The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Or he wakes up in the hospital bed and realizes the whole thing was a dream. :lol

as mind-******y as that would be, going that route would be the cheapest, copout, unoriginal thing the writers could do. That is tantamount to Star Trek's overuse of the "time conundrum" story vehicle. Plus that would probably piss off a lot of fans even more. I'd be ok with an ambiguous "Sopranos style" ending, just END IT in some way shape or form.....
Or Rick waking up in the Hospital with Lori, Carl and Shane (all shot during the first season like they were actually planning ahead and had an ending in mind). Suddenly there's a commotion in the hallway as someone is brutally being mauled by what they think is just a crazed patient - Fade to black.

****, hire you on the writing staff!!!
Im guessing some are too young to remeber Dallas with the entire season being a dream of Bobby's.

The only time this was ever done successfully was the2nd bob newhart show where he wakes up next to suzanne pleshette. Which was one of the greatest endings to any show ever.
Or Rick waking up in the Hospital with Lori, Carl and Shane (all shot during the first season like they were actually planning ahead and had an ending in mind). Suddenly there's a commotion in the hallway as someone is brutally being mauled by what they think is just a crazed patient - Fade to black.

I'd be down for that.
Im guessing some are too young to remeber Dallas with the entire season being a dream of Bobby's.

The only time this was ever done successfully was the2nd bob newhart show where he wakes up next to suzanne pleshette. Which was one of the greatest endings to any show ever.

The Newhart show from the Eighties was one of my favorites.

The jugs were good, but she looked too bloated from being preggers.

From "Tara's" Instagram page. She also showed a pic of her little girl. Guess she took a lot of **** from people.

Dear Instagram trolls, body shamers, and the men and woman who think it's ok to comment on my weight: I hope that you don't have children. And if you do, I hope you teach them about kindness and acceptance. I hope they learn that it isn't ok to make fun of people or call people names. I hope one day YOU learn what it takes to be a parent. A kind, selfless parent. A working parent. A parent that puts themselves in someone else's shoes. Maybe you can't get it through your thick ****ing skull, but nursing a baby for a year (and pumping in a van between takes, in the dead of summer in Georgia) is a lot of work, determination, and scheduling. So before you decide to make a comment about my chest being "too large" or how "fat" I've become, just know that this little girl got the best start to life. I wouldn't have changed it for a second. I would've gladly continued to eat enough calories to produce milk for her little bones to grow. Also, grow the **** up. Your mother should be ashamed for raising such a judgmental bully. I'm sure she knows how "courageous" you must be for trolling and hiding behind your Iphone and computers. P.s. I would LOVE to see any man or woman give birth to a baby, nurse the baby, and then work 17 hour days and NAIL their own stunts. P.s.s. Be kind to each other. We need it now more than ever. ❤️✌��️
I knew she'd be forced into making a post like that, unfortunately. This was her first dedicated episode, you could be damn sure she was going to be reading the reactions to it - not necessarily here obviously - but on the internet generally.
Boo boo. She did get fat. It's a fact. I don't see why she's crying about it. She's lucky her character didn't get killed off when she got knocked up. Conversely, the actress that plays Sasha was pregnant and yet, she looks he same as she did for the past couple of seasons.

As for the eventual end and the Whispers, I'm hoping the comics end soon. There's really no where left for them to go. Rick either needs to die or Carl dies and he kills himself. That's that. They're never going to find a cure the way the premise is built, and, unless Negan betrays them, they're all out of enemies.
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Boo boo. She did get fat. It's a fact. I don't see why she's crying about it. She's lucky her character didn't get killed off when she got knocked up. Conversely, the actress that plays Sasha was pregnant and yet, she looks he same as she did for the past couple of seasons.


She wasn't writing, complaining or "crying" about getting fat. She was writing about the juvenile douche bag reactions people on the internet were writing about her.
Thats the trick with TV shows that have season arcs. There always has to be something bigger around the bend.

TV shows used to be episodic. Stories contained to one episode (sometimes two at the most) story arcs. Doctor Who suffers from the same thing as TWD. TV shows with grand story arcs tend to paint themselves into a corner. Ever since LOST, that is how these shows have been run.

They should go back to the older way of TV story telling. Lose the grand season arcs.

People get bored easy these days. You'll rarely see long running tv shows in the future. I suspect that NCIS may be the last of those. Let's face it, most dramas are just the same thing over and over. Conflicts and resolution.......on to the next conflict.

that's all well and good, but when each seasonal story arc is the rehashing of the same thing, that's what makes people lose interest. Even Breaking Bad had 'seasonal' arcs if you will, all the while tying into a greater story arc, but point being is, it CAN work (seasonal story arc) as long as they are different per season. TWD has been un-original since's the same **** every season. The comic writers had (key word HAD) a good idea at first, and ultimately, a 3-4 year run at best with this material. it's gone on way too long and they are still churning them out (comics).

The problem here is the apocalypse part of it. The fact that they dont meet people often.

Shows like dexter or supernatural or buffy the vampire slayer are also formulaic and tend to have the same plot over and over. But their world and the other supporting characters make the show interesting enough to watch
Plus we tend to take for granted the fact that the world in those shows is still going on and these characters sometimes have jobs or other things going on. That might sound funny but when buffy or dexter go to have a coffee or go do research that makes it interesting.

This show is not only a zombie show but a survival show.

Rick has no double life or no second job. They only have one mission, dont starve to death.
The show is not even about the human drama sometimes,
It becomes a survival show and for them to still be worrying about starving by season 7 is getting old.

It is realistic, but boring by now. Seeing rick struggling to find food or shelter is not as interesting.

The lack of people in the towns they visit is getting old.
It is the little things. This show is not the only one that recycles plots, even cartoons like spiderman constantly recycle their plots

I guess apocalyptic shows will reach a dead end that other shows dont reach ( as much)

She wasn't writing, complaining or "crying" about getting fat. She was writing about the juvenile douche bag reactions people on the internet were writing about her.

They're right though, she got noticeably fat, almost jarringly so. It's not trolling or body shaming, she got ****ing fat. She undoubtedly did and people are simply pointing it out. She is on a hit television show that millions of people tune into, not some desk job. People noticing is bound to happen. Same deal with people pointing out that Carl and Dwight's hairstyles have changed between last season and this season . . . despite the continuity being days/weeks apart.

It is what it is. She's ranting about how men and women don't know what it's like to be in her shoes and it just comes across as unprofessional. The media outlets are like "damn girl, you put those sort trolls in their place", when in reality, the fact remains. Tara is fat. She got fat, the character doesn't look the same as she did in her appearances before they wrote her out of the season and it's obvious. It's all true, pointing it out isn't rude. Nobody cares if it's her diet, that she had a baby or whatever. She doesn't match up to what she looked like previously. This can apply to any actor on a tv show. Hell, it happened in Breaking Bad.

Tara isn't even a compelling character. Her sister that ****ed the Governor was more interesting until they killed her off ofscreen.
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There are no such things as trolls, just some people that say things that some people don't want to hear.
There are no such things as trolls, just some people that say things that some people don't want to hear.

Teens tend to be trolls though. Or 9gag users lol... those are definitely trolls.

Like the people bullying the girl from modern family
They were all like teenage girls messing with her
I'll remember that the next time you accuse me of trolling. :lol

You've never trolled on here. Been a bit of a *****, sure, but never a troll. I like you pixeltwin.

Like the people bullying the girl from modern family
They were all like teenage girls messing with her

Well, the breast reductions were a mistake or whatever the fresh news story was at the time. It's a common courtesy. I don't follow these things.

I don't believe in "fat shaming", if someone is fat, you tell them. They should appreciate that random strangers care about their well being to be healthy. Think of it as a public service.
You've never trolled on here. Been a bit of a *****, sure, but never a troll. I like you pixeltwin.

Well, the breast reductions were a mistake or whatever the fresh news story was at the time. It's a common courtesy. I don't follow these things.

I don't believe in "fat shaming", if someone is fat, you tell them. They should appreciate that random strangers care about their well being to be healthy. Think of it as a public service.

You've never trolled on here. Been a bit of a *****, sure, but never a troll. I like you pixeltwin.

Well, the breast reductions were a mistake or whatever the fresh news story was at the time. It's a common courtesy. I don't follow these things.

I don't believe in "fat shaming", if someone is fat, you tell them. They should appreciate that random strangers care about their well being to be healthy. Think of it as a public service.

Im just saying that the trolls bullying that girl were teen girls but the media blamed guys.
But if u looked at the profiles it was obvious that it was teen girls.
I don't believe in "fat shaming", if someone is fat, you tell them. They should appreciate that random strangers care about their well being to be healthy. Think of it as a public service.

WTH? :lol

The question is, why should anyone care enough to tell them they're fat? Might as well tell people they're ugly, too. Maybe it'll force them to get plastic surgery. :lecture

In all seriousness, the chick who plays Tara, her weight was a little distracting and kinda took me out of the show. However, I don't condone people picking on her because of her weight gain. Not everyone can handle pregnancy the same way. Pick on their acting or their performance. But attacking them physically is really low.