The Walking Dead - TV Series on AMC ( Comic and Un-aired Spoilers unwelcome!)

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I don't think so. I think it's exactly what you said. The writers wrote that character so badly, they killed her off for the fans.

That's apparently easier then actually trying and giving the actress some actual well made material to work with.

Honestly, it didn't justify anything Andrea did. It didn't make me feel sorry for her. It made me realize how much time was wasted on this character when she amounted to nothing. Not a goddamn thing.

the thing is, if Andrea was not there for season 3 what would they have done for drama?

Andrea feels pointless for you but she was there for filler pretty much.

Oh, I'm glad Allen is dead by the way. I hated that guy. I loved how the Governor just blew his head off without hesitation.

Strange we never got to see his reaction to Merle taking his son out.

I really cannot believe the Governor just shot the guy like that. He was pointing his gun at the governor, when the Governor raised his arm for a second I thought "oh so is it Allen who kills the Governor?"

It was just weird to see the governor raise his gun at him and killing him like that.
I really cannot believe the Governor just shot the guy like that. He was pointing his gun at the governor, when the Governor raised his arm for a second I thought "oh so is it Allen who kills the Governor?"

It was just weird to see the governor raise his gun at him and killing him like that.

Nah, it wasn't out of character for the Governor to do that.

I was sort of shocked when he just started blasting into his crowd of people, head shots galore, but then I got it. That's exactly what the character would have done. He's nuts. Look at what he did to his bud Milton, or even Andrea. He didn't give a **** about Woodsbury.

I'm surprised that Martinez and Bowman just left with him though. They're probably afraid he'd kill them too.

It'll be interesting to see where they take him. I don't read the comics, but I know all about the character Negan. I wonder if they'll have the ***** to try and adapt him and Lucille. I can't imagine what a Governor/Negan team up would mean.
First off, why the heck aren't you guys just DVRing this. Watching commercials is for suckers now :lol

I have to say, I too was disappointed. Anticlimactic is the best way to put it. They built up this huge war between the two groups and there really never was one. Its realistic in the sense of how it played out though, but realism usually is boing.

I'm glad the Gov made it out alive. I feel like it will be good to have him out there. Keeps the group on guard. They have to watch out for the dead AND the living now. They never know when either will strike.

I agree that I don't see why they are leaving Woodbury for the prison. Woodbury has elec-freaking-tricity for crying out loud. At least take everyone in for a hot shower! I can't imagine the prison being a better place to live than Woodbury right now. All the kids and old people are just zombie fodder for next season though. I can't see them keeping such a large group around for long. At least Herschel has people his own age to hang out with.

I was glad to see Andrea go. She was just poorly written. The actress did her very best with her, but she couldn't help the bad writing for her character. It was nice to at least see a different emotion on Michonne. She is still human! :lol

I have to agree Carl was justified in his kill. They told the kid to DROP the gun. But instead he does the cliché movie trick where to slowly comes toward you pretending to hand you the gun while he is getting ready to pull something dirty. At least Carl and I watched enough of those types of moments to not hesitate. If the kid wanted to live, he should have LISTENED and DROPPED the gun. He had it coming. Carl knows what is needed to survive in this world better than Rick for sure. Kids adapt quicker than adults. Carl spent less time before the event than Rick so he isn't grounded in the past as much as Rick is. If Rick doesn't learn quick, Carl might even put him down sooner rather than later.
Even though his coldness afterward was a little disturbing, I agree Carl was justified. That kid was totally stalling, I'd have shot too.
First off, why the heck aren't you guys just DVRing this. Watching commercials is for suckers now :lol

I have to say, I too was disappointed. Anticlimactic is the best way to put it. They built up this huge war between the two groups and there really never was one. Its realistic in the sense of how it played out though, but realism usually is boing.

I'm glad the Gov made it out alive. I feel like it will be good to have him out there. Keeps the group on guard. They have to watch out for the dead AND the living now. They never know when either will strike.

I agree that I don't see why they are leaving Woodbury for the prison. Woodbury has elec-freaking-tricity for crying out loud. At least take everyone in for a hot shower! I can't imagine the prison being a better place to live than Woodbury right now. All the kids and old people are just zombie fodder for next season though. I can't see them keeping such a large group around for long. At least Herschel has people his own age to hang out with.

I was glad to see Andrea go. She was just poorly written. The actress did her very best with her, but she couldn't help the bad writing for her character. It was nice to at least see a different emotion on Michonne. She is still human! :lol

I have to agree Carl was justified in his kill. They told the kid to DROP the gun. But instead he does the cliché movie trick where to slowly comes toward you pretending to hand you the gun while he is getting ready to pull something dirty. At least Carl and I watched enough of those types of moments to not hesitate. If the kid wanted to live, he should have LISTENED and DROPPED the gun. He had it coming. Carl knows what is needed to survive in this world better than Rick for sure. Kids adapt quicker than adults. Carl spent less time before the event than Rick so he isn't grounded in the past as much as Rick is. If Rick doesn't learn quick, Carl might even put him down sooner rather than later.

I am still not sure why they chose to move everyone to the prison.

I hope the first thing they talk about in the new season is the reason for that. I mean, it would have been cool to see Glenn and Maggie and everyone moving to Woodbury.

You are right about the kid Carl shot moving slowly and not dropping the gun, if anything Hershel is the one that is wrong here. why did he have to be such a snitch lol.
All in all a good but not great finale. True it was anticlimactic, but then again what the Governor did to his people was exactly what his character would have done. He's a true psychopath in every sense of the word now. Very Jim Jones-esque to be honest. And Carl telling off Rick was the highlight of the show for me. Rick better watch out--little Shane is loose.
True the kid obviously was gonna make a move I think he underestimated Carl and thought he was just some scared kid and could take him easily.
I am still not sure why they chose to move everyone to the prison.

I hope the first thing they talk about in the new season is the reason for that. I mean, it would have been cool to see Glenn and Maggie and everyone moving to Woodbury.

You are right about the kid Carl shot moving slowly and not dropping the gun, if anything Hershel is the one that is wrong here. why did he have to be such a snitch lol.

I think the justification is that the Governor knows everything about the town, so he could exploit any weakness in the future when he attacks again. You don't want to settle down right where he will have the home field advantage.
This episode pretty much summed up my feelings about the whole season - started out good, wound up kind of on the crappy side. On one hand I'm glad the Governor lived, because he was the second best character this season, besides Merle. On the other hand, this was one of the worst season finales of any show I've ever watched. The only part that I felt was really exciting was the beginning with the Governor and Milton.

All this build up to nothing, and then they kill off a character that, due to the writing, no cared about anymore.

I'm really starting to think that this show thrives more on the premise and hype than the actual episodes. There were more bad and filler episodes this season than good ones, IMO.
I loved that shot of Carl dropping the badge, a visual representation of his shedding off the old ideas of law and justice.
Ending was alright. Figured they would resolve the Governor issue, but glad they didn't. Didn't expect him to take out his own army. :lol

Didn't think Andrea was going to go out, but they handled it well. Except for after the shot you hear a shell hit the floor. Pretty sure Rick handed her his Python.

Carl. On the path to become a Governor.
If Rick (or Tyrese) and Michonne can begin a relationship, then maybe Hershel can find someone too...

I'm glad the Gov made it out alive. I feel like it will be good to have him out there. Keeps the group on guard. They have to watch out for the dead AND the living now. They never know when either will strike.

I agree that I don't see why they are leaving Woodbury for the prison. Woodbury has elec-freaking-tricity for crying out loud. At least take everyone in for a hot shower! I can't imagine the prison being a better place to live than Woodbury right now. All the kids and old people are just zombie fodder for next season though. I can't see them keeping such a large group around for long. At least Herschel has people his own age to hang out with.

That's one thing, I'd never think about going outside of the prison in the courtyard, lawn or fences with the Governor out there.

He could be sniping in the surrounding trees.

And yeah, the people from Woodsbury would rather relocate to a dirty jail? Back at Woodsbury they had electricity, showers and BARBECUES! Sort of weird how they just let in a bus load of them, think of all those mouths that they have to feed. Wasn't there a pregnant lady there too?

I guess Andrea got what she wanted though. Everyone from the prison ended up being safe (besides Merle) and all the Woodsbury civilians got out alive.

Also, while I'm sort of glad the Governor lives to fight another day, I thought for sure he was bitten by those walkers that Andrea set on him in the building. Especially the way he was holding and hiding his wound and all. That felt like something they were going to play up. It was also weird how Milton just got abducted out of no where and is being beaten to a pulp by the Governor. When did he get a hold of him?
I kind of wish Milton didn't go and joined everyone at the prison. I would have liked to see Milton develop a relationship with everyone in Rick's group.
In the following exclusive interview with TVLine, Holden — who deftly drove the role from tough to suicidal and back — addresses some of the specific criticism leveled against her ill-fated alter ego, shares her thoughts on her sad send-off (a self-inflicted bullet to the brain), and reveals when she learned that the end was nigh (hint: not that long ago!).

TVLINE | How long have you known about Andrea’s death?
I didn’t get the official word until a few days before we began [shooting] the finale. It was a shock to everyone. It was never part of the original story docs for Season 3. And it was rather unexpected. That said, this is The Walking Dead. This show is not conventional by any means — and we know that as actors going in. So you roll with it. You show up, you do the best job you can, and you honor the storytelling. Overall, this has been an extraordinary experience and I just feel so blessed to have been a part of it.

TVLINE | Do you know why the decision was made to kill her now?
Honestly, I feel like it’s story-driven. It does propel the story forward… The [second half of Season 3] was a bit of a free-for-all. It had an organic fluidity to it and it just naturally unfolded day-by-day, week-by-week, moment-to-moment.

TVLINE | Andrea has taken some heat from fans this season for, among other things, sticking by the Governor’s side for so long. What do you make of the criticism?
I think when people watch the [entire] season — especially the finale — that her trajectory will be clear. She was a woman caught between two worlds. All she wanted was peace. She was for the people and was willing to do anything and everything possible even if it meant sacrificing herself to preserve humanity and keep the people alive. At times her actions were a bit misunderstood or ambiguous. But when you see the season overall I think people will really understand this girl. She did the best she could. And I do feel there was a sense of closure, healing and completion. The people of Woodbury did reach a sanctuary. No one in the prison was killed. Rick was finally set free from the ghosts of his past. And Andrea died in the arms of her best friends surrounded by the people she loved. She wasn’t cannibalized. She didn’t turn. She was able to go out with a certain amount of dignity. Her last dying wish was to end it herself and she was granted that. And by the grace of God she’s now going to be with her sister. And Dale.

TVLINE | Do you think she died a hero? A martyr?
That’s not my place to say. I’d like to think Andrea’s death will have meaning. That what she stood for and believed in will continue to resonate in the hearts and minds of the people she left behind, because we all learn and grow from one another. I do love that the finale ended [with a shot of] a cross, because I feel that it’s a time for new beginnings and a spiritual awakening. Let the healing begin.

TVLINE | Milton’s exchange with Andrea in the finale felt very meta, because in many ways he was asking her the same questions fans have been asking all season: Why did she choose to stay with the Governor, why didn’t she kill him when she had the chance…
I am so grateful for how that [scene] was written. It was written by [new Season 4 showrunner] Scott Gimple. I feel like there is complete closure and resolution with the character, and any questions the fans had have now been answered. It couldn’t have been a better ending in terms of really understanding her past.

TVLINE | She kept coming back to the same refrain — “I wanted to save everyone,” “I didn’t want there to be any death.”
Since [around] Episode 9 — when the Governor pit [Merle and Daryl] against each other, and then when [Andrea] went to the prison and found out about all the insane things he had been doing — her whole modus operandi from that point forward was, “How can I make sure that these people stay alive? How can I bring about peace?” She was a human rights lawyer prior to the apocalypse; she’s not a killer. She’s never killed a human being in her life. She’s killed a lot of zombies. I think fans who were unhappy with the fact that she wasn’t able to follow through on killing [the Governor] when she was standing over the bed [with the knife], have to understand that that was a moral dilemma within her. She believed in humanity. She believed that, “OK, there’s got to be a better way.” And she was successful. There was a peace conference. Yes, it went south, but she was able to put that together. She was always trying. And there’s something to be said for that. And listen, at the end of the day, she was the casualty of war. I feel like she did not die in vain.

TVLINE | Was the final sequence between Andrea and Michonne as emotional to shoot as it was to watch?
Yes. [Sighs] Yes. [Long pause] You have to understand — we all love each other. We’ve been working on location in the backwoods of Georgia for the last few years. We’ve become a family. It’s very hard to say good-bye… I just love how it was written. I love that Andrea was able to ask for a gun and take matters into her own hands. I love that she was able to say, “I know how the safety works” — she came full circle from Season 1 with Rick. And I love that there was a healing and a closure between these two women who loved each other so much.

TVLINE | It made me want to see more flashbacks to the time Andrea and Michonne were on the run together. Are you sad there wasn’t more time spent showing the beginnings of that relationship?
It’s not up to me, you know? I’m the actor. I do what I’m told. The writers are the ones in charge of the storylines. And they write the scenes. Woulda, shoulda, coulda. Do I wish we could’ve seen and explored more of the comic-book-Robert-Kirkman Andrea? Yes. Absolutely. Do I wish that I had more scenes with Michonne showing that friendship? Yes. Absolutely. But at the end of the day, I don’t think I could ask for a better death. I feel like her life mattered, and she died trying, and her heart was in the right place. I feel grateful for that. You can’t have it all.

TVLINE | I was a little surprised the Governor made it out of the episode alive. Are you, as a fan of the show, looking forward to seeing him get his comeuppance?
I think that’s inevitable. The man has crossed into such evil, dark territory that there is no redemption for him — ever. But this is the nature of our show. This is why it’s so popular. I think everyone assumed that I would be saved from the torture chamber, that I would kill the Governor, and it would be a big happy ending. But we don’t do that on The Walking Dead. And, at the end of the day, all Andrea wanted was to get back to her family and to make sure that the people didn’t die — the people in Woodbury and the people in prison. And she accomplished that. And if it meant that she had to go down to make that happen so be it.

TVLINE | Will you watch the show moving forward?
I don’t watch the show now. Andy Lincoln (Rick) doesn’t watch the show. When we’re shooting it we’re so invested. It’s every moment of our lives, 18 hours a day. It’s necessary to separate. I think in time I will be able to go back and watch. Because I do love the people I work with. The cast and crew are the best people I’ve ever known, and I want to see their beautiful work and I want to see their journeys. That said… [Sighs]… I guess I’m like an audience member now. [Pauses] I don’t want to see any more people that I love die. [Laughs] Maybe I’d rather live in the dark.

TVLINE | Any chance we might see Andrea again – either as a ghost or vision like Lori or in a flashback?
Anything’s possible. Who knows what they have up their sleeve? There may be scenes of Andrea and Michonne that the audience wanted to see. You may see more of renegade-Robert-Kirkman-badass-Andrea.
I have to think it'd be easier for the Governor and a few guys to sneak into Woodbury than the prison. Secure from walkers, but people have snuck in and out, Rick's group got in no problem. Although Tyrese's group got into the prison too. Also i'm sure the showers at the prison work fine, and its one single complex to keep everyone in. And the people keeping the electricity and other amenities going in Woodbury may have been gunned down. Not everyone is an electrical engineer, plumber, etc.

My guess is the Governor will rally some other smaller groups on the road, take in a few more guys, and than start ambushing Rick's smaller groups that come out for supplies. Maybe build back up to an all out assault with a Tank or some mortars or something that just levels the entire prison.

But cmon, wouldn't it be awfuly similar to the S.2 finale if it was just overrun and they had to leave again. We'd be expecting every season to go just like a video game where they end up settling in only to have to go somewhere new next season. I like they caught most of us off guard.
Good episode.

Characters hated by the fans it's Off with their heads! :lol

Bye Andrea! :wave I feel bad for actress.

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