"That's the problem with his arguments. They can sound convincing because he is incredibly selective and highly subjective in his use of the so-called 'facts', which in isolation have you intuitively nodding and thinking, 'well yeah, that does sound right'.
For example, yes flu season follows a period of traditional excess. But it also follows a period of relative hibernation, where a lot of people spend a lot of time with each other in warm indoor environments. But nooooo, let's blame it aaaaaaall on the naughty foods
As for the stats on vaccination, research just doesn't work that way. Anyone can find any single example of research output and use the findings to support just about any spurious world view. But it's the weight of the collective body of research that should be observed, and not just isolated outcomes. For example the hysteria that followed a since-debunked research outcome that linked vaccination with autism. It's been responsible for whole communities of hippy-nazis spurning vaccination, and guess what outcome is emerging? Yep. The incidence of vaccine-preventable diseases such as pertussis (whooping cough) has increased in those very same white, middle class communities.
"The bubonic plague went away without a vaccine" - that's a good one "
Firstly, I never said that bad foods was the ONLY cause of the flu. I implied that it was a contributing factor which is something to consider, food for thought, per se.
Time spent with a lot of people isn't going to CAUSE any disease I know of. It will certainly SPREAD a disease faster, but CAUSE one? No.
That's a red herring.
As far as vaccines, a collective body of research? Where is the control group of as large an amount of people in the same type of environment who haven't been vaccinated with which to compare the effectiveness of a vaccine? I know of cases in which the vaccinated group got the disease when the unvaccinated group did not.
Vaccines contain mercury, which as people should know, is a poison.
"Mercury in its various forms is particularly harmful to fetuses as an environmental toxin in pregnancy, as well as to infants. Women who have been exposed to mercury in substantial excess of dietary selenium intakes during pregnancy are at risk of giving birth to children with serious birth defects. Mercury exposures in excess of dietary selenium intakes in young children can have severe neurological consequences, preventing nerve sheaths from forming properly. Mercury inhibits the formation of myelin."
Vaccine and autism link debunked? By WHO? Someone paid by a vaccine company?
How could a known poison that can cause serious birth defects and neurological consequences POSSIBLY cause a neurological problem like autism, particularly when given to an infant, so early in the development of it's brain??? Hmmm. Nahh, I guess they are totally unrelated, right?
If anyone really thinks that mercury could not contribute to autism, maybe THEIR brains were too affected by mercury to make a sound judgment about the subject.
Also, vaccine immunity is not real immunity, because vaccines bypass much of the body's natural defenses as part of it's immune system, by putting the virus directly into the blood.
As a result, those other parts of the body's immune system are never trained, so the body will not be truly prepared for a real exposure to that virus, since it wasn't exposed the way it actually would be exposed to it.
The only TRUE immunity is gained by a real exposure to that real virus, exposing the body to it the way it would actually BE exposed to it, and to allow the body to respond with the whole immune system responding the way it actually would, while monitoring health and giving nutritional support,and proper comfortable environment and such, ect, during the process.
Instead, the concept of a vaccine is to offer a magical fix by putting something directly into the blood without any real true immune response. Of course, there are cases of sudden infant death syndrome, which is often caused by vaccines.
Of course, anyone getting money at all from any vaccine company will never admit to that, because it's big business.