Me too. Fly to Portland. I'll pick you up at the airport and we can get drunk at my house. The Christmas tree is still up and everything. We can wear shiny hats and sing bad.
You know you wanna.
Alcohol dehydrates you. You should drink lots of water before you start drinking.
Hell yes I wanna!
My Dad used to eat a little raw hamburger.
Yup, water is important. I drink a lot anyway, but when I get home from being out, I'll drink some and then first thing in the morning as well.
I only drank two. They were large, but two nonetheless. Didn't finish the second one.
I've had good experiences with drinking whole milk before bed after drinking hard alcohol. I'd like to see the science on that one.
My Dad always ate something and drank milk.
I always get hungry after drinking quite a bit. Doesn't matter what time it is, I need something to eat.
Drinking make me hungry too. I also like to eat after I drink, alcohol hits me faster on an empty stomach.