The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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the lake of fire. How is that supposed to kill the walkers?

I'm assuming that we are supposed to believe that when the walkers' heads would get engulfed in flame that their "brains" would get the equivalent damage as a head shot and they'd go down. Though we've seen crispy walkers walking around in previous seasons. Wouldn't be the first inconsistency but that's what they were probably going for IMO.
I enjoyed the episode alot. Only nitpick I had was the lake of fire. How is that supposed to kill the walkers? They showed the walkers that were on fire being put out as they walked further into the water. So, won't the lake just be filled with a bunch of burnt walkers? :dunno

Plus, I'm waiting for Gabriel to disappoint us all again.

I was thinking it was less about the kills, and more about the giant distraction ... easier to kill a bunch of them while they're all walking away.

That's what I thought too...get them all turned around so you can stab them in the back of the head then deal with whatever leftovers come stumbling out of the lake.
I must have missed that part Khev. The distraction makes sense in getting their backs to you. With the time jump of them attacking to just sitting on the porch, it was just glossed over. Like I said, my only real nitpick. And that wasn't that big of a deal to me anyways.
When the Walkers start to walk away, Rick shouts "don't let up!" Or something to that effect

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Good episode. I thought some of the choices made were a little half-assed though. TWD spent a lot of time developing the kid's sensitive nature and with the mid-season finale, I thought they would be a little more creative with his death. Anything would have been better than what we ended up with. It just felt like the writers made all these brash decisions to speed up the story.

"Guys we're half-way through the season and we haven't even introduced Neegan!"

"****, you're right!"

"OK, just kill the kid and mom."


"Uh, as they are walking out, just have a zombie bite him out of nowhere."

"Done. What about the Wolf kidnapper?"

"Kill him off in this episode too."

"Same way?"


"We have to make it a little different."

"OK, plot twist: he turns good and saves the girl before he dies."


"What about all the walkers? There's a ton of them"

"Just kill them all."


"What about Glen?"

"****, I forgot. OK, he comes back and saves Maggie."

"Done. This all happens very fast. Is it still daytime?"

"No. Just abruptly change to nighttime."
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Good episode. I thought some of the choices made were a little half-assed though. TWD spent a lot of time developing the kid's sensitive nature and with the mid-season finale, I thought they would be a little more creative with his death. Anything would have been better than what we ended up with. It just felt like the writers made all these brash decisions to speed up the story.

Orrrrr they were following pretty much exactly what happened in the comic.

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Reread issue #83. Of course they split comics-Ron into two characters for the TV show, but Jessie is Jessie and what happens to them is exactly as it is in the comics.

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Anyone see this?

That's a stretch to me. Yes, a car drives into frame far off in the background as the rocket launcher goes off. If that is Negan (or one of his men), then I don't see how he could tell who killed his men from that far off and as the explosion was occurring. I suppose if Daryl drives past them they could get a better look at Daryl, Sasha and Abraham. We shall see.
That's a stretch to me. Yes, a car drives into frame far off in the background as the rocket launcher goes off. If that is Negan (or one of his men), then I don't see how he could tell who killed his men from that far off and as the explosion was occurring. I suppose if Daryl drives past them they could get a better look at Daryl, Sasha and Abraham. We shall see.

In regards to that video, I agree. I think he found another screw up, personally.

"The producers usually don't screw up with anything" he says. BS! In the pilot episode, when Rick is riding the horse in the city of Atlanta: You can clearly spot a person drinking water right in the middle of all the walkers.

Was there a reason for that too? :lol