The Wolverine

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Nope, bright yellow and blue spandex looks stupid on screen no matter how you light it.
That video came out looking pretty good and actually supports my argument better than yours, you're talking about a video that cost some hundred bucks put into the suit TOPS.

And that's just using the suit straight out of the comics, with the proper redesign could work great.

Sure superhero costumes are silly, but silly in a badass kind of way most times.

My theory is that if it works on statues ala PF which are more realitically done, it can work on screen.


Once again, your theory falls flat. He looks great in static poses, which is the whole reason the PF was sculpted in one, but a live-action actor with that mask just plays as goofy. The Wolverine vs. Predator fan vid has a few parts where you can pause it and say he looks cool, but through most of that vid, he looks like a goofy moron. It's not the budget, it's the costume, which, while still being well done, comes off as goofy.
Once again, your theory falls flat. He looks great in static poses, which is the whole reason the PF was sculpted in one, but a live-action actor with that mask just plays as goofy. The Wolverine vs. Predator fan vid has a few parts where you can pause it and say he looks cool, but through most of that vid, he looks like a goofy moron. It's not the budget, it's the costume, which, while still being well done, comes off as goofy.

How can a theory falls flat? It's a theory cause it hasn't been proved :cuckoo: if anything I've offered enough proof that shows it can work.

I said that the video came out pretty good, which implies the movement also came out good for what it is, sure he looks goofy sometimes, because it's obviously a pre-made costume, it's the same deal with a cosplayer.

You lack the vision to see the possibilities for a proper movie costume made by a professional movie costume designer.

The mere fact that cosplayers can look that good proves that a movie redesign can work.
I would love to see it regardless, but it would have to be dark color for it to work, or a very dirty yellow. :lol

If it were to remain yellow I don't think even a top studio costume designer could make it look serious and not goofy.
How can a theory falls flat? It's a theory cause it hasn't been proved :cuckoo: if anything I've offered enough proof that shows it can work.

I said that the video came out pretty good, which implies the movement also came out good for what it is, sure he looks goofy sometimes, because it's obviously a pre-made costume, it's the same deal with a cosplayer.

You lack the vision to see the possibilities for a proper movie costume made by a professional movie costume designer.

The mere fact that cosplayers can look that good proves that a movie redesign can work.

Cosplayers looking like that is not the same as a multi-million dollar picture looking like that. :lol I don't lack vision. I'm a realist. I love Wolverine as much as any fan, but I'm capable of admitting his mask is a look that just wouldn't translate well to film. While 200 comic book nerds might prefer the look, it's not enough to recoup a blockbuster budget and wouldn't relate well to the necessary audience. It's time to wake up. :wave
Nah, I'm going for the clear lack of vision, because, realistically speaking, it can work.

The point is that if a cosplayer by his own means can looks that good with a pre-made straight up classic comic book costume, a proper designer can do the trick.

By darkening the colors or going straight up with the Xforce variant alone already decreases the goofy factor almost entirely, a redesign mustn't be hard at all.

Sad that you can't see it though.

I would love to see it regardless, but it would have to be dark color for it to work, or a very dirty yellow.

Yup, It's nothing rare that movie costume redesigns get the colors washed out or darkened, so it definitely can work.
Nah, I'm going for the clear lack of vision, because, realistically speaking, it can work.

The point is that if a cosplayer by his own means can looks that good with a pre-made straight up classic comic book costume, a proper designer can do the trick.

By darkening the colors or going straight up with the Xforce variant alone already decreases the goofy factor almost entirely, a redesign mustn't be hard at all.

Sad that you can't see it though.

Yup, It's nothing rare that movie costume redesigns get the colors washed out or darkened, so it definitely can work.

So basically, you copycat what I said and then say I lack vision. :cuckoo:

The only way they MIGHT get away with doing Wolverine in full costume is like they did with Wolverine vs. Batman, using the X-Force suit and keeping him in the dark.
Yeah "basically" :slap

I said that because you said it first since that's the only costume you are able to picture in a movie, I wasn't copying, I was appealing to your own logic, so yes, my comment stands.

It's not like my whole argument is based on that single Xforce point.
What's the point of comic book movies if the characters can't look like they do in the comics? Just make straight forward action movies and be done with it.
What's the point of comic book movies if the characters can't look like they do in the comics? Just make straight forward action movies and be done with it.

Exactly :goodpost:

I'm all for the movies to be a little different from the comics, but they need to throw comic book fans a bone with Wolverine.

Because Wolverine's never ever been drawn with his mask off. :exactly:

:slap :slap :slap

I even said he wouldn't have to be in costume the whole time, you're just being silly at this point. :lol

I like wife beater/regular clothes Wolverine, but I also want the costume/mask.
There might be a way, but they'd have work hard to justify it. Maybe he gets a tribal mask from from a native american or something. Jackman went along way to prove Wolvie doesn't really need a costume. Like he said in the first movie "'what would you prefer, yellow spandex?" I just remember being relieved that no one looked horribly stupid. :lol
There might be a way, but they'd have work hard to justify it. Maybe he gets a tribal mask from from a native american or something. Jackman went along way to prove Wolvie doesn't really need a costume. Like he said in the first movie "'what would you prefer, yellow spandex?" I just remember being relieved that no one looked horribly stupid. :lol

I love the 1st movie, so far is the best wolverine we've got from Jackman, but each time Cyclops asks that, I always yell: "YES FOR GODSAKE" to the screen.