The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Holy hell. What an episode!

That little kid and his momma got munched!

Coral got the **** shot out of his eye!

Finally able to read this thread! Thought the episode was great, some real shocking stuff in there. Was actually disappointed that the wolf got killed, those couple of scenes felt like they were going somewhere interesting. And that's after I spent weeks hating Morgan for keeping him alive :lol
I just wish the blonde didn't have to die :(. Crazy ass episode though, I was waiting for that disguise crap to stop working and I knew Carols words to that stupid kid were going to come back at some point.
I just wish the blonde didn't have to die :(. Crazy ass episode though, I was waiting for that disguise crap to stop working and I knew Carols words to that stupid kid were going to come back at some point.

Complete opposite for me. I was glad when she and her kids were taken out. :lol
Episode started off with a bang! Just where in the back was the launcher stored?

And Ricks new squeeze and kids getting munched right after the opening credits. Happy Valentines Day, Ricky! :lol

And that was a lot of zombies for 8 or so peps to kill. :lol

I liked the episode but this is just rinse and repeat.
Episode started off with a bang! Just where in the back was the launcher stored?

And Ricks new squeeze and kids getting munched right after the opening credits. :lol

And that was a lot of zombies for 8 or so peps to kill. :lol

I liked the episode but this is just rinse and repeat.

That was a lot more than eight people. Maybe 20-30. Hell, they could go through near 500 if they only killed 15-20 each. And it seemed like they went through more than that per person.

Not entirely implausible, esp given the effectiveness of the circle tactic when used at the prison -- when it was just Rick, Daryl, Glenn, Maggie, and TDog.

Complete opposite for me. I was glad when she and her kids were taken out. :lol

Her kids sucked, but it would have been interesting to see how her character would endure in the zombie apocalypse as a widow.

Just kidding, it probably wouldn't be interesting. But I'm willing to put up with a little boredom to keep looking at Alexandra Breckenridge.
I'm kind of interested to see where they take Rick's romantic interests now because in the comic he end up with
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, who's dead on the show but still alive and well in the comic. So that's a pretty big deviation right there. I kind of feel like they've made
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replacement, but she and Rick haven't ever really had a connection. I know a lot of people having been wanting Rick and Michonne to get together, but I dunno. I think Michonne sees Carl as more of a little brother than a son, but I guess she's got a connection with Rick more than anyone else... so far.

Now that the Walker situation is under control, Negan's going to be the next big threat to the group. That rocket launcher is going to cause them a lot of grief. And really, was a rocket really needed to light the lake? Wouldn't a simple match or lighter have sufficed? Its not like rockets are as abundant as matches and lighters surely are. They found like what, 4-5 of those rockets? I'd be all for saving them and using them as little as possible. Blowing up a whole biker gang? Sure? Lighting a fire? Eh, probably not the best use.
Abe Ford cackling before letting loose with a hail of gunfire was so Abe Ford. :lol

It was fun but there's only so many times Glenn can be saved. I'm not a fan of Glenn anymore but I put that blame on the writers now. If you have him die back in 'Thank you' it would have given more meaning to his death. Now he's back from almost certain death, saves Maggie and is then saved again.

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Her kids sucked, but it would have been interesting to see how her character would endure in the zombie apocalypse as a widow.

Just kidding, it probably wouldn't be interesting. But I'm willing to put up with a little boredom to keep looking at Alexandra Breckenridge.

Meh. I've got my eye candy with Maggie, she's not as annoying or boring as Jessie. lol

I'm kind of interested to see where they take Rick's romantic interests now because in the comic he end up with
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, who's dead on the show but still alive and well in the comic. So that's a pretty big deviation right there. I kind of feel like they've made
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replacement, but she and Rick haven't ever really had a connection. I know a lot of people having been wanting Rick and Michonne to get together, but I dunno. I think Michonne sees Carl as more of a little brother than a son, but I guess she's got a connection with Rick more than anyone else... so far.

I agree that Rick and Michonne would make a pretty nice couple. She should've earned major points from Rick in regards to her relationship with Carl. I don't agree that her relationship with him is sisterly. She's displayed much motherly affections with him. She's the only other character that's shown much concern for the kid. She's not your typical fragile put-upon woman. She's a bad ass, why Rick hasn't shown interest in her yet is beyond me. :lol

It was fun but there's only so many times Glenn can be saved. I'm not a fan of Glenn anymore but I put that blame on the writers now. If you have him die back in 'Thank you' it would have given more meaning to his death. Now he's back from almost certain death, saves Maggie and is then saved again.

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Glenn can be irritating. He seemed to have lost all personality since his relationship with Maggie. But I don't see anything happening to him. His death would no longer have an impact since that "Thank you" episode. Annnd maybe it will, who knows?
I enjoyed the episode alot. Only nitpick I had was the lake of fire. How is that supposed to kill the walkers? They showed the walkers that were on fire being put out as they walked further into the water. So, won't the lake just be filled with a bunch of burnt walkers? :dunno

Plus, I'm waiting for Gabriel to disappoint us all again.