The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I agree, it doesn't exactly say good things about this society. Violence ok. ****ies bad. Profanity bad.

kids will imitate what they see on screen, but a kid will probably not imitate decapitating a zombie, but a kid WILL curse non stop if they see it because kids are stupid.
(same with the ****s, kids are pretty perverted)
kids will imitate what they see on screen, but a kid will probably not imitate decapitating a zombie, but a kid WILL curse non stop if they see it because kids are stupid.
(same with the ****s, kids are pretty perverted)

Children should not be watching these types of shows. If they are then it's the parents responsibilty if their kid hears bad language or sees people getting eaten etc...
kids will imitate what they see on screen, but a kid will probably not imitate decapitating a zombie, but a kid WILL curse non stop if they see it because kids are stupid.
(same with the ****s, kids are pretty perverted)

I just think the overly-puritanical obsession people have with nudity in the U.S does more harm then good. Sure, nobody wants to watch a movie that has graphic sex with their kids, but seriously, nipples? What's the big deal? Bare butt? Who cares?

I'd rather my kid saw ****s or butt on screen then graphic violence.

And the violence isn't just towards zombies on TWD, which I would not let my kids watch, but is used pretty graphically on the living as well. But I'm really talking about TV and movies in general.
Rick says "they're f---ing with the wrong people" in the season 5 dvd. Negan could absolutely use it and they could censor it or replace it and then put it on the dvd. It's better than nothing.

That's just a deleted scene though, right? Or an alternate take. Did they replace the "screwing" line entirely?
I think we'll see Negan drop one F bomb on his into, but after that, who knows. Its such an critical part of his characterization. If you've watched Dexter, you'll know Deb's foul mouth was very much apart of her character and Negan is no different. They've pushed the gore more than just about any other show I think, really, what is a bit of language at this point. I mean has it really come to the point where violence is more acceptable than nudity and nudity more acceptable than foul language? Because I encounter foul language on a daily basis living in modern society. Public nudity and violence is a far, far lesser occurance in daily life.

I don't want this to open the flood gates where every character is dropping an f-bomb other other word, but if they kept it soley to Negan (and maybe Rick to mock him) it would be fine. I've never been a fan of Tarintino dialogue because of that. Give that man a thesauraus already! :lol

Negan will be a show changer that is for sure, even more so if they can somehow get him to swear like a sailor. I wonder if AMC could 'purchase' a 'swearing license' for a single character? One lump sum fine that could give them the freedom to let Negan rip to his heart's content. There is an ultimate Negan line from the comic that would result in about a $1 Million+ fine if they used it, but it would be awesome.
I just think the overly-puritanical obsession people have with nudity in the U.S does more harm then good. Sure, nobody wants to watch a movie that has graphic sex with their kids, but seriously, nipples? What's the big deal? Bare butt? Who cares?

I'd rather my kid saw ****s or butt on screen then graphic violence.

And the violence isn't just towards zombies on TWD, which I would not let my kids watch, but is used pretty graphically on the living as well. But I'm really talking about TV and movies in general.

Most of the time, nudity isn't necessary for the story at all. And when it is, it mostly one sided, so they can leave it out all together for all I care.

Language I don't care most of the time. I do think comedians these days use the F bomb a lot because otherwise they wouldn't be funny. It can be overkill.