The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Did anyone see the first two minutes of Sunday's episode during last weekend's WD marathon? Things are getting heated... :panic:

I'll be totally honest, when they played that preview for s.3 in the contrast of the Darabont s.1 stuff I'd been watching a few hours, it felt a little corny and soap operish. It's still enjoyable but I feel like theirs been an overall quality drop that's happened very slowly but like i said when you see it in that contrast it was really clear and more obvious.
Did you see the season 3 Bluray box set is going to be a fish tank with 5 heads and can be filled with water. I can't link on my cell phone but if you look you can find it
I had no intention of buying this show, because it ends up on Netflix anyway...but wow...I might just cave in, just for that package.
I'll be totally honest, when they played that preview for s.3 in the contrast of the Darabont s.1 stuff I'd been watching a few hours, it felt a little corny and soap operish. It's still enjoyable but I feel like theirs been an overall quality drop that's happened very slowly but like i said when you see it in that contrast it was really clear and more obvious.

No one is going to agree with you here, apparently if they do, someone is going to murder them because this show is perfect in every way possible.

But I agree. There's been a giant drop off, and it's now getting back to a level that's watchable. Season 1 is still the best. Season 3 is the most fun.
I'll be totally honest, when they played that preview for s.3 in the contrast of the Darabont s.1 stuff I'd been watching a few hours, it felt a little corny and soap operish. It's still enjoyable but I feel like theirs been an overall quality drop that's happened very slowly but like i said when you see it in that contrast it was really clear and more obvious.

I too like season 1 the most, but I'm not sure I feel the show has dropped in quality as much as it has just been taken in a different direction. I guess it depends on which direction you like more.

That is awesome! Did season 1 ever get a cool deluxe treatment? A bicycle girl case of some sort would be a no-brainer.

Season 1 is still the best. Season 3 is the most fun.

That's pretty much how I feel.
I too like season 1 the most, but I'm not sure I feel the show has dropped in quality as much as it has just been taken in a different direction. I guess it depends on which direction you like more..

Well yea I agree about the differant direction, like I said it's still something I can enjoy, but S.1 felt like a movie, and ever since the farm finale it's felt alot more like I'm watching a video game. Hershal's unlimited ammo, the way Lori was written off so quickly, Rick's insanity, even Hardwick pointed out the armored prison zombies felt like a video game. As long as the drop doesn't continue and they don't abandon new characters being just as fleshed out as the orginal ones they will be ok.
Well yea I agree about the differant direction, like I said it's still something I can enjoy, but S.1 felt like a movie, and ever since the farm finale it's felt alot more like I'm watching a video game. Hershal's unlimited ammo, the way Lori was written off so quickly, Rick's insanity, even Hardwick pointed out the armored prison zombies felt like a video game. As long as the drop doesn't continue and they don't abandon new characters being just as fleshed out as the orginal ones they will be ok.

The Hershel ammo and armored zombies segments definitely had a video-game vibe, no denying that. :lol I actually remember having that exact thought when the armored zombies appeared, although it does make plenty of "logical" sense that there would be some of them. I agree, though, developed characters will be key.
Yea I mean I liked all that stuff, it just feels really differant then particularly the first 2-3 episodes. Luckily it makes sense how we got there as you follow the progression of the story but like I said when you see the contrast of watching multiple s.1 episodes and then going right into that s.3 clip it was blatant.
I've got both seasons on blu and I'll get this one. Didn't go for the special packaging for S2 but this one is pretty sweet so I might go for it. As far as the show its as good as its always been IMO but there where parts of S2 that sucked a little. That happens with every show though.
No one is going to agree with you here, apparently if they do, someone is going to murder them because this show is perfect in every way possible.

But I agree. There's been a giant drop off, and it's now getting back to a level that's watchable. Season 1 is still the best. Season 3 is the most fun.

Why don't you try thinking first before typing?:lol

I can't help but think your comment is directed at me and others who still like the show. You and Deckard don't like the show or think it has dropped in quality? Doesn't bother me. I could care less what you think. What bothers me is reading your posts where you try and speak for other people who still like the show. I've never said it was perfect, but it is by far still the best show on tv, IMO.

Stop trying to stir **** up. :nono
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Actually I said several times I still like/watch it. :peace

Most shows have a quality drop as they move along. Most recover. Frasier is the only show I can think of where the main character became a completely unlikable d-bag as the show progressed to the point I couldn't put up with it anymore.