This is also probably the best example yet of 'changing for the sake of changing' I've seen in a Fox 'X' movie. A Silver Samurai that was more like the original version would've worked way better, and fit the tone that had already been established in the first 2/3 of the movie.
Its like the producers didn't respect the audience enough to just have a great character piece where Wolverine just happens to fight ninjas and a mutant in a samurai costume.
Everybody immediately started *****ing about Trevor after IM3, but to me this was just as bad. Where was the real Silver Samurai? He was in a half second dream sequence.
I totally agree about this part being a letdown. They certainly did their best hollywood mishmash game on the character, but at least it wasn't a deliberate punchline. Already better than Trevorin! Though I was really disappointed they dropped the mutant angle for the IM angle. Producers win again I guess.
Still, it wasn't all bad. I think this was Jackman's best outing yet as Wolverine, and the supporting cast did very well too. Also, the after credit scene was probably the best out of any Marvel movie.
Famke was about 7 years too old for the role when she started. Best case scenario is she throws her consciousness into a cute as hell natural redhead. She's getting the crone face as it is.