The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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:lol I'm curious too because he'd sound real dumb saying freaking or other f word replacements.

The season 4 ending in the train van was the perfect time for the F-bomb, it was set up perfectly for it. Instead we got the word screw and it killed the scene. What's the deal with use of the F word anyway, is it banned on TV shows?
They filmed it with the f word. It's on the deleted scenes on the blurays. Would be nice to have it part of the regular episode though.
AMC is a cable channel not network so I don't see why they don't allow the "F" bomb. :huh

Exactly...what are they worried about? Pissing off parents? Well here's a little secret for you...if parents are already letting their kids watch The Walking Dead I highly doubt they are going to care about some F bombs.
I honestly think ratings would be fine. :lol

I HATE that whole "If Daryl dies we riot" baloney. It's the Walking Dead! He needs to die eventually. I feel like his character growth is pretty much finished, and he's boring me now.

But I'm also turned off by "Daryl-mania," which is partly why I want to see him go.

Yup, Daryl was everyone's bad ass till the women started liking him, then, OFF WITH HIS HEAD! :lol

Until they start bringing in new characters with some staying power, you can't kill off the regulars.
The troll has a point though, this show certainly isn't high art like Wrestling and Prequels. :lol

That's cute.

The season 4 ending in the train van was the perfect time for the F-bomb, it was set up perfectly for it. Instead we got the word screw and it killed the scene. What's the deal with use of the F word anyway, is it banned on TV shows?

I was going to say the same thing... but then I would be called a troll for upsetting the oversensitive crowd.

I really thought that was going to be an epic scene. Could have been very iconic in TV history... then they go and ruin it. Probably was the turning point for me on my views of this show was that moment right there. I knew it would never be as good as it should be.
Exactly...what are they worried about? Pissing off parents? Well here's a little secret for you...if parents are already letting their kids watch The Walking Dead I highly doubt they are going to care about some F bombs.


Cable or satellite are subscription based services while network television is available to everyone. The regulations governing the two are different from what I know. I could be wrong though.
Four of Carlin's Seven Dirty Words are essentially no-go zones: As much as I'd love to hear the occasional F-bomb on basic cable, it isn't worth it for AMC to face a fine.

AMC did it on Breaking Bad. A bunch ...

They bleeped it out on the original airing. It's uncensored on the DVDs, though.

I agree that they should've used a bleeped f-bomb instead of 'screwed'. Would've been a lot better.
