The WWE Thread

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That, of course, makes sense. Still, these guys could get over a lot easier if they were promoted as the 3rd gen stars that they are... Worked well for Orton.

Absolutely. I feel worse in Joe Hennig's case. I don't know how marketable "Michael McGuillicuty" is. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue and I can't imagine Justin Roberts announcing, "...and your new WWE Champion, Michael McGuillicuty!!"

It'll be interesting to see Bo Rotundo and Ritchie Steamboat get called up to the main roster though...Let's see if they go the "real" name route like Orton...I could see it more with Steamboat than with Rotundo.
I don't think there was much left in his feud with Cena. If Punk was still feuding with Cena...people would be crying that the feud is overkill and their program should've been blown-off with Summerslam as the payoff. It was a no win situation. At least the Kevin Nash run-in took everyone by surprise and wasn't predictable.

It wouldn't make sense for Punk to go after Del Rio (after Punk did the same exact thing with his MITB case)...instead he goes after the person that screwed him out of the title...whether it's Triple H, Nash, or's still a major angle on RAW featuring Punk.
I don't think there was much left in his feud with Cena. If Punk was still feuding with Cena...people would be crying that the feud is overkill and their program should've been blown-off with Summerslam as the payoff. It was a no win situation. At least the Kevin Nash run-in took everyone by surprise and wasn't predictable.

It wouldn't make sense for Punk to go after Del Rio (after Punk did the same exact thing with his MITB case)...instead he goes after the person that screwed him out of the title...whether it's Triple H, Nash, or's still a major angle on RAW featuring Punk.

:lecture On a possitive note, Punk never jobbed to Cena in this fued, at least not that I can recall. He beat Cena twice for the title to become a four time champion, clean finishes or not. Sure, Punk isn't in a world title fued now but the second, and at times the most, important fued on Raw generally revolves around a Wrestler v the McMahons.

With Edge retiring I really think this puts Punk into the top 5 wrestlers in the company... There's more title runs in his future, that's certain.
Yeah, that happens until they decide to push guy X, stick him in a match against Punk on Raw, and give a clean, unceremonious loss to Punk, ensuring that in reality, he's just a mid-card guy who will remain a mid-card guy despite having the title here and there when the winds blow that way. Mark Henry's the big heel on Smackdown at the moment, but there's no way he stays that way long-term. Sadly, WWE cares not for establishing real, long-term main event contenders to vie with Cena and Orton. Christian ain't there, and I'm not convinced that Punk is. WWE has screwed this pooch too many times in the past. Most recently with Miz, who seems to lose as easily as he wins now that he's dropped the belt.
You're reminding me of the way they treated RVD, Sam :(... I really think there's more to Punk than simply being a high level mid-carder.... But I agree, we may never see him as the number one on either show.

And Henry always gets these pushes every few years... It never sticks. He's ugly, has no mic skills and no wrestling skills... Hell, he can't even wrestle stiff to sell his strength half the time.
I think Punk deserves more than that, but will he get it, and really become the next Edge? I dunno.

According to JR his new shirt is the highest selling piece of WWE merchandise in quite a while. If he keeps pushing the merch, he'll be prominently featured on television. As for his story, it is only 1 show post SummerSlam so it'll take a while to see where it goes. It seems to me that we're building up to another McMahon-Austin scenario with Punk-HHH.

And if the push continues I can't wait until I can finally get that CM Punk ice cream bar.:yess:
According to JR his new shirt is the highest selling piece of WWE merchandise in quite a while. If he keeps pushing the merch, he'll be prominently featured on television. As for his story, it is only 1 show post SummerSlam so it'll take a while to see where it goes. It seems to me that we're building up to another McMahon-Austin scenario with Punk-HHH.

And if the push continues I can't wait until I can finally get that CM Punk ice cream bar.:yess:


To Grenouille you listen, Sam.
I would probably be listening a lot more carefully if he wasn't a fan of the ____ing _____ Patriots. :)

OK, OK, wrong thread. Sorry about that temporary lapse :lol
I'm not in a possition to talk about anyone's team at the moment, regardless of the thread....

And thanks for blitzing the hell out of us in a preseason game too. Just what our crappy QBs needed, Sam. :(
Hey, when you've got a very weak defense like we do, trying to trick and confuse offenses is the only thing that really makes sense! And better for your QBs to learn how to handle that now than when it counts.
I would probably be listening a lot more carefully if he wasn't a fan of the ____ing _____ Patriots. :)

OK, OK, wrong thread. Sorry about that temporary lapse :lol

...and yet you listen to me (and I'm a Patriots fan too)...:lol:rotfl:lol
What did you guys think of the Nash vs CM Punk verbal confrontation on RAW? I heard that was unscripted.

[ame=""]WWE Raw 8/15/11 - Kevin Nash & CM Punk Confrontation - YouTube[/ame]
It wouldn't make sense for Punk to go after Del Rio (after Punk did the same exact thing with his MITB case)...instead he goes after the person that screwed him out of the title...whether it's Triple H, Nash, or's still a major angle on RAW featuring Punk.

Yeah but Cena in another title feud, it sucks and it's boring, just like cashing in TMIB at the end of a title defence is getting old too.

Why couldn't Del Rio and Rey have a feud? No they had to totally disrespect Mystero in his home town by having super Cena come and rescue him.

The Punk storyline would have been awesome if they had the guts to turn Cena heel, make him the corporate champion (Much like the Rock back in the day) Also I think WWE over rate Cena's popularity because the Rock is destroying him in the poll to see who graces the cover of the special edition of WWE 12.

Anyway now we have to look forward to Punk taking on a 52 year old who has had injury problems for the last 20 years, I can't wait
Yeah but Cena in another title feud, it sucks and it's boring, just like cashing in TMIB at the end of a title defence is getting old too.

Why couldn't Del Rio and Rey have a feud? No they had to totally disrespect Mystero in his home town by having super Cena come and rescue him.

The Punk storyline would have been awesome if they had the guts to turn Cena heel, make him the corporate champion (Much like the Rock back in the day) Also I think WWE over rate Cena's popularity because the Rock is destroying him in the poll to see who graces the cover of the special edition of WWE 12.

Anyway now we have to look forward to Punk taking on a 52 year old who has had injury problems for the last 20 years, I can't wait

I hear you with Cena. Seeing him in the main event constantly is stale. The problem with his popularity is that the WWE knows that they are raking in too much money on merchandising for him to turn heel at this point. Trust me when I say has been brought up by members of creative along with WWE management. It's WWE management that fears by turning him heel, they'll lose out on alot of money that Cena is currently bringing in (by a significant portion of a certain demographic :wink1:). They don't call Cena the "Childrens Champion" for nothing. :lol

As far as Rey and Del Rio having a feud, the sendoff on RAW for Rey will be his last for a little while. He's needed surgery for awhile and he's finally getting it done. It's the reason why you don't see this feud happening right now. There's one thing about Rey. He's worked hard for the WWE over the years, but his body has been pretty banged up for years and it's been getting worse. Some say he's on borrowed time in the profession. Let's hope for a speedy recovery so we can see him feud with Del Rio once again...

In regards to Punk, his current feud doesn't end at Nash. It's simply a beginning and should have a decent payoff as the storyline unfolds. Punk is simply in the beginning of something much bigger. Think Stone Cold vs Vince...only substitute CM Punk vs Triple H....
There definitely are some parallels there. Some more obvious than others, such as the security guards coming out last week to keep Punk away from Nash.