Super Freak
The third one looks Asian. I'm sure that's racist.
It's the only one that's not yellow

The third one looks Asian. I'm sure that's racist.
Still hating the 'buddy', 'brother' and 'bro' crap. Its ****ing rife all over the damn forum, literally (in the actual meaning of that word) on every single page of any thread I'm in. I really can't overemphasize my hatred of this phenomenon. If it came from Hulk Hogan or ****in' Desmond in Lost, either way, they were years ago! STAPPP IIIT!!!!!
I hate that the Oxford Dictionary now recognises 'literally' as an intensifier, ie a word used for emphasis - and they did it in response to common misusage. It literally gives me the s **ts.
Yup. I can't stand when misuse gets standardized.
i could careless whisper.
I hate all the crap I've accumulated. If I weren't lazy, I would list about 80% of my collection on eBay and just get rid of it.
In fact, some days now I just want to be done with the hobby altogether.
I hate that the Oxford Dictionary now recognises 'literally' as an intensifier, ie a word used for emphasis - and they did it in response to common misusage. It literally gives me the s **ts.
I hate all the crap I've accumulated. If I weren't lazy, I would list about 80% of my collection on eBay and just get rid of it.
In fact, some days now I just want to be done with the hobby altogether.
I hate that the Oxford Dictionary now recognises 'literally' as an intensifier, ie a word used for emphasis - and they did it in response to common misusage. It literally gives me the s **ts.