Super Freak
Re: The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC
With her still missing, it gives them reason to stay at Hershall's to let what's going on there play out. It doesn't bother me the least bit.
I give Hardwick props for last week's show. He was still able to finish his sentences despite the massive tatas on the producer sitting just feet away.
The only problem I have with the pacing so far is the search for the little girl. I'm tired of watching them wander the woods. Find her and move the plot along.
I have no problem with the zombie count, we just had a ____load of them in the episode before last.
With her still missing, it gives them reason to stay at Hershall's to let what's going on there play out. It doesn't bother me the least bit.
Which reminds me. I think Maggie's expression when the walker was killed was likely because she knew who he was, not because she was unfamiliar with them being killed.
The show does suck but I always watch for 3 reasons....
1. They offer up nuggets (answers) to things that flew over my head during that night's episode.
2. They offer up a brief trailer for next week which is different from the end of the current episode one.
3. They might have actors on from the show offering their perspective. Last night it was Maggie and Glenn.
~Yes, she is attractive. Lay off man, she is mine....mine damn it!![]()
I give Hardwick props for last week's show. He was still able to finish his sentences despite the massive tatas on the producer sitting just feet away.