lol@$300 head sculpts
At least Roman looks strong.
Had to do it.
Had to do it.
I've been watching YouTube vids of Big Poppa Pump promos... Been laughing all morning.
That guy, call him what you will, had talent. There's a 20+ vid on YouTube of him "uncensored". It's to die for.
WWE ****ed him.
I enjoyed the Steiners a hell of a lot until Scott got too stiff (in terms of mobility, not in terms of hitting guys hard) in his later years. Scott was a tremendous mat wrestler at one point, until he morphed into Triple H lite. That team had great matches everywhere, and could wrestle anybody.
The Steiner Brothers vs. Jushin Liger/Chris Benoit (New Japan 4.4.94) - Video Dailymotion
Cactus Jack, Dean Malenko & Too Cold Scorpio vs Eddy Guerrero & The Steiner Brothers (ECW Wrestlepalooza 08.05.1995) - Video Dailymotion
In WWE, they had a great match with Bret and Owen Hart.
I never cared for the Big Poppa Pump stuff. Holler if you hear me. But I do admire Scott's ability to adapt to his changing physical abilities. And really to thrive more from a business POV when he turned into that character, even though his matches were often terrible.
You are right. The guy was a bit insane.
I'm now watching some Nitro episodes, and they were very entertaining with him on. I miss those days when WWF and WCW were going head to head.
No we get Roman Reings being pushed down our throats every week.
Im just really hoping after mania, with zayn and a bunch of NXT guys getting promoted to the main roster, injured guys coming back, will help move away from the "roman empire" quickly. If they stay the course, and dude gets booo'd out the building, it's gonna be a quick demise for him and the product.
I see Roman leaving in a year or two. I think creative is getting tired of his injuries that happen and the fact he misses too much time from these injuries while they're giving him a push.
I think this is why Ziggler is down the food chain, I've noticed whenever he gets a title push and then he gets injured, it takes him a long time to get over it. To which when he finally returns , they pretty much sink him.
There's just too much talent coming from NXT that they can't worry about injuries.
Roman will be the next Lashley. Looks and body but nothing else. Can't see passion or smarts for ring psychology. Which shows in his matches, just remembering his spots, cant improvise,sell, ect. Fastlane it was easy to see. Take 3 chair shots from ambrose, pop up, spear then win. No selling or anything, even after having been put in a kimura by lesner.