The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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How in the hell do you post a GIF?
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Are you really a fan of the show if by your own words the writing has changed immensely from season 1? That the only reason you watch is to see if it gets better? Gee, I may give it a season to see if it gets better but this many seasons? Ya know I can't say that I've never noticed your name in this thread. That tells me you haven't been too boisterous either way. But when others say they like the show so much, but their post is filled with negativity, hate for the characters, hate for the writing, just out and out hate, well it gets kind of old after while. And yes it makes me wonder why someone would continue to watch something they clearly hate. I find myself posting less and less in this thread because of reading the negativity. To me it's getting easier to ignore the whole thread then continue to read the constant bashing of it by people who pick every little bit apart that doesn't make sense. Remember people, it's a show about reanimated corpses. Once you accept that, the rest is icing on the cake.

Dude, chill, seriously?! xD I pop on the forum when I have the time. I do have a life outside of the interwebs and toy forums.

I never said I hated the show after this or that season, I just enjoyed the first few seasons more than the others. But to get turned off because people are speaking badly of the show? Yeah... It's not that serious. Things like that don't affect me. Besides, I like reading different perspectives, I like to read why others feel the way they do on something whether it's something I enjoy or don't. Perhaps I'm kooky for that, I don't know but at the end of the day it's just a show. Lol
Dude, chill, seriously?! xD I pop on the forum when I have the time. I do have a life outside of the interwebs and toy forums.

I never said I hated the show after this or that season, I just enjoyed the first few seasons more than the others. But to get turned off because people are speaking badly of the show? Yeah... It's not that serious. Things like that don't affect me. Besides, I like reading different perspectives, I like to read why others feel the way they do on something whether it's something I enjoy or don't. Perhaps I'm kooky for that, I don't know but at the end of the day it's just a show. Lol

Don't worry about him. Most of his posts refer to me and he just doesn't have the will to actually say so. Why... I don't know. He gets easily upset if anyone "bashes" the show... actually if they say anything "negative" about anything he gets upset. So..... glad someone likes to read all the comments... sometimes I feel like I am talking to myself when I post. No one wants to have a discussion really. All it is anymore is sunshine lollipops, rainbow gumdrops, and of course sugar spice and everything nice.
I don't believe the wall is about to give way, I believe that blood is coming from either one of the night watchmen or from someone trying to scale the wall. The latter seems highly improbable but I wouldn't rule it out.

It's possible, however, if you carefully note how the blood appears, it doesn't drip from above. If so, it would have more of a downward movement. Instead, it seems to ooze out from the wall. I think it's the wall weakening and giving way to the pressure from the other side. But who knows?! Damn Walking Dead and it's ambiguous scenes. :lol
It's possible, however, if you carefully note how the blood appears, it doesn't drip from above. If so, it would have more of a downward movement. Instead, it seems to ooze out from the wall. I think it's the wall weakening and giving way to the pressure from the other side. But who knows?! Damn Walking Dead and it's ambiguous scenes. :lol

yeah, I have a civil engineering background and have built many walls. Personally I'm perplexed and very eager to see if what they come up with makes sense.
They just keep stringing us along with Glenns' fate, the bloody wall, Morgan's pet Wolf, what's happening to Daryl, etc. I just hope most of these get answered by the mid season finale so we can move to a fresh problem and not wonder all winter if Glenn is zombie chow or not :lol
Check out this awesome pic of Carol getting ready to filet this Wolf bee-otch...


By the way, where did she go? I need to go back and rewatch the last time we saw her. I can't recall if she left Alexandria to go do something. Bake some cookies or make someone look at flowers. :lol
I liked the episode a lot. I just wish they cut the crap with the doctor girl. I dont even hate that storyline, I just don't like the girl (And you KNOW she is going to get bit..... from the patient she is trying to save..... that's so obvious)

I wish the stuff with Maggie was longer, wish they developed some of the other characters better, they have wasted so much time with that doctor chick.

i think it is funny they are messing with everyone about Glenn, i am still not sure if he is dead or not. probably not, but still not sure.
Steven Yeun must've wanted crazy amount of $$$ to be treaded as such? Thinking he is getting the Merle treatement. We'll see his zombified Glen as part of season finale?
Check out this awesome pic of Carol getting ready to filet this Wolf bee-otch...


By the way, where did she go? I need to go back and rewatch the last time we saw her. I can't recall if she left Alexandria to go do something. Bake some cookies or make someone look at flowers. :lol

The show needs more Carol. I'd rather see more Carol baking cookies than the scenes with the background Alexandrian characters. Let's face it the majority of the Alexandrian's are just walker fodder for the inevitable mid-season episode where Alexandria falls (I haven't any read spoilers but I think it's pretty obvious what will happen).
Don't worry about him. Most of his posts refer to me and he just doesn't have the will to actually say so. Why... I don't know. He gets easily upset if anyone "bashes" the show... actually if they say anything "negative" about anything he gets upset. So..... glad someone likes to read all the comments... sometimes I feel like I am talking to myself when I post. No one wants to have a discussion really. All it is anymore is sunshine lollipops, rainbow gumdrops, and of course sugar spice and everything nice.

Well of course I'm talking about you Sherlock. I don't think I've been trying to hide it? You are talking to yourself because no one else likes reading your diatribe either. You're like one of those little shaky chihuahuas that annoy the **** out of people. Yip, yip, yip, bad writing, yip, yip, yip, pointless, yip, yip, yip, nonsensical, and on and on ad nauseam. I am ashamed though that I let some nameless person on the internet get to me so troll away man, troll away.
This thread is hilarious. More entertaining than the last episode for sure. One can almost feel the waves of butt hurt emanating from the screen when anyone dares criticize the show. As annoyed as some people here get by those that criticize the show, the constant praise for mediocre or worse episodes is just as annoying to others. We're all fans with different ideas of what the show should be--some are happy with it and some are disappointed. I've been a fan of the comic and show since both started and now only watch the show for the 3 "shocking" moments that happen every season and fast-forward through the garbage. A lot of people (myself included) wish it was better quality than it is but that doesn't mean they should stop watching. Those few moments where the show really gives a glimpse of how awesome it can be are worth sticking around for IMO, even if I have my finger on the fast-forward button.
This thread is hilarious. More entertaining than the last episode for sure. One can almost feel the waves of butt hurt emanating from the screen when anyone dares criticize the show. As annoyed as some people here get by those that criticize the show, the constant praise for mediocre or worse episodes is just as annoying to others. We're all fans with different ideas of what the show should be--some are happy with it and some are disappointed. I've been a fan of the comic and show since both started and now only watch the show for the 3 "shocking" moments that happen every season and fast-forward through the garbage. A lot of people (myself included) wish it was better quality than it is but that doesn't mean they should stop watching. Those few moments where the show really gives a glimpse of how awesome it can be are worth sticking around for IMO, even if I have my finger on the fast-forward button.

Pretty much spot on. I've been a fan of the show since the start and enjoy it but I can admit that there are many things that could be done a lot better. Those things don't stop me investing an hour of each week into watching it though. Even the very best shows have flaws.

I don't get this thread though, I get that the 'trolling' comments can be annoying but even the slightest constructive critisism is met with hostility, the same applies for anything positive said about the show.
I agree it looks like that blood might be oozing out from the wall rather than dripping from above—but who knows?

I thought it was strange that Rick was putting so much emphasis on the walker herd but not acknowledging their horrible ordeal with the Wolves! And you’re really going to address the town right next to the wall where all the walkers can hear you? At least he did tell everyone should be quiet and not turn on any lights. It seems like the walkers are all hanging out by the main entrance—maybe they should make some noise on another part of the wall so the walkers go there and the townspeople can still use the entrance. At least maybe try and dissipate the herd so not just one part of the wall is being stressed. Or are we to assume that the walkers (10 deep I think Rick said) are completely surrounding every inch of that wall?

It looks like the kid is up to something bad. Does he want to learn to shoot so he can kill Rick and Carl?

Those sewer walkers were pretty gruesome, slimy, deteriorating! I agree Aaron and Maggie’s scenes were great.

And yeah, it looks like they’re going to string us along about Glen’s fate. Is it going to be like Carol’s daughter, a whole season of looking for the character and then they show up one way or another at the end of the season?

I thought the episode was fine. I had no problem having a slower episode to balance off all the other ones. But I will admit that this one did seem a bit filler-ish.