At least Cena has been part of some good matches. I can't remember a match I truly enjoyed with reigns in it during the past year outside of the beatdown he took last wrestlemania. I miss Rollins.
At least Cena has been part of some good matches. I can't remember a match I truly enjoyed with reigns in it during the past year outside of the beatdown he took last wrestlemania. I miss Rollins.
He had a handful of good ideas, but calling him genius is pushing it a bit far. He was a savvy businessman who wasn't into the business for his whole career. At the time, that was a rarity, and it paid off since he could come at things from a different angle. But he made a lot of enemies behind the scenes (including Austin when he fired him over the phone), and that certainly wasn't very forward-thinking.Say what you want about Bischoff, the guy was a genius and he knew what the fans were starting to want at the time.
I don't agree here. Cena's no Daniel Bryan, and his extremely 'roided body hinders his mobility in the same way that it did for Scott Steiner. But he is able to put good matches together. And in fairness, Cena works his ass off in the ring. He doesn't have the natural skills or instincts that the true in-ring greats have, but he's very serviceable in the ring IMO. My issue with Cena is much more related to his being pushed down everyone's throats, and his sometimes very annoying character. But his mic skills are top notch, and his in-ring skills are decent for what he is.Still light years ahead of Cena in the ring thoughCena is the worst in ring wrestler I've seen since Luger. Roman is just not top guy material, but he could be a good heel. I'd make him a heel an Rollins a face/good guy.
That has to be the worst go home show for Mania I have seen. Aside from the Shane/Taker stuff... it was real bad.
Were the fans really chanting "you still suck" to Roman as Raw went off air?Man, what a sight it will be watching 100,000 strong boo Roman.
What a great weekend it'll be for Triple H. He gets to book what's going to be the better wrestling show and he gets to ME Mania as the babyface. I know it won't happen, but I wouldn't mind seeing him walk out with the title. The crowd would leave happy at the very least.
People saying Bayley should have joined that weird 5 vs 5 women's feud are crazy. She deserves way more than that.
And here we go.