got to wait until later to read it.

I might buy all the variants off eBay of 115. I don't collect loose comics but I love all the covers of the variants, great idea to sum up each arc per cover. Although whenever they release the hardback of All out War it will have these covers anyway.
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Just picked up one of the variant covers for 115, the Tyreese Special and the 1st issue in color.

Picked up 115 (1 cover), the 10th Ann color issue and some randon one-shot. Gotta say that the art in 115 is the best in about 4-5 years. Adlard is being inked by another person and the results are amazing. While the letter indicated the inker is just around for the 12 issue storyline, I do hope that he continues beyond. Adlard is not his best inker anymore; that, or an inker allows him more time on the pencils - whatever it is, I've missed this level of artwork in the title
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Read the issue, I like the whole united we stand thing against the Saviors. Doesn't surprise me that the chicken **** who runs Hilltop wouldn't have the nuts to stand against Negan.
Just got caught up last week. Started reading the first omnibus this summer (finished it en route to SDCC) and then moved on to the second, the two trades after that and was lucky enough to pick up the single issues after that.

Wow! What a ride!

Negan is a great bad guy. I loved the Governor, but I think I like Negan even more. Can't wait to see how this arc finishes. I can't imagine we'll get all of the group out alive.
Glad you like it man, I think Negan is an excellent follow up the Governor. I think the War is going to kill off a lot on both sides. I get the feeling Negan is going to kill Andrea before he himself bites it. There hasn't been a "win" for Rick's group without major deaths.
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I'm not so sure Negan will bite it though. I think Kirkman really regretted killing the Governor when he did - that's why I think we got the Season 3 finale we did with the TV show instead of what happened to the prison in the comics. I think the Governor will come and go for a while now. I could see them doing that with Negan in the comics.

I'm not sure out Andrea either - with the whole "we survive" thing she keeps saying to Rick. I mean, they killed her off in the show so she can certainly go in the comics too, but it seems too obvious. Kirkman really likes to deliver low blows. I could see Michonne going out this year actually.
I just hope Andrea sticks around for a little while since Rick needs to have a love interest since his character is just so depressing anymore since he can't hold onto anything. I understand that goes with the territory of the comic but damn, cut him a break for once :lol
Anyone read #116? I liked the chapter, good start to the War and Rick is using past experience for his tactics in going after Negan.

Brilliant idea creating a Herd to surround the steel mill.