The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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Oh, I'm glad Allen is dead by the way. I hated that guy. I loved how the Governor just blew his head off without hesitation.

Strange we never got to see his reaction to Merle taking his son out.
Well than he and Michonne are as good as a couple. Funny that it's in an article but if I'm not mistaken, at no point spelled out on the show.

BTW, where was Morgan? Still in crazy town i guess.
I'm ****ing pissed. I had a feeling they were going to basically pull a Dale on Andrea.

Her getting caught a couple episodes back ticked me off and felt very cheap, but I was hoping they were putting her through this to harden her character more. Instead they did pretty much the EXACT SAME THING THIS EPISODE. Dragging out her escape only for her to end up dead like that was really ****ing lame. :mad:

Her character grows... she learns more about herself and understands were she went wrong... becomes more likeable... and then they kill her. Such a ****ing waste.

I had a feeling they were going to push the Governor storyline into next season, too. How long do they plan to drag this out? This episode felt more like a mid-season finale.

I still like the show, but there are decisions that are making me wonder WTF is going on in the writer's room.

There where some good things about this episode. Good character moments (even with Andrea). Carl's kill was awesome. The Governor snapping and murdering his little "army" was pretty crazy. Now just where the **** did he drive off to? :lol
Then all I was thinking about towards the end, as the Governor and his men were running away from the "climactic prison battle, season finale" was why the hell they wrapped up Merle so quick. He had a great last episode and went out the best, but when you see this last one, it's like his death was for nothing. Just a way to get rid of him.

I don't think so. The Governor planned on ambushing Rick at the meeting. Merle took out eight of the Governor's best, not just eight random schmucks. The showdown at the prison could've looked a lot different if Merle hadn't done what he did (and the showdown with Merle could've looked a lot different if Milton hadn't burned the Governor's walker-bomb).

The showdown happened logically ... make it look abandoned, funnel them into a small space, scare the hell out of them and make them flee. They're not soldiers. They have no skills. They've never been in a gunfight. Get them closed-in, make their numbers useless ... and then use their inexperience to your advantage. If Merle hadn't taken down those eight ... there'd probably have been a firefight in the catacombs.

I thought it was a fitting ending ... and I like that the writers don't always take you where you're expecting to go. Everybody expected the Governor, Martinez and the black fella to die ... they didn't. Everybody expected some of the weakest at the prison to fall ... they didn't. Everybody expected Rick's crew would take out a bunch of the Governor's and the Governor himself, and lose a few of their own ... but the Governor took out his own and fled to fight another day, and Rick lost none, and gained several useful people.

And, in contrast to last year's ending which set up what's next ... this ending left you wondering where they're going with it. Keeping people guessing is a good thing.

Hmmm... not sure what to think about this one. On one hand, I thought it was a good episode overall.

However, as the cap to a season-long build-up... it felt a bit anticlimactic to me. Having the Governor go insane and kill his own people seemed like the easy way out for the writers to get rid of the problem of Woodbury without having our people commit a mass slaughter.

Still, the drama with Milton and Andrea was well handled and the ending of Andrea's story was suitably sad and emotional. It was a bit muted, however, by the fact that we never really got to see her and Michonne together much to really feel their friendship. I feel like Michonne in general has just been a bit mishandled as a character.

Also, I thought it was interesting that in interviews Norman Reedus he said Darryl turned hard after Merle's death. But he barely mentioned it in the episode. Maybe he just knows something about the upcoming season. As for Carl. You know, as cold as that was... he did kind of have a point.

I didn't dislike the finale... just wasn't sure it really whetted my appetite for next season the way I wanted it to. I was really hoping they'd have left the prison by the end of this season. This show just needs to be on the move more.
I'm ****ing pissed. I had a feeling they were going to basically pull a Dale on Andrea.

Her getting caught a couple episodes back ticked me off and felt very cheap, but I was hoping they were putting her through this to harden her character more. Instead they did pretty much the EXACT SAME THING THIS EPISODE. Dragging out her escape only for her to end up dead like that was really ****ing lame. :mad:

Her character grows... she learns more about herself and understands were she went wrong... becomes more likeable... and then they kill her. Such a ****ing waste.

I had a feeling they were going to push the Governor storyline into next season, too. How long do they plan to drag this out? This episode felt more like a mid-season finale.

I still like the show, but there are decisions that are making me wonder WTF is going on in the writer's room.

There where some good things about this episode. Good character moments (even with Andrea). Carl's kill was awesome. The Governor snapping and murdering his little "army" was pretty crazy. Now just where the **** did he drive off to? :lol


And think about it, all that set up with the tool Milton "accidentally" dropped for her was for nothing. Why even take all that time with the episode just to kill her off?

We've seen Andrea in far worse situations, we've even seen her take out walkers in hand to hand combat. Hell, she's a better fighter than Glenn, and Glenn took out the walker that Merle threw out at him when he was tied to a chair.

They ****ed Andrea as a character over real good, as if the episode before last with her literally feet away from the prison wasn't enough. When I saw she was all bloody, then the wound, I was like "oh yeah, she's dead". They definitely pulled off a Dale with a cheap *** death.

Heh, ironic too, speaking of Dale. It's gonna be funny looking back at Season 1 and Season 2 with Andrea's character arc. How Dale was so against her killing herself back at the CDC, then that period of her growing, finding meaning in life, getting more lethal, finding Michonne, only to end with her . . . shooting herself in the head.
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So I'm sort of pissed off.
I read online 3 weeks ago, about how the last 2 episodes would end and it was only half right.
The site showed the pics of Merle as a walker and Daryl killing him off. It also said that the prison was over run by another herd of walkers and some one shot Maggie Greene while she was carrying the baby.The baby turns and eats a Maggie.Hershel sees it and is also shot.The governor escaped to fight again
Kind of glad Andrea died,she was the definition of dumb blonde.
Carl is turning into one hell of a bada$$
Can't wait for October!
Am I the the only wondering why Maggie & Glenn or anyone else from the group didn't shoot the governor down when him and his group starting fleeing the prison? Why was it only those two shooting? Why weren't they killing anyone? Were they purposely shooting the ground just to scare them off? I guess I could see that, but why not at least kill the governor? That whole scene made zero ****ing sense. Let's all hide and set a trap for the governor and the group, only to do nothing and let them all escape. Retarded! They knew all along the governor was out for blood so why let them escape? Why entertain the possibility of them trying a second time?

Like other's have said, Andrea talked way too much during her attempt to escape the chair. Me and a couple of friends were watching it together and I said out loud, "What, she can't talk and use the pliers at the same time? Such a lackluster ending for Andrea. Seems the writers just wanted to kill her off. Besides, she was free when zombie Milton started to attack. Andrea can hold her own with more than one zombie. You're telling me she couldn't take out Milton unscathed? This whole episode was bull*****.
All I have to say is that, I did not expect the season to end this way. If anything tonight's episode really surprised me......

Really didn't expect the Governor to do that to everyone else.
So I'm sort of pissed off.
I read online 3 weeks ago, about how the last 2 episodes would end and it was only half right.
The site showed the pics of Merle as a walker and Daryl killing him off. It also said that the prison was over run by another herd of walkers and some one shot Maggie Greene while she was carrying the baby.The baby turns and eats a Maggie.Hershel sees it and is also shot.The governor escaped to fight again

The baby turns and eats Maggie? With what? It has no teeth, or muscle coordination for that matter, it's a newborn.
why didn't ricks group lock them in prison when they were searching the hallways?
all rick had to do was close and lock door
carl had every right to shoot


I don't think people wanted him to be an emotionless killer. It was just nice to see him being able to hold his own in the beginning of the season, going from "problem child" causing mischeif and killing Dale, to a valuable member who goes on runs. Watching a kid have that level of maturity was very interesting, but he took what Morgan said too seriously.

I've got the Funko one on preorder. Loving that line.

Good call on what Morgan said to him. That is a pretty good observation!

Didn't like that episode, bad season finale. The last Merle episode was much better in my opinion.

Can't believe the Governor didn't get killed, but I'm glad, he's a great villain. That was crazy how he mowed down all his men without batting an eye (lol).

Pretty ****ty send off for Andrea too, especially for a season 1 original. I guess people that hated her got their wish. I thought as a main character she was better than that. That wasn't Laurie Holden, that was the writers ****ing her up. I liked her last lines, basically "I tried to please you, tried to help", sort of worked for both the actual story and the fans. We've seen her in worse situations and she got out of it easily. They clearly just wrote her off.

Then that "battle", hahaha, sort of a joke. Merle had a great redemption last episode but now it's almost like it was for nothing. He could have stayed back and joined the fray and lived. He had so much more potential too. Sorta disappointing.

the "battle" did made me laugh a little bit when everyone started running away. Specially when the Governor is running for cover. That was pretty funny. It started pretty good but ended up being funny.

I still can't believe the Governor just turned on his own people.

and where the hell did he go? it was night by the time Rick got to Woodbury, did he go drinking or something?
why didn't ricks group lock them in prison when they were searching the hallways?

I thought the same thing but figured they had to hide themselves too far away from the cells to keep from getting discovered to risk running in there without getting caught.
why didn't ricks group lock them in prison when they were searching the hallways?
all rick had to do was close and lock door
carl had every right to shoot

at first I thought that was exactly what was going to happen. I thought Daryl or someone would lock the doors up, and I thought maybe the prison was going to have zombies inside.
No way for them to go or something like that.
I was satisfied, like having a good meal.

Carl, I may refer to him now as "Li'l Merle", or "Reborn Shane". I swear he asked his Dad, "What the Feck is this?!" at the end. Carl is now more ready for this world than his Father. He did the right thing in the context of this show. His speech to Rick was spot on. Enough of Lori appearances already!

Interesting way to wrap up Milton and Andrea.

Finally glad to see some body armor being worn by Rick's group.

Disappointed there wasn't much booby trap action.

They better go back and get the vehicles, weapons, ammo and other supplies from Woodbury.

There better be a huge herd of Walkers heading to the Prison after all that noise. Prison siren, etc.
The baby turns and eats Maggie? With what? It has no teeth, or muscle coordination for that matter, it's a newborn.

You're trying to make sense out of that when a walker can rip a mans chest open with decayed arms and muscles,but can't smash the window of the car Merle was in while listening to the radio and drinking?
You're trying to make sense out of that when a walker can rip a mans chest open with decayed arms and muscles,but can't smash the window of the car Merle was in while listening to the radio and drinking?

Well, a lack of teeth and the strength to move your own body are pretty bug hurdles to overcome. It's a zombie show, I'm willing to suspend disbelief, but not that far.