The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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same with nudity, Beatrix Kiddo can chop the limbs of 100 men on tv but show one naked nipple and society would collapse. kids can watch all the gore they want but god forbid they see a breast, we can't have that. the bible says so.

Kinda why things are so screwed up in this country. I know as a kid my Parents let me see pretty much any movie I wanted, which at that age were mostly horror movies, but let me tell you, a naked person appears on screen and they were quick to tell me to cover my eyes. Really sends a screwed up message. Luckily I was smart enough to recognize that when I was young.

I think it comes down to embarrasment and not wanting to have to answer those kinds of questions from your kid.

I myself am very protective about what I let my child watch, I would not expose her to the kind of stuff I watched as a kid. But if I had to choose, i would be much less concerned about nudity than violence.
People curse every day in just casual conversation. They would certainly use cursewords in extreme situations like while under attack by a horde of zombies.
same with nudity, Beatrix Kiddo can chop the limbs of 100 men on tv but show one naked nipple and society would collapse. kids can watch all the gore they want but god forbid they see a breast, we can't have that. the bible says so.

Who lets thier kids watch tons of gore?

This kind of arguement usually assumes that parents are apsolutly fine with showing excessive amounts of violence to thier children.

Most parents aren't ok with thier kid watching either.
Who lets thier kids watch tons of gore?

This kind of arguement usually assumes that parents are apsolutly fine with showing excessive amounts of violence to thier children.

Most parents aren't ok with thier kid watching either.

Its an argument against whats considered ''airable'' moreso I think. Why is it more acceptable to see a man being eaten alive by zombies, chunks of flesh being ripped away and blood spurting everywhere, than it is to have someone say ***k every now and again. If you're gonna have one you might aswell have the other.
I am glad it doesn't have swearing. It widens the shows appeal so it won't die a horrible death like Tombstone or other lame shows that try to be "edgy".
Who lets thier kids watch tons of gore?

This kind of arguement usually assumes that parents are apsolutly fine with showing excessive amounts of violence to thier children.

Most parents aren't ok with thier kid watching either.

well technically gore and violence is not okay, but for some reason this country rather have gore and blood on tv that ever showing a naked breast. And while i am not saying porn should be allowed on tv or anything like that I just don't get the shaming of the human body either, specially boobs,
they rather have you seeing the insides of a woman before ever letting you see her boobs :lol
wow = :dunno

There is an element of pandering to lowbrows when writers introduce gratuitous swearing.

It doesn't have to be gratuitous. I'm not suggesting ever other word needs to be a curse, only in situations where it would in fact be realistic for the characters to use profanity.

Now, we're in season 3 and no one has said ***k so to start now would be bizarre but I'm just saying it should have been there from the beginning.
well technically gore and violence is not okay, but for some reason this country rather have gore and blood on tv that ever showing a naked breast. And while i am not saying porn should be allowed on tv or anything like that I just don't get the shaming of the human body either, specially boobs,
they rather have you seeing the insides of a woman before ever letting you see her boobs :lol

That's a cute talking point, but the reality is a lot more kids will derail their lives with sexual mistakes than with gunfights.

My oldest two kids are 8 and 5. I've let them watch parts of The Walking Dead. Not whole episodes, and not the goriest parts ... but a few minutes here and there, including some zombie combat. The biggest parental fear there is nightmares. They've never had any, though. My 5yo son thought it was awesome.

On the other hand ... we won't let them watch sitcoms with casual sex in it. We've cut off episodes of The Big Bang Theory that had two unmarried people showering together. A skewed vision of appropriate sexuality can do a lot more damage to a kid than seeing a zombie get cut down. Fantasy vs. reality.
